Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2895 The Bereaved Dog

Chapter 2895 The Bereaved Dog
  Originally, Tianyi Clan, Hong Family and Mo Family came here to slaughter the Chu Family!

He is here to replace the Chu family’s position!

They are here to destroy the Chu family!
  But at this moment, the result was reversed, and it became the Chu family massacring three families of warriors.

I have to say that the ending changed so quickly that it was disappointing.

Seeing that the warriors from the Tianyi Sect, the Hong Family and the Mo Family were helpless under Chu Nianwei's slaughter, the Tianyi Sect's master's face became terrifyingly gloomy.

At this moment, no matter how stupid the leader of the Tianyi Sect is, he understands that their operation this time should have failed.

Although the leader of the Tianyi Sect has not taken action at this moment, he can still take action and directly deal with the eldest lady of the Chu family.

As long as the eldest lady of the Chu family is killed, then their Tianyi Sect will still have the possibility of winning.


This method doesn’t work!

He couldn't do anything to the eldest lady of the Chu family!
  And the reason why he couldn't take action was because the eldest lady of the Chu family was standing next to that person at the moment!

Standing on that weird giant piano-like flying instrument.

The eldest lady of the Chu family was standing there, how could he take action?
  Although the mysterious young man promised not to take action, he did not promise not to fight back!

He also didn’t promise not to protect the eldest lady of the Chu family.

What if he rashly goes up to deal with the eldest lady of the Chu family and that mysterious young man comes to help?
  What if we beat him to death directly?
  Wouldn't that be a waste of time?

and so.

Although there is still a slight chance of winning, the leader of the Tianyi Sect is completely unable to do so.

Since they can't do it, it means that their Tianyimen has no chance.

The leader of the Tianyi Sect really didn't expect that the mysterious young man on the other side could actually have such abilities.

To be able to take out such a terrifying divine bow.


In the opinion of the Tianyi Sect Master, the magical bow in the hands of the eldest lady of the Chu family must belong to Tang Yi!

After all, the Tianyi Sect Master knows very well how much the eldest daughter of the Chu family weighs.

How could such a person with such strength be able to hold such a terrifying divine bow?

How could it exert such terrifying power?

Only with the help of that mysterious young man can she become so powerful!

To be able to shoot such terrifying arrows that can be tracked!

"No wonder he promised me not to take action. It turned out that he had a backup plan. It turned out that he wanted Miss Chu to take action herself, so he agreed to me! And in this way, he can not only get the treasure, but also borrow it. Miss Chu has come to get rid of us. What a good plan! I have to say that this person is really powerful, both in terms of strength and mind, he is at the top level! The Chu family is really lucky to have such a noble person to help them. ! And we, Tianyimen, will be difficult this time."

At this time, how could the Tianyi Sect Master still not understand what is going on?

As the leader of a sect, if he doesn't even have this bit of wisdom, then he is in vain.

After knowing this and Tang Yi's plan, the leader of the Tianyi Sect was very disappointed and secretly said that he was unlucky.

Why did the secret passage encounter such a hard iron plate and such a powerful person?

While feeling depressed in his heart, the leader of the Tianyi Sect also began to think about the timing of retreat and the way out.

After all, nothing can be done now. Since nothing can be done, it is necessary to retreat quickly. And retreat is not something you can just do if you want to.

After all, the other party may not let you go!
  Therefore, you must grasp the opportunity to retreat and think carefully about how to respond if the other party refuses to let you go.

Of course.

Even at this moment, the Tianyi Sect Master still does not think that he will die here.

After all, in his opinion, as long as the mysterious young man on the other side doesn't take action, no one here can keep him.

Even if she gets help, the eldest lady of the Chu family, who has considerable fighting power, will do the same!
  Therefore, the leader of the Tianyi Sect was still very calm at this moment and did not panic at all.

After thinking for a moment, thinking about the retreat route and how to leave, the leader of the Tianyi Sect immediately loudly said to the disciples of the Tianyi Sect, the Hong family and the Mo family: "Escape! Today There are noble people in the Chu family to help us, but we have no chance! Now, whether we are the disciples of the Tianyi Sect, the disciples of the Hong family or the Mo family, everyone is retreating towards the south together, and we are leaving Izumo now."

When the leader of the Tianyi Sect announced this matter, it was when Chu Nianwei was launching an attack and had no time to take care of him.

The timing was chosen very well.

So much so that when he announced this, Chu Nianwei was unable to launch more attacks, and at the same time, she was unable to pursue him.


The leader of Tianyi Sect is also very decisive at this moment, without any sloppiness at all.

After he made the announcement, he took the lead and quickly retreated towards the south of King Chu City. The speed was very fast, and he had no intention of waiting for others.

It was as if the safety of others was not worth mentioning in his eyes.

After hearing the words of the Tianyi Sect Master, and seeing the figure of the Tianyi Sect Master rushing towards the distance, the three joint warriors who had no fighting spirit and had already wanted to leave here immediately followed. The leader of the Tianyi Sect fled in panic!
  At this moment, they panicked and ran away as fast as they could, using all their strength, even harder than when they fought against the Chu family before.

After all, this place is too scary.

Every second they stay here, they are one minute closer to death, and there is one more risk.

and so!
  The warriors from the three families don't want to stay here for even a moment longer.

If they hadn't received the order before, if they hadn't been intimidated by the Tianyi Sect's sect leader, they might have run away before.

The head of the Hong family and the head of the Mo family also looked at each other, and then they looked hatefully in the direction of the head of the Chu family.

Then, they quickly fled with the large army.

Although they were unwilling, they still ran away.

After all, as the heads of top aristocratic families, they can naturally see the current situation clearly and understand that this operation has completely failed.

Under the suppression of the opponent's powerful firepower, they were like lambs to be slaughtered, completely at the mercy of others, and had no ability to fight back.

Even resisting is extremely difficult.

The current battle is a one-sided slaughter of the opponent!

But when the three of them joined forces, all the warriors had lost their fighting spirit and were unable to resist.

They have no chance,
  This is already a complete loss.

In this situation of failure, protecting yourself wisely is the wisest choice.

Therefore, when they heard the Tianyi Sect Master talking about escaping, they didn't hesitate at all.

In this way, under the leadership of the leader of the Tianyi Sect, the three families of the Tianyi Sect, the Hong Family and the Mo Family joined forces and fled with less than 100,000 "remnants and prodigal soldiers" like bereft dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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