Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2817 Shadow Necklace and Divine Shadow Technique

Chapter 2817 Shadow Necklace and Divine Shadow Technique
  Move on to the next piece.

[Shadow Necklace]: Supreme Quality Equipment
  Special attribute: Every time you kill an enemy, you can permanently gain 1 point of spiritual power.

Special attributes: Each time you receive a mental attack, your mental defense will be permanently increased by 10000 points. (Self-injury, friendly injury, active injury, cannot be promoted)
  Special attribute: The healing effect is doubled.

Passive effects: Shadow, Meditation.

Shadow: After entering the combat state, the player will obtain the shadow effect. With the blessing of the shadow effect, the player's speed and dodge rate will be improved, and at the same time, the player may enter the invisible state.

Meditation: After entering combat state, the energy recovery speed will be horribly increased.

Additional skills: filling, mental barrier.

Replenishment: After use, it can instantly restore energy and clear all negative conditions on the body.

Cooling time: 10 minutes.

Mental Power Barrier: After use, it can produce a mental power barrier. The defensive power of the mental power barrier has a certain relationship with the player's mental power. The higher the mental power, the higher the defense power of the barrier.

Increase in supreme divine power index: 30000000 points.

"Another piece of equipment with a supreme divine power index increased by tens of millions! It seems that the supreme quality equipment is really all equipment with a supreme divine power of tens of millions! And this attribute is also particularly good! It actually has three special attributes !”

"One is a special attribute that increases monster killing, one is a special attribute that increases damage, and the other is an attribute that improves healing effects! All three attributes are very good attributes!"

"The two passives are also very good. One can increase speed, dodge, invisibility, etc. to increase actual combat effectiveness. The other can increase the recovery speed of energy. Both of these two passive special effects can have a certain effect on combat."

"The additional skills are even better! Although they are both auxiliary skills, these two skills can play a vital role in the battle. For example, charging can instantly restore energy. In high-intensity battles, such skills is very useful."

"The mental barrier is even more useful. After all, it is something that can protect the soul. Although there is a system in my mind, and the system cannot ignore me when I am in danger. However, if I am not afraid of ten thousand, I am afraid of the worst. , What if the system is really desperate? What if the system goes down at that time? Therefore, the initiative must be in your own hands, and it is still very good to have a mental defense. "

"Overall, this necklace is also very good."

After checking the shadow necklace, Tang Yi commented slightly.

Then without thinking, he equipped the Shadow Necklace on the accessories column.

In this way, Tang Yi's original necklace God's Heart was replaced by Tang Yi and sold to the system store.

The Shadow Necklace is equipped on the accessories column.

Subtract the 16000 points of supreme divine power from the God Lord Necklace, and add the 30000000 points of supreme divine power from the Shadow Necklace.

Tang Yi's supreme divine power increased from 231799700 points to 261783700 points.

Move on to the next item.

[Shen Shadow Technique]: The supreme fine body technique.

Special attributes: During the use of movement skills, the chance of dodge will be horribly increased.

Attributes: After use, it can transform into the shadow of a saint and move or fly quickly. During the movement, it is immune to all control effects. If it is damaged while moving, the damage will be reduced by 80%.

Increase in supreme divine power index: 50000000 points.

"The supreme fine body technique!"

"The supreme divine power index is fifty million points!"

"The movement skills also have special attributes, and you can have a chance to dodge during the movement!"

Seeing the attributes of the Divine Shadow Technique, Tang Yi was speechless again.

Although he has already guessed that the supreme power index of the next items may exceed tens of millions.

But when I actually saw it, I was still surprised!

After all, this supreme divine power index is indeed not low!
  What Tang Yi didn't expect the most was that the Divine Shadow Technique was a supreme body technique.

The Supreme Body Technique generally has no attributes.

But the Divine Shadow Technique has a special attribute that can increase the chance of dodge! And judging from the description, the increased dodge probability is quite terrifying.

It is estimated that after using it, it will make people unable to hit it.

When used at the same time, it can also be immune to control and reduce the damage taken.

Not only does it have speed, but it also has various combat bonuses, which is very good!
  Of course.

The most important thing is the increase of 50 million points in the Supreme Divine Power Index.

This is the most important.

After reading the attributes of the Divine Shadow Technique, Tang Yi changed it without thinking, replacing the original Yao Huang Fei Shen Jue.

And as Tang Yi changed his body method, his supreme power index increased again.

Subtracting the 50000 points from the Yaohuang Flying God Art and adding the 50000000 points from the Divine Shadow Technique, Tang Yi's supreme power index increased from the original 261783700 points to 311733700 points!
  Breaking through 300 million points!
  In just a moment, Tang Yi's supreme power index increased to 300 million.

This improvement is very terrifying.

One last item.

[Stepping on Gods and Stepping on Demons Body Technique]: The supreme quality body technique.

Special attribute: Skill damage is greatly increased.

Special attributes: Attacking while performing physical skills will increase your attack power horribly.

Attributes: After use, it will transform into the shadow of a giant god, its body will expand a hundred times, and it will gain terrifying speed. While moving, you can trample enemy targets! The damage of trampling will increase as the player's supreme power increases.

Increase in supreme divine power index: 50000000 points.

"It's actually another supreme high-quality movement technique with tens of millions of supreme divine powers! It's just that this movement technique mainly attacks, while the divine shadow technique just now is more of a support."

After seeing the attributes of the God-Stepping-Demon-Stepping-Dark Body Technique, Tang Yi was a little confused.

Because the two movements are very good, whether it is the divine shadow technique or the stepping on the gods and demons, they are both high-quality movements.

These are all movements that Tang Yi needs very much at the moment.

Both movements increase the supreme power index by 50 million points.

No matter in terms of function or grade, they are comparable.

It's just that one is an attack type and the other is an auxiliary type.

Both movement techniques are very good, but Tang Yi only has one movement technique column and can only equip one movement technique.

He can only choose one of the two movements.

Tang Yi was a little confused as to which one to choose.

"Why do you need to use two movements at once? Isn't it better to only use one? This way you don't have to choose. This makes it really difficult for people with difficulty in choosing." Tang Yi complained.

After thinking for a moment and vacillating between the two movements, Tang Yi finally chose the Divine Shadow Technique.

And the reason is
  After all, Shenfa is just Shenfa, not for attacking.

If you want to attack, there are various means of attack.

Therefore, the body technique is only used as an auxiliary, and some auxiliary attributes can be added to it.

But increasing the attack is really unnecessary.

Therefore, Tang Yi finally chose the Shenying Technique, a more auxiliary movement technique.

(End of this chapter)

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