Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2854 Mysterious Stone

Chapter 2854 Mysterious Stone

Of course, it’s no wonder that everyone feels this way.

After all, Tang Yi showed everyone too many miracles and gave everyone too many shocks.

Tang Yi's performance was so extraordinary.

Because of these miracles, shocks, and extraordinary things, everyone had the illusion that Tang Yi could do anything.

Even if it is a relic of an ancient powerful man, they feel that it must belong to Tang Yi.


Tang Yi was slightly embarrassed when he saw everyone looking at him with stern eyes and expressions that said, "I'm sure you can do it."

Because now he doesn't know what means he should use to obtain the relics of that strong man.

"Then let me try."

Tang Yi said to everyone.

"Tang Yi, you can definitely do it." Chu Nianwei cheered.

"This relic must belong to you!" Fire Lord said confidently.

"Tang Yi is watching your performance." Yu Zun said expectantly.

"When you get the relic, you have to give this old guy a second look. I have never seen what the treasure of the ancient strongman looks like." Dezun said.

"Tang Yi, let's take action! I believe that as long as you take action, no matter what it is, nothing can stop you. After all, you are a once-in-a-million-year genius in our Tianmu world. I believe that such a relic is within your reach," Ling Fengtian said. .

Yu Xinzhu said: "If you can't do it, then no one here can do it."

Bai Zishi also said: "Brother Tang, when you get the relic, I believe your strength will skyrocket again. By then, it will be harder for me to catch up with you. But it doesn't matter, just go get the relic. The stronger you are, my The more motivation you get.”

Tang Yi quickly calmed down and thought seriously about what means he should use to obtain the relics of the ancient powerful man.

Otherwise, he was afraid that if he continued to listen, everyone would say something even more outrageous.

"The ancient strong man said that if you want to obtain the relic, you need to use my special ability. And my special ability is the system, isn't it? But how do I use the system to obtain the relic of this strong man?"

"There is no prompt from the system now. There is no prompt. How do I know what to do?"

"Hey, wait! I seem to have overlooked something!"

"Usually, I enter forbidden areas and various dungeons. Except for those places that have special requirements, such as keys or some kind of opening object, I can rely on the system to enter other places. As long as a certain price is paid, the system can help I turn it on!"

"Could it be said that if you want to obtain the relics of this ancient powerful man, you need to unlock the restrictions?"

"It seems that this is really possible! After all, this is also one of the system's abilities!"

"Of course, regardless of whether it is true or not, I have to try it. After all, there is no other way now."

Thinking of this, Tang Yi tried to say silently: "Open the stone platform restriction."

"Ding, player Tang Yi wants to open the ban on the stone platform. To open this ban, 100 billion supreme coins will be consumed. Does the player agree?"

“It’s really possible!!”

Seeing the prompt from the system in his mind, Tang Yi was immediately pleasantly surprised.

Although it costs 100 billion Supreme Coins to open the ban.

  Compared with the relics of ancient powerful men, this is not worth mentioning at all.


Tang Yi said quickly.

"Ding, deduct 100 billion supreme coins and start to open the ban."


As the prompt in Tang Yi's mind sounded, a mysterious sound came from the air, and then, a milky white energy shot out from Tang Yi's body and fell into the stone. within the stage.


The milky white energy was thrown into the stone platform, and suddenly it was like a stone falling into a pool of water, causing a ripple and a circle of ripples.

And as the ripples rippled, the entire stone platform lit up.


"It's really possible!"

"Sure enough, Tang Yi still has a way!"    "Isn't it possible that Tang Yi is the destined person that the ancient strong man is waiting for?"

"I know Tang Yi can do it. I'm afraid no one can open the stone platform except Tang Yi."

"Tang Yi can understand the meaning of the symbols that appear on the stone platform, and can naturally open the stone platform. This is a matter of course, and I am not surprised at all."


Seeing that Tang Yi had actually activated the stone platform, everyone present immediately started talking and were overjoyed.

On the other side, after the stone platform lit up, a strong suction force suddenly appeared, and countless spiritual energy from the surrounding world was quickly attracted by this suction force.

Soon, the stone platform absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

And this moment.


A beam of light shot into the sky.

As the light pillar rose, a ball of light slowly floated up from the ground of the stone platform, slowly rising into the sky at a very steady speed.

Logically speaking, the ground of the stone platform is solid, so there shouldn't be anything underneath.

Even if there is something, it shouldn't be able to penetrate the ground and rise to high altitudes.

But at that moment, the mysterious ball of light was like a shadow, directly penetrating the ground, penetrating everything, and rising into the air.

And when the ball of light slowly floated into the air more than ten meters high from the stone platform, it suddenly came to a stop and stopped.

At this moment, the light pillar rising into the sky also slowly disappeared as the light ball stayed.

It was as if the light pillar appeared just to bring out the light ball and let it float into the air.

Just like that, all the visions slowly disappeared.

The terrifying suction force seemed to be summoned and was withdrawn, no longer existing.

The world returned to its original state again.

Soon, except for the ball of light in mid-air, everything returned to its original state and calmness returned.

Seeing the ball of light floating in the air, Tang Yi felt familiar for some reason.

Although I didn't see the true appearance of the light ball, I could only see a ball of light.

But it felt to Tang Yi as if he had seen it somewhere before, very familiar.

In addition, he also had a feeling that this ball of light seemed to have some special connection with himself.

Because of this strange feeling, Tang Yi tried to reach out and make a slight move.



The ball of light actually flew towards him.

Then, it floated on his palm.

"You actually listen to my call? What on earth is this?"

Seeing that the ball of light actually flew towards him under his summons, even Tang Yi was shocked.

Originally, he just tried it out, but he didn't expect it to actually succeed.

After the light ball flew to Tang Yi's palm, the light gradually dimmed, revealing the lineup.

It seems to be a stone!
  And it's a round stone.

The stones are colorful, including blue like a lake, emerald green like a grassland, and red and yellow like a desert.

In short, various colors.

Seeing such a stone, Tang Yi didn't think much at first, thinking that it was just an ordinary stone with color.


When he saw a rooster-like pattern on the stone, his eyes widened with a look of disbelief on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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