Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2828 The crisis of Ling Fengtian and others

Chapter 2828 The crisis of Ling Fengtian and others
  "I see."

The gray-clothed leader said: "Instruct everyone to launch a general attack. We must capture these people before the young master arrives!"


When the subordinate heard this, he immediately gave the order.

Soon, more than a dozen men in gray launched a fierce attack on Ling Zun and others.

Everyone used all their strength to attack Ling Zun and the other five crazily.

Under the attack of these dozen men in gray, Ling Zun and the other five were under great pressure.

Although among the five people, Miss Yu and Mr. Bai's supreme power index reached 20 million points, which was twice as high as that of the individual man in gray.

But it was difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, and coupled with the drag of Ling Zun and the others, they were immediately at a huge disadvantage when facing the crazy man in gray.

They were already at a huge disadvantage, but with added pressure now, they suddenly became even more disadvantaged.

At this moment, facing the siege of the men in gray, it was very difficult for them to resist. If they were not careful, they would be injured.

Just a moment after the men in gray launched their general attack, dozens of wounds, large and small, appeared on the bodies of Miss Yu and Mr. Bai. Blood was continuously flowing from their wounds, making their clothes dyed blood red.

The two of them were relatively good, because they were relatively strong, so they suffered relatively little damage.

On the other side, Ling Zun and the other three, who were relatively weak, were in dire straits. They suffered many injuries.

Miss Yu and Mr. Bai were only stained red with blood, but Ling Zun and the others were already like three bloody men, covered in blood.

As the three of them moved, countless blood flowed, falling like rain.

There were hundreds of wounds, large and small, all over the three of them at the moment, and some of the wounds were so deep that the bones were visible.

Some wounds even nearly hurt vital parts!
  At the same time, the three people's faces were extremely pale at the moment, their breaths were very sluggish, and they had entered a state of exhaustion.

It seems that he is a little weak and exhausted due to the high-intensity fighting.

Seeing this scene, the gray-clothed leader sneered: "Ha! It can't be done, right? Can't you hold on anymore? I asked you to hand over your treasures a long time ago, but you chose to toast me instead of eating the fine wine! Now it's okay, it can't be done anymore." Well. I thought you were so powerful, but that’s all!”

"Don't you just rely on the large number of people? Do you have the ability to try me one-on-one?"

Girl Yu in the colorful dress was dissatisfied.


The leader of the men in gray sneered and said, "Don't use provoking methods. I, the dignified Shen Xuantang steward, will not be fooled!"

"It turns out you are from Shenxantang!"

After hearing the words of the leader in gray, the girl in the colorful dress suddenly said.

The leader in gray clothes said: "I'm not afraid to tell you that I am the manager of Shenxuan Hall, Si Hongyi!"

"Si Hongyi, it turns out to be you!"

Miss Yu in the colorful dress seemed to know the leader in gray clothes, and as soon as she heard the leader in gray clothes introduce herself, she suddenly came to her senses.

"You recognize me?"

The steward in gray clothes, who calls himself the steward of Shenxuan Hall, Si Hongyi, said unexpectedly.

"Of course I recognize it! How could I not know about Shen Xuantang, a chamber of commerce that has such a low reputation but can open all over the Middle World! How could I not know your name, Si Hongyi?"

Miss Yu said.

After a pause, Miss Yu said again: "I didn't expect you to come here! The young master you mentioned just now is Si Hongguangyu, the third young master of your Shenxuan Hall, right? I have long heard that the third young master of your Shenxuan Hall is Si Hongguangyu has bad character, I didn’t believe it before, but now I can.”

"Don't slander my young master!" Si Hongyi said: "It seems that you are also from the middle world. But it doesn't matter, even if you know that I still have our young master, it doesn't matter, because you will die here soon. As long as you die Here, what happens here will not be revealed, and no one will know that we are here to kill people and seize treasures!"


Miss Yu gritted her teeth bitterly.

"You can scold me however you want. Anyway, no matter how you scold me, it won't change your outcome."

With that said, Si Hongyi ordered his men: "Go and deal with them!"

Hearing this, the gray-clothed warriors broke out one after another and used more powerful methods to attack Ling Zun and the other five.

Faced with the explosion of gray-clothed warriors, Ling Zun and the other five were immediately overwhelmed, and their defense lines collapsed one after another.

At this moment, the situation of Ling Zun and the five others was very critical, and they were in danger of falling.

Before, no matter how injured they were or how disadvantaged they were, their defense was still there.

Under the protection of the defense line, even if they were injured, their lives would not be in any danger.

But now that the defense collapsed, they were not simply injured!

The line of defense collapses, and each of them is at risk of falling.

Including Miss Yu and Mr. Bai!
  Seeing this scene, Ling Zun and others suddenly had ugly expressions on their faces.

At this moment, Ling Zun resisted while shouting: "Mr. Bai, Miss Yu, we will try our best to block you later, you can take the opportunity to leave!"

"It's useless." Mr. Bai said.

Miss Yu also said: "You two seniors can't stop you. If we pull away, you will die immediately. And our strength has been almost exhausted. In this state, we can't get rid of them at all." Escape. So it’s no longer possible.”


Hearing the words of the two people, Ling Fengtian sighed and said: "I asked you to leave a long time ago. You haven't left for a while. Now it's better. No one can leave."

"If we are given another chance, we will not leave. As the Bai family, we will never do anything selfish!" Miss Yu said.

Mr. Bai did not speak, but he expressed his attitude with his coldness, and he did not regret his choice.


Seeing the two people's persistence, Ling Fengtian didn't know what to say, so he could only say: "That's all. In that case, then we will fight with them. If we can support each other, it's just one!"

"That's right! If we really want to die, then we have to support them!"

Yu Zun is decisive.

The Fire Lord also had a determined look on his face and said: "Anyway, this time we come here, we are already prepared to die. Death sooner or later will mean death, so it is better to die in battle!"

Miss Yu looked at the three seniors with high fighting spirit, and her heart was immediately touched, and said: "Okay, then we will fight to the death. Even if we die in battle, we will give them a backstop!!"

The cold Mr. Bai said nothing, but his sharp eyes expressed his attitude!

He wants to fight!
  He wants to fight with everyone!

Just like this, the five people who were originally defending suddenly burst into great fighting spirit, and their combat effectiveness soared in an instant.

  To no avail!

Under the siege of more than a dozen gray-clothed warriors, although Ling Fengtian and the five men broke out with huge fighting power, the situation was still critical and there was a risk of falling at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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