Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2841 The fear of Xuan Tianming

Chapter 2841 The fear of Xuan Tianming
  "Although you are indeed very strong and have some means, you still cannot be our opponent! Our Shen Xuantang is not as easy to deal with as you think!"

With that said, Xuan Mingtian said to Si Hongfeng, the branch hall master on the side: "Go and try it!"

"Yes, son!"

Si Hongfeng took the order, and then stood up in one step, standing opposite Tang Yi.

"Boy, you are indeed good! But compared to me, you are still a little green."

Si Hongfeng said to Tang Yi.

"Are you just talking about it?"

"If it's a competition of words, I really can't compare with you!"

Tang Yi said calmly.


"Okay, okay! Then let's let our strength speak for itself."

After being ridiculed like this, Si Hongfeng didn't waste any time and rushed directly towards Tang Yi.

Seeing Si Hongfeng's aggressive attack, Tang Yi smiled contemptuously and said, "Speak with strength? Are you worthy?"

With that said, Tang Yi stretched out his hand and tapped Si Hongfeng gently.

At this moment, the two sides were tens of meters apart, but Tang Yi gently clicked.

But there was a soft sound, and Si Hongfeng's left hand exploded instantly and turned into blood mist!
  Because his left hand exploded, Si Hongfeng stumbled and almost fell from the sky.

Fortunately, he adjusted in time and stabilized his body, so that he did not fall from the air.

After it stabilized, Si Hongfeng looked at his empty left hand with a confused look on his face!
  He didn't understand what happened at all, let alone why his left hand was gone!

After looking at his left hand slightly, Si Hongfeng raised his head and looked at Tang Yi in front of him in disbelief, his face full of horror.

"It's you?! Impossible! How did you do it?"

Si Hongfeng said in disbelief.

However, it was Tang Yi's gentle finger that replied to him.

At this moment, Tang Yi gently nodded towards Si Hongfeng again.


There was another soft sound, and Si Hongfeng's other arm also turned into blood mist.

In just a moment, Si Hongfeng's two arms were gone.

At this moment, the two sides have not yet exchanged hands!
  Without even handing over, Si Hongfeng lost both hands.
  Si Hongfeng was completely stunned!
  Tang Yike didn't care whether Si Hong was crazy or not, he raised his hand again and pointed out gently.


Si Hongfeng also lost one of his legs.

Tang Yi points out a little more.


Si Hongfeng's other foot was also gone.

In an instant, Si Hongfeng turned into a human stick.

In this state, if it were another person, he would probably be dead long ago.

But Si Hongfeng is a supreme powerhouse, and a very powerful supreme powerhouse, with a supreme combat power index of almost 50 million points.

Such a supreme combat power index is not something that ordinary people can compare with.

Even without limbs, he can still survive.

Not only can it survive, it even has extremely strong combat power.

Moreover, as long as he doesn't die, his limbs will soon grow out!
  It can be said that if Tang Yi cripples Si Hongfeng's limbs, he cannot really defeat Si Hongfeng. At most, he can only humiliate Si Hongfeng.

The impact on Si Hongfeng is not great!

As long as Si Hongfeng is given a certain amount of time, he will recover quickly.

Generally speaking, Si Hongfeng's injuries were not serious.

A minor issue at best.

Of course!
  The reason why Si Hongfeng was still alive despite losing his limbs was because Tang Yi didn't kill him.

If Tang Yi really wanted to kill Si Hongfeng, then Si Hongfeng would never be alive until now.

It was because Tang Yi wanted to humiliate Si Hongfeng and tease him that he disabled his limbs instead of killing her immediately. It has to be said that Tang Yi's operation was also fatal to Si Hongfeng.

Although Si Hongfeng was not seriously injured by this, his body and mind were severely hit. He had completely lost his confidence and lost any fighting spirit.

Even though he still possesses the strongest combat power at this moment, he has no intention of fighting anymore, let alone dares to fight again.

He looked like a bereaved dog at the moment, in utter distress!

It can be seen that Tang Yi's operation dealt a fatal blow to Si Hongfeng.

The time from Si Hongfeng's attack to the time he lost his limbs was actually only a few breaths of time, which was very fast.

It was so fast that no one could react!
  By the time everyone reacted, Si Hongfeng had already lost his limbs.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Tianming, who was not far away, hurriedly reminded Si Hongfeng: "Quickly retreat!"

Hearing this, Si Hongfeng, who had been completely stupid, woke up at this moment and hurriedly retreated in panic.

And he used all his strength to suck the milk.

With that look, you can be as frightened as you want, as frightened as you want to be.

At this moment, how could he still look like the previous hall master? Where is the prestige from before?

He was just a pitiful creature without legs, a bereaved dog. He was extremely pitiful and embarrassed.

However, after being reminded by Xuan Tianming, can Si Hongfeng escape back?

Of course not!

Because it's completely too late.

At this moment, Tang Yi smiled slightly and tapped his right hand again.


Without exception, another soft sound came.

But this time, it was no longer Si Hongfeng’s limbs that were missing, because Si Hongfeng had already lost his limbs.

What's missing this time is Si Hongfeng's body.

Si Hongfeng's body exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist.

The master of Shenxuan Hall was killed on the spot.

Not even able to resist.

He just fell away without even wailing.

He died an extremely miserable death.

He died in extreme despair.

Just like a chicken, being slaughtered mercilessly without any resistance.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing Shen Xuantang Si Hongfeng and obtaining 10000000000 Supreme Points and 1000000 Supreme Coins."


Seeing the scene where Si Hong turned into a bloody mist, Xuan Tianming gritted his teeth and was horrified!

He, who was originally calm, now became a little panicked.

The fear in his heart suddenly surged into his heart.

Yes, he was scared at this moment.

After seeing his guard fall, he was actually a little scared.

But at that time, there was only a trace of fear, and it was not serious.

This slight fear did not affect him, and was still suppressed in his heart.

In addition, there was Si Hongfeng beside him, so before, he could still remain calm and still not take Tang Yi seriously.

But at this moment, this trace of fear has become extremely huge.

It was pressing down like a big mountain.

And with the fall of Si Hongfeng, Wireless expanded.

The fear and terror in my heart could no longer be suppressed and all came out.

At this moment, after seeing Si Hong turning into blood mist, the fearful Xuan Tianming's body trembled unconsciously, his face turned pale for a moment, his eyes turned quickly, and then he ordered loudly: " All of you, come together, even if you can’t kill him, you must stop him!”

(End of this chapter)

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