Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2765 Want to die together?

Chapter 2765 Want to die together?
  "Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for defeating the god-level BOSS Kuanghu and earning 10000 billion Supreme Points and 100 billion Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for winning 500000 battlefield coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for earning 5000000 merit points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the supreme equipment, Mad Tiger Gloves."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Thirty-one Star Seventh Level Supreme. The Supreme Divine Power Index has increased by 3100 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Thirty-two-star seventh-level supreme. The supreme power index has increased by 3200 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Thirty-three-star seventh-level supreme. The supreme power index has increased by 3300 points."


"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Thirty-six-star seventh-level supreme. The supreme power index has increased by 3600 points."

"You actually want to run in front of me?! Can you run away?"

After killing four people in an instant, Tang Yi sneered in his heart.

After killing four divine generals, Tang Yi felt that he had become stronger!

It seems that as the level increases, his strength has increased dozens of times, even hundreds of times!
  In short, it has improved a lot!

It’s much improved compared to the previous total!
  And as the level gets higher and higher, the speed of promotion seems to become slower and slower.

Originally, by killing a divine general, Tang Yi could be promoted to dozens of levels.

But with the promotion of level, now that he kills a god general, he can only advance a few levels!

The speed of improvement is getting slower and slower, and the level is becoming more and more difficult to upgrade.

"It seems that it is unrealistic to upgrade to the ninth level on the Haoyue battlefield. Let alone the ninth level, even the eighth level is not that easy!"

"However! Although it is very difficult to advance to the eighth level, as the level is promoted, as I am promoted to the seventh level, I can increase my terrifying strength every time I advance to the seventh level! At this moment, my strength is already what it was before. Hundreds or thousands of times!”

"Although the level increases slowly, my strength increases faster."

"Now I should have entered another stage. At this stage, every time I improve a little, I will be a hundred times a thousand times better than before."

Tang Yi thought slightly.

However, at this moment when Tang Yi was thinking deeply.


Not far away, there was a sound of breaking through the air.

Tang Yi raised his head slightly and immediately saw a black figure fleeing into the distance.

And if this black figure is not Mr. Mu, the full-time military advisor of Lord Haoyue, who is he?

Seeing Mu Lao running away while he was deep in thought, Tang Yi smiled contemptuously, used his strength to transmit his voice, and said, "Do you think you can escape? It's really ridiculous that you still do such a useless move. "

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Mu Lao's voice immediately came from the sky: "Master, please show your respect. I didn't mean to offend you just now. This is my fault. I apologize to you here. As long as you can let me go, you I can give you whatever you want! I can even show you the way and take you to see our Lord!"


Tang Yi sneered and said: "I need you to lead the way? If it was just now, before meeting you, we really needed someone to lead the way. But now, after meeting you, do you think I still need you to lead the way? Do I Don’t know where to go? You underestimate me! Also, you can’t get me what I want. What I want is something you can’t afford, so you should just accept it. Die. Begging for mercy will do nothing."

After Tang Yi finished speaking, he moved and used his supreme skill, Shift.

In fact, if Tang Yi wanted to kill Mu Lao, he could still kill him even if he didn't move or even if he stood still.

And it's very easy.

Just wave your hand.

However, Tang Yi wanted to make Mr. Mu despair and wanted to test his supreme skill, Xiao Shi, so he didn't do it directly.

Instead, he launched his supreme skill of small movement and quickly approached Mu Lao!
  I have to say that the skill of Xiao Niuo is really easy to use and the speed is really very fast.

When you move, you really teleport.

There is a feeling of shrinking into an inch, which is very mysterious.

It made Tang Yi look like an immortal.

At this moment, although Mu Lao took the opportunity to escape, he had already escaped for a certain distance. To others, this distance is considered an escape.

There is no way to pursue him anymore.

However, Tang Yi used the terrifying supreme skill of small movement to catch up with Mu Lao in just a few ducks.

And he suddenly stopped in front of Mu Lao.

And Tang Yi appeared in front of Mu Lao out of thin air, which immediately startled Mu Lao who ran away in panic.

"I said, it is meaningless to run away in front of me, because it is impossible for you to escape."

After stopping Mu Lao, Tang Yi said calmly.

"Master, what are you going to do to let me go? We have no grievances between you and me, so why do we have to pursue you endlessly!"

Mu Lao said puzzledly.

"I can tell you for sure that it is impossible to let you go! As for why we have to pursue you endlessly!"

Tang Yi smiled slightly and said, "Because your death is good for me!"

"Would it be good for you if I died?"

Mu Lao didn't understand.

It’s completely unclear why the other person said it would be good for him to die.

"I told you that you don't understand, so you don't need to know this. All you need to know is that you will die."

Tang Yi said calmly: "Okay, I'll give you ten seconds to say your last words!"


"Here are your last words! Since you won't let me go, I won't make it easy for you even if I die!"

After hearing Tang Yi's words, Mu Lao went from despair to anger, and an unknown fire steamed through his body.


His face suddenly turned red as if he was holding something back.

At the same time, his body was also changing, as if it had turned into a balloon and suddenly expanded.

In a short period of time, Mu Lao's body changed from its original normal size to three meters in size.

At this time, his body was still swelling.

five meters.

seven meters.

Ten meters!

It gets bigger and bigger.

getting fatter!


Seeing this scene, Tang Yi immediately guessed what Mu Lao was thinking, smiled contemptuously, and said, "You want to die with me? You are too ridiculous. Do you think you are worthy?"

As Tang Yi spoke, he waved his right hand.

"Skyfire Barrier!"


A flame barrier appeared in front of Tang Yi.

[Sky Fire Barrier]: Supreme Skill
  Attributes: After use, it can cast a sky fire barrier. The sky fire barrier can resist all attacks except fire.

If the intensity of the attack is greater than the defense of the Sky Fire Barrier, the Sky Fire Barrier will be broken.

Supreme combat power index increase: 3000000 points.

(End of this chapter)

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