Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2843 Surprising deeds

Chapter 2843 Surprising deeds

"Senior Dezun is so polite. We can do it with a little help! In addition, our elders have taught us that we should always draw out our swords to help when there is injustice. The people in Shenxuan Hall want to kill people and seize treasures. When we see such despicable things, we naturally have to help." Bai Zi Shi replied.

Yu Xinzhu also said: "My cousin is right, this is what we should do. If we don't do it, our conscience will be troubled, so there is no need to be polite, Senior Dezun."

"I am Chu Nianwei. I come from the Chu family in Izumo Holy Land. I have met Miss Yu and Mr. Bai." Chu Nianwei introduced herself.

"Izumo Holy Land Chu Family!! You are from the Chu Family!"

When they heard Chu Nianwei announcing her family status, Yu Xinzhu and Bai Zishi were shocked, as if they had heard something amazing.

"I am the third young lady of the Chu family." Chu Nianwei nodded.

"It turns out to be the third young lady of Izumo Holy Land. I didn't expect to meet the third young lady of the Chu family here. What a blessing!"

Bai Zishi held up his hands humbly and said: "I have often heard that the third lady of the Chu family in Izumo Holy Land is both talented and beautiful. She can show off the talents of the world's heroes, and her appearance can fascinate the world. When I see her today, it is true!"

Yu Xinzhu also said: "No wonder my sister is so beautiful. She turns out to be the third young lady of the Chu family. She is indeed one of the top ten most beautiful people in the world. This beauty really captivated even me, a girl." .”

"You two are overly complimentary."

Chu Nianwei said modestly, acting extremely decently.

"Tang Yi, I have met Miss Yu and Mr. Bai."

Tang Yi also cupped his hands and said.

"I have met Mr. Tang Yi."

Bai Zishi and Yu Xinzhu also bowed slightly and responded politely.

After being polite, Yu Xinzhu immediately said: "No wonder Senior Ling, Senior Huo and Senior Yu praised Mr. Tang so much that there are few in the world and no one on earth. Now that I see it, it is indeed the case! I, Yu Xinzhu, am not the only one who expressed my gratitude to Mr. Tang. Brother, I have never been convinced by anyone. Today, I am very convinced by you, Mr. Tang!"

"What are you talking about?"

Bai Zishi glanced at Yu Xinzhu, and then said to Tang Yi: "Don't worry, Mr. Tang, my cousin's character is like this. She speaks more straightforwardly."

"It's ok."

Tang Yi shook his head.

Bai Zishi cupped his hands and said, "We are of the same age. If possible, how about I call Young Master Tang Brother Tang?"

"No problem, Brother Bai." Tang Yi replied.

Bai Zishi expressed his thanks: "Brother Tang, the two of us here also want to thank Brother Tang for your life-saving grace. If it weren't for you, we might not be able to stand here unharmed at all."

"There's no need to say thank you. You saved Senior Ling and the others, and it's only natural for me to help you."

Tang Yi said.

"No, one code equals one code! You still have to thank me when you deserve it!"

Bai Zishi thought for a while and said: "I don't have anything good to give to Brother Tang here, so I don't know how to express my gratitude. How about this! How about I invite Brother Tang to visit the Bai family in our Holy Land of Honglin? Although Our Bai family is just a small family in the Honglin Holy Land, not as good as Miss Chu’s Chu family, but it is still okay to show our loyalty as a landlord. If you go to our Bai family, we will treat Brother Tang well."

"That's right! As long as you come to our house, we will provide you with all the delicious food and drinks. We guarantee that you will be well fed and drink enough to make your trip worthwhile!" Yu Xinzhu also said carelessly.

"If you have time, I will definitely go there." Tang Yi said.

Tang Yi's words were not enough.

After all, he didn't know if he had time to be a guest.

At this time, Ling Fengtian suddenly pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "Mr. Bai, you are wrong. You invited Tang Yi instead of us old guys. Does this mean you look down on us old guys?"

"Ah! This."

"I was negligent."

Bai Zishi slapped the back of his head and said, "The seniors and Tang Yi will come together!"

Ling Fengtian said: "I was just joking. It doesn't matter whether we old guys are guests or not." "What are you talking about!"

Bai Zishi said: "You have to be a guest! Oh, by the way, there is Miss Chu. If Miss Chu doesn't mind, you can also come to our Bai family as a guest.

Chu Nianwei said: "If Tang Yi goes, I will definitely go."

Ling Fengtian also echoed: "Yes, if Tang Yi goes, we old guys will definitely go too."

"That's what Tang Yi means."

Bai Zishi looked at Tang Yidao.

Everyone's eyes suddenly turned to Tang Yi again.

Feeling the attention of everyone, Tang Yi knew that he could not avoid being a guest this time, and immediately said: "After I solve Miss Chu's matter, I will go to your Bai family as a guest."

"Really? That would be great."

Bai Zishi said.

"Then after Miss Chu's matter is resolved, we will go to the Bai family together as guests."

Ling Fengtian waved his hand and said.

After making the decision, Ling Fengtian turned his head, stared at Tang Yi with burning eyes, and said: "Tang Yi, you are really getting better and better! I can feel that your strength has been improved again, and the extent of the improvement. It’s still big.”

Although Ling Fengtian didn't feel any strength from Tang Yi, he could know through his sixth sense that Tang Yi had improved.

Otherwise, the strength would not be so terrifying.

The aura it exudes cannot be so exaggerated.

After hearing Ling Fengtian's words, Tang Yi nodded, without hiding anything, and directly admitted: "Yes, my strength has indeed been greatly improved compared to when I first came here. Moreover, after just defeating the Lord of Bright Moon, I also gained a lot, which greatly helped improve my strength!"

"What? You defeated the Lord of Bright Moon!"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Ling Fengtian looked at Tang Yi in horror, his eyes widened.

On the side, Yu Zun and Huo Zun also opened their mouths, stared at Tang Yi with a pair of eyes bigger than an ox, and looked at Tang Yi in disbelief.

Not only several realm kings were shocked, but even Yu Xinzhu and Bai Zishi were extremely shocked.

If they were able to enter this place, they would naturally have done some research.

They naturally know what kind of place this is.

Therefore, they know very well what kind of role the Lord of Haoyue is.

The Lord of Haoyue is the actual owner of Haoyue Battlefield and a super powerful person from ancient times.

Such a strong man is extremely powerful!
  Therefore, they were also very shocked when they heard that Tang Yi had killed the Lord of Haoyue.

"Yes, I defeated the Lord of Bright Moon."

Tang Yi nodded and confirmed.

Hearing this, Dezun on the side also stood up and said: "Yes, Tang Yi killed the Lord of Haoyue. The scene was simply thrilling!"

Immediately afterwards, I saw Dezun telling the truth about what happened before.

From the moment they entered the battlefield of Haoyue from the middle, they fought all the way to Tang Yi until they reached the special circular building where the Lord of Haoyue was located.

From the difficult battle with the Lord of Bright Moon, Tang Yi defeated the Lord of Bright Moon and broke the dividing wall.

All these things were told.

(End of this chapter)

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