Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2875 Leaving a heir for the Chu family

Chapter 2875 Leaving a heir for the Chu family

After hearing the words of the elders, the head of the Chu family, King Chu Ren, shook his head and said: "No, we can't take action. The top combat power of our Chu family is here. If you join the battlefield of ordinary warriors, then our Chu family will really will be destroyed."

After a pause, King Chu Ren said seriously: "Look, none of the top combat powers of the Tianyi Clan, the Hong Family, and the Mo Family have taken action. The leader of the Tianyi Clan, the Hong Family, and the Mo Family are also above. The tigers are watching with eager eyes. If we join the battle group and they secretly attack us, then won’t the top combat power of our Chu family be completely destroyed? If the top combat power of our Chu family is completely destroyed, then the three of them will deal with our Chu family. Can’t the other ordinary members of the family be easily captured? By then, even if our Chu family has great courage and strength, we will definitely be destroyed. So we can’t take action! We must wait for their top combat power to take action before we can fight against them. Top combat power! Only by withstanding their top combat power can our Chu family have a chance of surviving!"


The eldest elder of the Chu family looked at the monks who were fighting bloody battles and hesitated to speak.

"No need but."

King Chu Ren, the head of the Chu family, did not even look at the Chu family's children and said firmly: "It is their honor to die fighting for the Chu family! If people are gone, we can still regenerate and continue to develop. But the Chu family If it’s gone, it’s really gone. Once our Chu family is destroyed, it won’t make any sense no matter where we go to the end of the world!”


Hearing King Chu Ren's words, the eldest elder of the Chu family sighed.

The other elders also looked ashen.

At this moment, the morale of everyone in the Chu family was indescribably low.

But King Chu Ren has no choice!
  After all, this is reality!

They are indeed unable to join the battle group of ordinary warriors, and they are indeed unable to take action now!

Facing the gaze of the other three forces' top combat forces, they must withstand the pressure and protect the battle situation.

Otherwise, if the opponent's top combat power is allowed to enter the battle, the Chu family will lose even faster!
  and so.

Even if the morale of the Chu family elders is low, even if a large number of Chu family children die every moment, they must hold on!

As long as they hold on, the Chu family can still be saved.

If they join the battle without stability and then fall in the battle, then the Chu family will really be hopeless.

King Chu Ren, the head of the Chu family, thought for a while, then called an elder on the side and ordered: "Elder Renwu, go and organize all the youngest and most promising disciples of our Chu family and bring them to the forbidden area in the back mountain. ! If the defense at the top of our city collapses, then take them and leave through the teleportation circle in the forbidden area, find a place to hide, and slowly recuperate! Remember, you must destroy the teleportation circle after leaving to avoid the other party. Chase through the magic circle!”

"Master, I."

Elder Renwu didn't seem to want to accept this order, and his face was full of hesitation.

"Elder Renwu, this is an order!"

"Moreover! Even if you stay with your strength, you can't do anything. You can't affect the situation of the battle at all. At most, you can only kill a few more people. It's more meaningful for you to take our seeds away than to stay. We old people If the guys are gone, they will be gone, but they can’t do it. They are our Chu family’s last hope! If they are gone, our Chu family will really be gone.”

King Chu Ren said seriously.

"I am."

Elder Renwu sighed, nodded and said: "Okay. Then I will organize it now."

"Yeah! Go ahead."

King Chu Ren nodded.

Hearing this, Elder Renwu was about to turn around and carry out the order, but at this moment King Chu Ren seemed to think of something again. He stopped Elder Renwu and asked: "Elder Renwu, wait, have you seen Xiaowei?"

Elder Renwu turned his head and replied: "The eldest lady seems to have gone to the Void Forest to treat the fifth lady's illness, and she has not been seen yet." "Goed to the Void Forest?"

King Chu Ren murmured, and then said to Elder Ren Wu: "Yes, I understand, Elder Ren Wu, go ahead."

"The old man is gone."

Elder Renwu just took two steps, then turned his head, cupped his hands towards everyone and said: "Everyone, take care!"

All the elders present, various senior members of the Chu family and King Chu Ren also handed over their hands.

After the fifth elder Ren left, King Chu Ren asked everyone again: "Which of you can contact Xiaowei?"

Hearing this, an elder stood up and said, "I can do it."

King Chu Ren took a look and said: "It turns out to be Elder Renjiu! Since you can contact Xiaowei, please contact Xiaowei and tell her not to come back. And ask her to go to the Medieval Holy Land to join Elder Renwu."


Hearing this, Elder Renjiu slightly cupped his hand, and then took out a jade pendant for communication with a flick of his right hand. After a few spells, a message was transmitted.

Seeing Elder Renjiu pass on the message, the head of the Chu family, King Chu Ren, nodded slightly, then felt relieved and muttered: "Xiaowei, this is the only thing dad can do for you."


The leader of the Tianyi Sect, the leader of the Hong family, the leader of the Mo family, and the top combat powers of the three families were all floating in the air.

Without receiving any orders, everyone waited quietly and looked at the battle situation below indifferently.

Different from everyone else in the Chu family, the faces of the top brass of these three families showed no anxiety, no worry, and no look of resignation.

There is only indifference on their faces.

It was as if they were bystanders, as if the battle below had nothing to do with them.

It seemed that those who were dying miserably below were not members of their forces.

But just an ant.

The leader of the Tianyi Sect, the leader of the Hong family, and the leader of the Mo family, these three people are even worse. Their eyes looking downward are full of disdain and pity.

"Ha! King Chu Ren is really ridiculous. He dares to compete with the three of us. I don't know where he got the courage!" The head of the Hong family sneered.

"King Chu Ren has such a temper that he will never repent until he dies! I've had enough of this little guy's temper before Tianyi Sect Master came. This time he must pay the price for his temper!" The head of the Mo family said.

"It's just a pity that he couldn't surrender to us. If he could surrender to us, there might be better results." Tianyi Sect Master said.

"If he didn't surrender to us, if he didn't unite with me, that would be his loss to King Chu Ren and the Chu family!" said the head of the Hong family.

"It doesn't matter if you don't surrender, let us wipe out all the Chu family. Let's see how long he can keep his stubborn words." The head of the Mo family said forcefully.


Just as the leaders of the three forces watched the battle indifferently and kept talking about the head of the Chu family, a subordinate of the Tianyi Sect quickly came to report.

(End of this chapter)

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