Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2772 The sense of security brought by Tang Yi

Chapter 2772 The sense of security brought by Tang Yi
  Hearing Dezun's words, Chu Nianwei also persuaded: "That's right, Tang Yi, we don't need to show off our abilities. It's not a shame to be defeated. As the saying goes, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge even after ten years. What's more, with your talent, I'm afraid you can get this place back in less than ten years. So we'd better leave now. When you grow to a certain height and have the confidence to challenge the Lord of the Bright Moon, we will challenge him again."


Seeing Dezun and Chu Nianwei's earnest persuasion, Tang Yi really didn't know what to say.

After all, they have good intentions, and they don’t mean to look down on them.

If he was deliberately looking down on him, Tang Yi would definitely take action and give him a good slap in the face to let Dezun and Chu Nianwei know how powerful he was.

But they didn't mean it.

They just don't know their own strength, so they give all kinds of earnest persuasion.

That's why it's so underestimated.

"Although the words may sound unpleasant, the concern is felt. Just forgive them."

Tang Yi thought in his heart.

Thinking about it, Tang Yi opened his mouth and said to Dezun and Chu Nianwei: "Don't worry, I have the confidence to challenge the Lord of Haoyue! Even if it is the Lord of Haoyue who uses the Demon Refining Return to Heaven Formation, even if he has The body of a god and demon, even if his strength is a hundred times, a thousand times or even ten thousand times stronger, I still have the confidence to challenge! Moreover, even if I can't win, I still have the means to escape. I guarantee that I will still have you, and there will be no worries about my life, so We don’t have to run, you just need to stay behind me when the fight starts, I can keep you safe.”


"Tang Yi, are you serious? Do you really have the confidence to challenge the Lord of Bright Moon?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Dezun was a little confused for a moment. He who had analyzed so clearly just now, seemed to be unable to keep up at the moment.

Chu Nianwei also looked at Tang Yi in surprise. She didn't expect that Tang Yi would say such words, and she didn't expect that Tang Yi would have the confidence to challenge the Lord of Bright Moon.

"Of course I am serious. When have I ever made a joke? Don't you understand my character by now? I am the kind of character who either don't say it or I will do it after I say it. How could I joke with you? Moreover, don't you think about it, even if I am joking, will I risk my own life to do so? The Lord of Haoyue is a very dangerous person at first glance. If I don't have any confidence, do I dare to stay here?" Tang Yi said.


After hearing Tang Yi's words, Dezun and Chu Nianwei thought about it and felt that it was indeed the case.

During the time I have known Tang Yi, Tang Yi has indeed never made a joke.

He is indeed a person who can do whatever he says.

In addition, Tang Yi is indeed very smart, and he doesn't look like the kind of person who would make fun of his own life.

and so!
  Tang Yi said at this moment that he has the confidence to challenge the Lord of Bright Moon. This is true!
  "Tang Yi, are you really confident to challenge the Lord of Haoyue?" The worried Dezun asked again.

"Have confidence!"

Tang Yi replied very confidently.

If he had faced the Lord of Haoyue when he first entered the Ruins of Haoyue, and encountered the Lord of Haoyue who was resurrected using the Demon Refining Formation, Tang Yi would definitely not have any confidence.

He might even run away after hearing the news.

But it’s different now!

Now he has killed a large number of monsters in the Haoyue ruins, as well as several generals under the Lord of Haoyue. His level has been raised from the fourth level to the current seventh level in an instant, and his strength has increased by leaps and bounds.

The strength at this moment is no longer comparable to what it was when he first came to the Void Forest! Compared with when I first entered the Void Forest, I don’t know how many times it has improved!
  It’s like heaven and earth!
  Tang Yi's current strength gives him the confidence to face everything in the Haoyue Ruins!
  No matter if he is the Lord of Haoyue or someone else!
  Tang Yi has the confidence to face it!

Even the Lord of Haoyue, who used the Demon Refining and Returning Formation to resurrect, transformed into the body of a god and demon, and gained a terrifying increase in strength, Tang Yi was confident of fighting!

As he said, even if he can't win, he can still run!
  With his ability, it is more than enough to take two people away.

His ability to escape is beyond the reach of even the Lord of Bright Moon.

So, why is Tang Yi not confident?
  Just don't be too confident, okay?
  As the owner of the system, if you don't even have this confidence, if you run away without even seeing the boss of the dungeon, that would be too embarrassing.

and so!
  Could Tang Yi not be confident?

"Okay! Since Tang Yi you are confident to fight, then I will risk my life to stay with you today. I just hope you don't think that I am in the way and affect your fight. Actually, I also want to pay tribute to the ancient powerful man. I also want to see how powerful the Lord of the Bright Moon will become under the influence of the Demon Refining and Returning to Heaven Formation. I also want to see if this super formation recorded in the history books is really as described in the history books. So powerful, can it really resurrect people, can it really make the resurrected people possess the bodies of gods and demons and become more powerful!"

Dezun said excitedly.

The previous panic, under Tang Yi's comfort and confident statement, suddenly disappeared, replaced by nervousness and excitement.

There is also a vague expectation.

After all, since Tang Yi has already said that, what reason does he have to doubt Tang Yi?
  Is there any reason not to support it?

Moreover, Tang Yi is not afraid. What is this old guy afraid of?
  You have lived your whole life, you have lived your life well enough, what else is there to be afraid of?

Just like what Tang Yi said just now, isn't he just the Lord of the Bright Moon?

Chu Nianwei on the side was actually very panicked, but she looked at Tang Yi at the moment and saw the confidence on Tang Yi's face, his calm and composed expression, and his unique and brilliant look. After the smile like sunshine, her panicked heart seemed to be soothed.

An indescribable sense of security emerged in her heart.

It seemed that as long as she stayed with this man, she would be safe and she wouldn't have to worry about anything in the outside world.

Even if the outside world is full of swords and shadows, even if the outside world is eighteen layers of hell, as long as this man is here, you are safe.

This man will protect her.

This sense of security made Chu Nianwei obsessed and comfortable for no reason.

It was as if the heartstrings that had been tight since childhood were gradually relaxing because of the sense of security at this moment.

this moment.

Although she was in the ruins of Haoyue, even though she was about to face the resurrected Lord of Haoyue, not only was she not worried at all, but on the contrary, she was very relaxed.

It was as if what he was about to face was not some ancient giant or danger, but just a gentle-looking old man he met while playing.

"Tang Yi, actually I also want to see what the Lord of Bright Moon looks like, and also want to feel how strong he is."

Chu Nianwei looked at Tang Yi and said this.

(End of this chapter)

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