Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2847 2 old naughty boys

Chapter 2847 Two old naughty boys

Hearing Yu Xinzhu's words, Yu Zun said: "No wonder, I asked why the building is so strong. It turns out that there is a formation inside. And this formation can continuously generate energy. However, I am very curious. What kind of formation is this? What kind of formation can achieve this level and be able to withstand the continuous attacks of several of us."

"Tell me, what is the purpose of the builder of this building? Why did they build such a building? And why not set up an entrance? In addition, because of the existence of the formation, this building has become extremely strong. How should we get in? ? Can we get in with our strength?" Fire Lord asked several questions in an instant.

"What formation, why such a building is built, what is the purpose of the builder, why not set up an entrance, how to get in, I don't know these. And with our strength, we can't get in! In addition, I To say that there is a formation inside is just a guess. You have to go in and see whether it is or not." Yu Xinzhu shook his head and said.

"It's a guess."

Ling Fengtian thought for a while and said: "But I think Miss Yu, your guess is correct. Otherwise, this building would not be so strong. I think it is because of the formation inside."

At this time, Tang Yi stood up and said: "Yes. Your guess is correct. There is indeed a formation inside. That's why the outer wall of the building is so strong."


"Tang Yi, how did you know?" Fire Lord turned his head and asked curiously.

"Because we have met before." Tang Yi said calmly.

"Ah? Tang Yi, have you encountered such a building before?"

Ling Fengtian said in surprise.

"Yes. We have met before. Although the overall shape is different, the aura emitted is the same. Moreover, it is the same solid, and it is also filled with formations and energy. And that place is the Lord of the Bright Moon His burial place!”

Tang Yi said.

"The burial place of Lord Haoyue!"

"The burial ground of Lord Haoyue is also in such a building?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Ling Fengtian was surprised and said: "In other words, this is the burial place of another strong man?"

After a pause, Ling Fengtian continued: "Before, you said that Lord Haoyue deployed a powerful formation, and then used this formation to resurrect his body, and his strength skyrocketed. If this is the burial place of another ancient powerful man, he will Isn’t it possible that a resurrection formation is also arranged inside?”

"I don't know. You have to go in and see. But..."

Tang Yi said: "The situation you mentioned is very possible, so we have to be careful later."


"Then what if this ancient powerful man is resurrected like the Lord of Bright Moon, and is also harmful to us?" The Fire Lord said with some worry.

"What? Lao Huo? Are you scared?"

Ling Fengtian turned his head and smiled.

Seeing the joking smile on Ling Fengtian's face, Huo Zun said harshly: "Who is scared? At our age, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"Then what are you worried about? Is this something we should worry about? Tang Yi is still here. Didn't Tang Yi defeat the Lord of Haoyue before? Another ancient strong man is of the same level as the Lord of Haoyue. Since Tang Yi can defeat the Lord of Haoyue, he can naturally defeat this ancient powerful man, so you have nothing to worry about." Ling Fengtian said.


"That's right."

The Fire Lord suddenly realized, and immediately said: "Old Ling, you are right. We have Tang Yi here, so there is no need to worry. If Tang Yi can defeat the Lord of the Bright Moon, he can naturally defeat this ancient powerful man."

After saying that, the Fire Lord added another sentence: "Right? Tang Yi?"

The Fire Lord said this, but in fact he still had no confidence and was still worried.     Because after he finished saying these words, he added, ‘Right, Tang Yi. ’

This sentence 'right, Tang Yi' seems extremely unconfident.

Moreover, after he finished speaking, the Fire Lord kept his eyes on Tang Yi. His expression was nervous and his body was tense. It was obvious that he was waiting for Tang Yi's answer.

Seeing the fire master's appearance, Tang Yi secretly smiled in his heart, but said on his face: "There should be no problem. If the strength difference between this strong man and the Lord of Bright Moon is not too big, I should be able to deal with him!"

What Tang Yi said was actually a bit conservative.

Because there is another ancient powerful man who cannot be stronger than the Lord of Bright Moon!
  You must know that Li Haoyue, the Lord of Haoyue, actually hides his strength.

He never recovered his true form!
  Without recovering his true body, he could fight with another ancient powerful man in an inextricable and evenly matched battle.

If he regained his true form, how could that other ancient powerful man be his opponent?

Therefore, Tang Yi's words are a bit conservative.

However, Tang Yi's conservative words were particularly pleasant to the ears of Huo Zun and others, making them very happy.

"Really? Tang Yi, can you really deal with it? That's great if you can deal with it! But, how should we get in?"

Fire Lord asked.

Ling Fengtian also asked: "Yes, Tang Yi, how did you get in before?"

At this time, Tang Yi hadn't spoken yet. Dezun on the side suddenly laughed and said: "How else can we get in? Of course we have to break the outer wall of the building to get in."

"Break the building's exterior?"

Ling Fengtian suddenly said, "That's right! Why didn't I expect that! Although this building has no entrance, although this building is extremely strong. Although we can't break it, we can't break it, but it doesn't mean that Tang Yi can't break it. With Tang Yi The strength can still be broken."

"That's right! Since there is no entrance, let's break one out! We can't fight it out, but Tang Yi can! I didn't expect it. Look at my brain." Fire Lord also said.

Yu Zun said contemptuously: "Your brain needs to be repaired. It's as slow as a fool."

Hearing this, Huo Zun said angrily: "Lao Yu, what did you say? If you dare, say it again. It's been a long time since you felt itchy, right?"

"Reckless man!" Yu Zun was disdainful.


Huo Zun immediately stepped forward and wanted to ask Yu Zun for advice.

And Yu Zun also took a good stance, not to be outdone.

However, at this time, Ling Fengtian said: "Okay, stop making trouble, business is more important. Is now the time to make trouble? No matter the occasion!"

Hearing this, Huo Zun stopped his hand angrily, but still said to Yu Zun: "I'll beat you when I get back."

Not to be outdone, Yu Zun retorted: "We'll see who beats whom at that time."

Ling Fengtian was too lazy to pay attention to these two old naughty boys. He turned to Tang Yi and said, "Tang Yi, you don't need to pay attention to them two. Just do whatever you need to do."

Tang Yi said: "Okay, then I will break the outer wall now, and we will all go in and take a look later."

(End of this chapter)

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