Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2774 Aren’t you the Lord of Bright Moon?

Chapter 2774 Aren’t you the Lord of Bright Moon?

Seeing the golden ball of light explode, Tang Yi waved his right hand and released a sky fire barrier, blocking it in front of him.


The moment Tang Yi released the sky fire barrier, the terrifying energy shock wave generated by the explosion of the golden light ball came with a violent impact.

At this moment, the sky and the earth were golden, and the powerful shock wave was like a torrent, constantly impacting the scene.

Everything he passed was turned into powder!

After the original circular building collapsed, the site was left with broken walls and ruins. It was a very messy scene.

But after the golden ball of light exploded and the shock wave swept through, everything was gone.

All the ruins and debris were gone.

Everything turned into powder.

They were all destroyed by the shock wave spread out by the explosion of the golden ball of light.


Where Tang Yi was, there was nothing going on.

Under the protection of the sky fire barrier, Tang Yi, Chu Nianwei and Dezun were safe and sound, and were not affected by this terrifying shock wave in the slightest.


Seeing Tang Yi's method of resisting the terrifying shock wave, Chu Nianwei and Dezun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Facing the torrent-like shock wave just now, Chu Nianwei and Dezun were almost frightened to death.

Although they had experienced similar scenes, although they knew that Tang Yi would definitely resist.

But he still couldn't help but feel nervous.

After all, this shock wave was too terrifying, and the pressure it put on them was too great.

Under tremendous pressure, even if they knew they would be fine, they couldn't help but be worried and nervous.

Tang Yi, who was blocking the front, ignored Chu Nianwei and De Zun behind.

His eyes were fixed forward, staring at the location where the golden ball of light was before!

The location where the golden light ball was just now was filled with very thick smoke, dust and water mist due to the shock wave.

The whole place was hazy and nothing could be seen clearly.

However, one could vaguely see a figure floating in the hazy smoke and fog.

This figure stood upright, graceful and very unruly.

Although he was looking forward, he raised his head slightly, as if he was very confident and didn't take anyone seriously.

Seeing this figure, Tang Yi immediately cheered up and became alert.

And we are prepared to take action at any time to prevent sneak attacks.

Needless to say, Tang Yi knew who this figure was, and he didn't need to detect it with the Sky Eye Technique.

He must be the Lord of Bright Moon!
  It was because the other party was the Lord of Bright Moon that Tang Yi was so vigilant and on guard.

After all, at this moment, he has not yet successfully used the Sky Eye Technique to obtain information from the Lord of the Bright Moon.

A little caution is necessary.

Otherwise, if the Lord of Bright Moon is too powerful, it would be bad if he makes a sneak attack as soon as he comes out.

Tang Yi doesn't want to capsize yet.

So at this moment, he was very cautious. At least until Sky Eye Technique obtains information from the Lord of the Bright Moon, he must be careful.

As time went by, the smoke and fog generated by the explosion of the golden ball of light finally slowly dissipated, and the figure in the smoke and fog finally appeared in the sight of Tang Yi and the others.

This figure is actually a young man!

Not just a young man, but a very handsome young man.

I saw this young man wearing white clothes, with a well-proportioned figure and long black hair.

He has a handsome appearance, and always has a faint smile on his face, like a handsome young man with a bright smile.

At first glance, this young man looks handsome!
  Incomparably handsome.

Extremely handsome.

This is the type of woman who can't take her eyes away once she sees him.

Not to mention a woman, even Tang Yi, even a man, couldn't take his eyes away after seeing it.

Everyone thinks this young man is extremely handsome!
  In addition, this young man also has the aura of a scholar. Combined with his handsomeness, he seems to be the kind of handsome scholar who is immersed in books all year round.

And at a glance, this young man is not only handsome and scholarly, but also full of fairy spirit!
  It was as if he were a god who descended from the fairy world, with such an air of immortality.

Whether visually or perceptually, this young man feels very comfortable.

There is a feeling of spring breeze.

In short, when you see this person, no matter who he is, you will have a feeling of wanting to get close, wanting to make friends, wanting to get to know him, but being afraid to get close, afraid to get to know and get to know him.

It's that feeling of wanting to get closer but not daring to get close.

This young man is handsome, scholarly, and full of fairy spirit.
  He is simply the lover that women dream of.

When a woman sees this young man, she will probably be entranced.

Not to mention an ordinary woman, at this moment Tang Yi glanced at Chu Nianwei behind him with his peripheral vision, and found that she was looking at this young man with a confused look on her face, and she looked like a slut.

It was as if I had seen something I liked, and my eyes were full of peach blossoms.

It seems that he has been fascinated by that young man!
  Be impressed by his charm!

Even a genius from the middle world like Chu Nianwei is like this. It would be even more difficult for ordinary women to resist the charm of this young man.

In short, the young man in front of me looks decent, handsome, and lovable.

He is simply a unique, perfect, perfect man in heaven and on earth!

The figure that appeared in front of him was a young man who couldn't be more perfect.

When seeing this young man, Tang Yi not only didn't want to get close to him, but instead looked wary and solemn.

However, at the moment when Tang Yi silently looked at the perfect man, he was about to use the Sky Eye Technique on him again.

The perfect man suddenly smiled brightly and said to Tang Yi: "You are the one who killed my men, right? The person who just broke through the realm of inaction and broke into the realm of inaction to destroy the demon refining and returning to heaven formation. , it’s you too, right?”


Tang Yi replied: "It's me, how about it?"

Hearing this, the perfect man smiled again, then his face became serious, and a chill emitted from his whole body, and he said: "How? Haha! Do you know who I am? Do you know that you almost ruined my good deeds?" ? Do you know what will happen if you ruin my good deeds?"


"Almost ruined your good deeds?"

After hearing what the other party said, Tang Yi also smiled and said, "So what if it ruins your good deeds? What else do you want to do to me? Kill me? Besides, who doesn't know who you are? Aren't you Haoyue?" The Lord."

(End of this chapter)

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