Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2877 The top combat power of the Chu family enters early

Chapter 2877 The top combat power of the Chu family enters early
  After Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei killed the warriors from the Tianyimen who blocked their way, they quickly rushed to the Chu family in Shen Yunzheng.

On the other side, in King Chu City, where the Chu family is located, the situation of the Chu family has become extremely bad and they have fallen into a very critical situation.

The head of the Chu family, King Chu Ren, looked extremely dark and extremely ugly at the moment.

The faces of the elders and powerful senior leaders of the Chu family turned into the color of pig liver.

Their fists were clenched so hard that their nails were embedded in their flesh.

However, they were completely unaware of this and kept their eyes fixed on the battle situation.

And every time they look at it, their hearts will hurt a little bit more.

"Master! Are we going to continue to endure it? If we continue to endure it, our children of the Chu family will really die."

The eldest elder of the Chu family gritted his teeth and said with a painful expression.

He really couldn't stand it anymore.

I really can't bear it anymore.

At the same time, he was really uncomfortable.

Whenever he saw a Chu family member fall in front of him, his heart would bleed, and it would hurt like a knife.

Whenever he saw the corpses of Chu family members scattered all over the city walls and outside the city, he felt as if he had lost his soul.

You know, these are the heritage of their Chu family.

But it’s a network of people that took thousands of years to develop!

It took the Chu family thousands of years to develop into such a state and have so many talented disciples.

However, at this moment, one after another died in front of him. How could this elder of the Chu family, who had endured so much hardship, bear it?
  He really couldn't bear it anymore.

A few minutes ago, he did not dare to look at the battle situation anymore, silently closed his eyes and lowered his head.

He was afraid that if he continued to watch, he wouldn't have to fight, and he would probably die from heartache.

On the side, hearing the words of the eldest elder of the Chu family, it was also the first time for the elders of the Chu family. Each of their faces looked extremely ugly, and everyone felt very uncomfortable.

To be honest, standing here was ten thousand times more uncomfortable than entering the battlefield to fight.

Everything you endure here is more painful than entering the battlefield and being surrounded and killed.

If they were given a choice, they would rather go into the battlefield and fight and be killed than stand here and watch everyone fall.

This feeling is too uncomfortable.

And at this moment, King Chu Ren, the head of the Chu family, how could he not be like this?
  Doesn't he feel uncomfortable?
  Doesn't he suffer?
  Of course he felt uncomfortable.

Of course it hurts!

The Chu family is also his hard work!

And he values ​​the Chu family more than the elders!

I want the Chu family to get better and better.

He is carrying a huge amount of pressure, which is simply not comparable to that of outsiders.

Watching the Chu family's children fall, he actually felt more uncomfortable than anyone else!

Heart like a knife!

If the Chu family was destroyed in his hands, if all the children of the Chu family died because of him, how would he go to see his ancestors?

How to go to Huangquan to explain to ancestors?

There is no way to explain.

So, isn’t King Chu Ren uncomfortable?
  He suffered more than anyone else!

But what about being uncomfortable? Can the Chu family be saved by being uncomfortable?
  Can you defeat powerful enemies just by feeling uncomfortable?
  Obviously that's not possible.

"I know that you are all feeling very uncomfortable right now, and I know that you all want to join the battle group to support and help our Chu family children, but"

King Chu Ren really wanted to say that the top combat powers of the three forces in the sky have not yet taken action, and if they take action now, they will die.

I want to repeat what I said before.

  When the words came to his lips, he saw the longing eyes of the elders and felt the sad and uncomfortable emotions of the elders of the Chu family. In the end, he still did not say anything.

After a pause, King Chu Ren said: "Hey, that's all. It seems that our Chu family is really in doom today. Okay! Since the elders want to fight, let's fight! Let's fight hard. If you can Killing one more person is one more person! Even if our Chu family is destroyed, we will bite them hard!"

"Yes! Bite them hard!"

"Don't worry, as long as I don't shed the last drop of blood, I won't fall, and as long as I don't fall, I will use my hands to kill these sons of bitches."

"If I can kill one, I'll get one. If I can kill two, I'll earn a pair! Although the opponent's top warriors are not as good as each other, I can kill many of their ordinary warriors! This can also weaken their strength!"

"That's right! There is no coward in our Chu family! So what if we are destroyed? Even if our Chu family is destroyed, we will tear off a piece of their flesh!"

"Come on, brothers! How many years has it been? How many years have we not fought side by side? This time let us fight side by side and have a good fight!"

"Grandma, I can't bear it anymore. Seeing them constantly besieging and killing our Chu family's children, I almost vomited blood. Now I can finally take action."


After hearing what King Chu Ren said, all the elders present said one after another.

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and everyone burst out with an aura of looking forward to death!

At this moment, the elders of the Chu family seemed to have put life and death aside, and no longer thought about whether the Chu family could survive.

I no longer think about whether I can survive.

The only thing they are thinking about now is to kill a few warriors from the three parties!
  Kill one to get your money back, kill two to make a profit.

Now they just want to kill more warriors from the three forces and earn back their money!

Seeing the elders like this, the head of the Chu family, King Chu Ren, nodded and said: "Okay. I, King Chu Ren, have not fought side by side with my uncle and elders for a long time. Now that everyone has made a decision, let's take action! Let them Look, our Chu family is such a bloody family!"


King Chu Ren shouted loudly, shaking the heaven and earth.


The elders of the Chu family also shouted loudly at the same time, and their voices resounded throughout the world.

"The elders are going to take action! The clan leader is going to take action! Everyone kill! Kill!"

"Kill them sons of bitches!"

"Kill! Kill them all!"

"They are dead! I must kill enough of them!"

"Our Chu family is not easy to bully!"

"Come on! Come and kill me! You losers, if more than a dozen of you surround me, won't you be able to kill me?"

"You bastards, die to me! Die to me!"


When all the children of the Chu family heard the loud shouts from the top brass of the Chu family, their morale was greatly shaken. Their strength skyrocketed in an instant. When they fought, they became even more ferocious. Everyone was fearless of death, and everyone became extremely fierce. Crazy, as if he has gone crazy.

In this way, with the participation of the top leaders of the Chu family, the pressure on everyone in the Chu family was greatly reduced.

Although the war situation has not yet reached a reversal level, it has gradually transformed into a balance of power, and the casualties of the Chu family have also been greatly reduced.

(End of this chapter)

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