Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2871 The miserable writer

Chapter 2871 The miserable writer

I have to say that the leader of the Tianyi Sect is very eloquent.

No matter how dark it is, he can describe it as white.

He can explain the heinous things he has done in a reasonable way.

This talkativeness is a bit too powerful.

Faced with such a powerful talker, to be honest, the rather rigid King Chu Ren really couldn't speak to the leader of the Tianyi Sect.

In addition to snorting coldly, saying: "Oh, you really know how to quibble."

King Chu Ren didn't know how to refute the other party.

"Whatever you say, it's whatever you say. In short, today we will destroy your Chu family. After all, Izumo Holy Land is not big, so there is no need for four families to manage it at the same time. Two families are completely enough. Oh, of course , you can also choose to surrender to our Tianyimen. Our Tianyimen is a very reasonable place. As long as you surrender and take the Jiutian Bone Control Powder we refined, we will spare you. And let you Continue to recuperate here. If not, hum."

The leader of the Tianyi Sect threatened.

"Impossible! It is impossible for our Chu family to surrender to a shameless force, let alone take Jiutian Bone Control Powder! Don't think we don't know that Jiutian Bone Control Powder is Zhihua Bone Control Powder. Once taken, Over time, we will become a walking corpse and be controlled by you! At that time, we, the Chu family, will become puppets without our own consciousness and be manipulated by you! This is absolutely intolerable! We are dignified and Chu How could my family become your doll? Your prop? Don’t even think about it." King Chu Ren immediately refused.

"I said, as long as you surrender and take the elixir, we will coexist peacefully. Today we can act as if nothing happened and not take action against you!"

"But! If you don't surrender!"

"Then your Chu family will have no choice but to be destroyed."

The master of Tianyi Sect said coldly.

The head of the Hong family said: "Master Tianyi is right. As long as you surrender, we will let you go. If you don't obey, then your Chu family will have no choice but to disappear from this world."

The head of the Mo family also glanced at King Chu Ren slightly, and then as if he had seen through King Chu Ren's thoughts, he said with a smile: "King Chu Ren, don't think that we don't know your thoughts. Are you deliberately stalling for time so that you can wait? The Wen family's rescue? Have you been waiting for a long time and are very confused why the Wen family didn't come to support? Haha! To tell you the truth, they can't come to support. Because before we came to your King Chu City, we had already Go to the Wen family in one step and kill all of them. No one is left alive. Don't say that the Wen family can't come to support you now. Even if they can come, the support will only be an entity. From now on, there will no longer be a family called the Wen family in Izumo Holy Land. Of course, in a short time, there will no longer be a family called the Chu family. In the entire Izumo Holy Land, only our Mo family and the Hong family will eventually be left!"

When he said this, the head of the Mo family looked proud and ambitious, as if his grand plan had been fully realized.

As if he will become the only master of this world.

After finishing speaking, the head of the Mo family still looked triumphant, as if he was showing off to King Chu Ren like a winner.


Hearing the words of the head of the Mo family, King Chu Ren was shocked and his whole body was shaken, as if he had been hit hard.

As if he had suffered an unprecedented blow, he suddenly became weak.

Not only him, but the elders and senior officials of the Chu family also turned pale in an instant.

The reason why they dared to confront the Tianyimen and the other two families before was because they thought of the existence of the Wen family!
  Thinking that the Wen family would come to support them.

As long as the Wen family comes to support them, they may have a chance to fight!

It was because of this confidence that the Chu family dared to challenge the other party and deploy their elite troops at the top of the city. If it weren’t for this confidence, he would have run away long ago when he saw Tianyimen’s gatepost colluding with the other two families.

Where would such a large formation be deployed?

However, they did not expect that the Wen family, which they had been waiting for but had not seen any trace of, had actually been killed by the other party?
  Before the other party came, he actually went to the Wen family and killed all the Wen family members?
  This is incredible.

Upon hearing the news, everyone in the Chu family was dumbfounded, and their expressions became extremely desperate.

Fortunately, these Chu family members are all strong people, and fortunately they have strong endurance. Otherwise, they might really be angry or scared to death.

After calming down for a moment, the head of the Chu family, King Chu Ren, asked: "Old Ghost Mo? Is this serious? Have you really destroyed the Wen family? The Wen family is also the second largest existence among our four families. , the strength is very strong, how could you quietly destroy them without letting us discover it? In addition, if their Wen family encounters such a critical moment, they will definitely pass the news to us. As long as it is passed to us, we will also We will go to support. However, I have not received any news at all. How is this possible?"

"How can this be false? Do you think I'm trying to make fun of you! Besides, if what I say is true or false, won't you know if you check it? I don't believe that you don't have personal contact information with the Wen family. ." said the head of the Mo family.

Hearing this, King Chu Ren hurriedly said something to an elder on the side. Then, he saw the elder on the side wave his right hand and take out a crystal glass ball.

As the elder kept stroking the glass ball and chanting complicated and unfamiliar spells, the crystal glass ball emitted a glowing light.

Then, a picture appeared on the glass ball.

There are two crystal glass balls of this kind, one for the Wen family and one for their Chu family.

It is used for contact.

Generally speaking, as long as one side is turned on, the crystal glass ball of the other side will also be turned on automatically.

The other party's images and sounds will be reflected on the glass ball, and one's own voice can be transmitted there.

Communicate over long distances through the other party's images and sounds, as well as your own voice.

In fact, to put it simply, these two crystal balls are two radios.

And it's the kind of radio that can see.

When one party dials the call, the other party has to passively accept it.

Both parties can communicate with each other and see each other's pictures.

It is such an item that connects the Chu family and the Wen family.

Now that the Chu family takes the initiative to open this thing, the Wen family on the other side will also passively open it.

At this moment, King Chu Ren and all the senior leaders of the Chu family present turned on the crystal ball and looked at it in a blink of an eye.

They saw a scene on the crystal ball that stunned them all.

(End of this chapter)

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