Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2752 Kill the Skeleton General instantly.

Chapter 2752 Kill the Skeleton General instantly.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for breaking through to the sixth level of Supreme. The Supreme Divine Power Index has increased by 1000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: 24-star sixth-level supreme. The supreme power index has increased by points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: 25-star level supreme. The supreme power index has increased by points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Twenty-six-star sixth-level supreme. The supreme power index has increased by 26 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Forty-Three-Star Sixth-Level Supreme. The Supreme Divine Power Index has increased by 43 points."

With just a few waves, Tang Yi wiped out all the red flame skeletons surrounding him.

The originally crowded venue became empty in an instant. Except for the bloody skeleton general and the white broken bones on the ground, there was nothing else.

And by killing all the red flame skeletons in the field, Tang Yi also gained a huge harvest!
  In terms of level alone, Tang Yi rose to sixty-seven levels in an instant.

From the original seventy-six-star fifth-level supreme, he was promoted to the forty-three-star sixth-level supreme.

Not only did he break through the sixth level, he even improved by forty-three levels.

After breaking through the sixth level, Tang Yi received a 1000-point bonus to the Supreme Divine Power Index!

1000 points!

1000 points of supreme divine power is equivalent to 100 billion points of supreme combat power index!
  Such a bonus is undoubtedly huge.

In addition to the bonus for breaking through the sixth level, Tang Yi's supreme power index also increased more and more as the level increased!

After being promoted to the Forty-Three-Star Sixth-Level Supreme, Tang Yi's bonus for each level reached 43 points!
  These sixty-seven levels of improvement added a total of 1055.24 points of supreme divine power to Tang Yi!
  In total, Tang Yi has increased his supreme power by 2055.24 points!
  In addition to Tang Yi's original supreme divine power of 41.21 points.

Now, Tang Yi's supreme power suddenly increased to 2096.45 points!
  Fifty times that of the original!
  The supreme divine power has been increased fifty times, and the strength has been increased by an unknown number of times!
  You must know that two thousand points of supreme divine power is equivalent to the previous 20 billion supreme combat power!
  Such a supreme combat power index is simply unparalleled and unimaginable.

As Tang Yi's level increased, whether it was the Red Flame Skeleton or the Bloody Skeleton General, they were no longer on the same level as Tang Yi.

If Tang Yi wanted to kill them, it would be easier than squeezing the ants to death.

In addition to the improvement in level and strength, Tang Yi's Supreme Coin also achieved a bumper harvest.

Just now, one red flame skeleton could bring Tang Yi one million supreme coins, a total of 1236000000 red flame skeletons. In other words, Tang Yi got a total of red flame skeletons by killing this batch of red flame skeletons. Supreme Coins!

1.2 billion Supreme Coins!
  This harvest has exceeded Tang Yi's imagination.
  "Sure enough, if you want to get rich, you have to fight dungeons! The harvest is so rich. I haven't even beaten the BOSS yet. I have already upgraded so many levels and obtained so many Supreme Coins. If I beat the BOSS , then how many levels should I upgrade to, and how many supreme coins can I get?"

Thinking of this, Tang Yi couldn't help but look at the bloody skeleton general, his eyes flashing.

As if feeling Tang Yi's cannibalistic gaze, the bloody skeleton general couldn't help but tremble.

Immediately afterwards, the bloody skeleton general turned around and ran away without thinking!
  Yes, the Scarlet Skeleton General escaped.

Just now he was brazenly trying to make Tang Yi look good, just now he was threatening Tang Yi, but now, he was running away without saying a word, like a bereaved dog.

The speed of change is really unexpected.

Of course, can the bloody skeleton general not escape?

Seeing that Tang Yi was so powerful and killed his men with a wave of his hand, how could the bloody skeleton general not escape!

Just now, the Scarlet Skeleton General felt Tang Yi's improvement from Tang Yi's body.

It seemed that after killing those red flame skeletons, Tang Yi became stronger.

Feeling this, how could the bloody skeleton general not run away!

Although the Scarlet Skeleton General has died once, he is already a kind of ghost.

However, there is still another way to survive and exist in this world. And if it is killed again, it will really disappear from this world.

It was really wiped out.

and so!
  Even though the bloody skeleton general had died once, he felt the threat of Tang Yi and saw Tang Yi's power, but he still couldn't help the fear in his heart and ran away without saying a word.

And will Tang Yi let it escape?
  Obviously not!

In Tang Yi's eyes, the bloody skeleton general was equivalent to a treasure mountain, full of treasures.

Tang Yi wanted to destroy this mountain and take the treasures on this mountain as his own.

and so!
  How could he let General Bloody Skeleton escape?

Tang Yi sneered and said, "You want to escape? Don't even ask me if I agree!"

As he spoke, Tang Yi's figure suddenly moved and he leaned forward slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi's figure disappeared on the spot.

Appearing again, he appeared in front of General Bloody Skeleton and intercepted General Bloody Skeleton.

"I want to see where you are going to escape!"

Tang Yi sneered, and with a flick of his right hand, he took out the devil's slave.

After taking out the devil's slave, Tang Yi slashed at the bloody skeleton general without even thinking about it.

Seeing Tang Yi slashing with his sword, the soul fire in the bloody skeleton general's pupils began to beat crazily, as if he was constantly mobilizing his own strength.

At this moment, under its action, its golden sword suddenly burned with golden flames.

The golden broadsword was blazing with flames and looked very terrifying.

After the golden sword burned with golden flames, the bloody skeleton general quickly raised the golden sword, and then shouted: "Death!"

Then, he slashed the golden sword in one stroke.

Cutting towards Tang Yi!
  Just like that, one person, one skeleton, one sword and one big knife collided in mid-air!


The dark golden sword collided with the golden sword. For a moment, the body of the bloody skeleton general shook slightly. Visible to the naked eye, its golden sword began to shatter inch by inch from the tip to the handle, and then turned into pieces. powder.

In just the blink of an eye, the golden sword in the hands of the bloody skeleton general shattered into pieces, turning into powder and disappearing from the world.

After the golden sword was shattered, the body of the bloody skeleton general also began to shatter into pieces.

It started from the skeletal arm holding the golden sword and spread to its skeletal body, then to its limbs and its head.

There were cracks all over the body.



After another breath, the bloody skeleton general's tall body of more than ten meters suddenly turned into powder like a golden sword.

When the wind blows, the skull powder dissipates in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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