Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2898 Complete Massacre

Chapter 2898 Complete Massacre
  Draw a bow and shoot an arrow!


Two more black energy arrows roared out from the long bow in Chu Nianwei's hand and flew directly towards the head of the Hong family and the head of the Mo family.

Feeling the black arrows coming, the heads of the Hong family and the Mo family, like the heads of the Tianyi sect, wailed sadly and begged Chu Nianwei!
  This time they not only made various promises, but even brought up old friendships, telling how precious the friendship between the four of them was and how close their ancestors were.

In short, Xiaozhi tried to persuade Chu Nianwei to let them go by using emotion and reason, plus various inducements.

But what's the use?
  Chu Nianwei was completely indifferent and ignored them at all.

Even if Chu Nianwei paid attention to them, she would not stop, let alone hold back.

So, why bother?


In this way, the head of the Hong family and the head of the Mo family were also hit by the black arrows shot by Chu Nianwei. The two most powerful men were directly destroyed physically and mentally. They could not even scream, and not even a grain of flesh and blood was lost in their corpses. Failed to stay.

Under Chu Nianwei's deliberate pursuit, the leaders of the Tianyi Clan, the Hong Family and the Mo Family all fell.

The three families of Tianyimen, Hong family and Mo family suddenly lost their leaders, and suddenly they became more panicked and more frightened.

After all, even the leaders of the three major forces are dead, so how can they, the little guys, resist?

Therefore, how can the warriors of the three factions not be afraid.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chu Nianwei cooperated with the Chu family's children and began to continuously hunt down the three forces, driving out all the defeated warriors.

Logically speaking, the Chu family are not such ruthless people!


Because the warriors of the three previous factions were extremely ruthless, dozens of people besieged a Chu family disciple and killed many Chu family disciples.

A large number of Chu family disciples died at the hands of these three warriors.

It can be said that the warriors of these three families are stained with the blood donated by the children of the Chu family.

The Chu family and them have a sworn hatred!

and so!
  How could everyone in the Chu family let go of the warriors from these three families at this moment?
  Kill them all?
  Not arresting them all and beating them up for three days and three nights would be a great honor to these people.

Under the pursuit of Chu Nianwei and the warriors of the Chu family, about twenty minutes later, the defeated warriors of the Tianyimen, Hong family and Mo family were slaughtered!

With Chu Nianwei here, no one from the three forces can escape!
  As long as Chu Nianwei locks on, the tracking arrow can chase her to the ends of the earth!

and so!
  The warriors from the three factions, as long as they were present today, all died in the King of Chu City.

Fortunately, the soul-destroying bow used by Chu Nianwei has the effect of destroying both body and soul.

Otherwise, hundreds of thousands of people will die here, and the corpses will pile up on the city, turning this place into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

And as Chu Nianwei and the children of the Chu family killed all the invading enemies, this shocking battle finally came to an end.

Of course.

The reason why he was able to end the battle so quickly, kill the leaders of the three major forces, and kill all the enemies who participated in the siege of the Chu family was all thanks to the soul-destroying bow in Chu Nianwei's hand.

Without this bow, no matter how many Chu family disciples there are and how powerful they are, it will be of no use.

There are hundreds of thousands of warriors from the three factions, and I'm afraid they won't be able to kill them all in just a few hours!

And use the soul-killing bow
  Kill tens of thousands at a time!

Hundreds of thousands were quickly killed.

That is to say, with Chu Nianwei and this divine bow, the warriors from the three factions were all slaughtered in such a long time!

Of course!
  Who exactly gets all the credit? Perhaps the people in the Chu family below don’t know.

But Chu Nianwei knew it very well.

Chu Nianwei was excited and excited when she saw that she had used the Soul-Destroying Bow to kill all the invading enemies in one fell swoop and save the entire Chu family.    At the same time, I am very grateful to Tang Yi.

After killing the last invading enemy, she turned her head and thanked Tang Yi: "Thank you, Tang Yi. If you hadn't been here today, I'm afraid our Chu family would have ceased to exist."

"Small things."

Tang Yi waved his hand and said: "Actually, all of this is fate. It is destined that your Chu family will not perish. Therefore, your Chu family can only meet me and be safe. If it is destined that your Chu family will perish, then you will not die either." You'll meet me. It's all fate."


Chu Nianwei thought for a moment and asked, "Then do you think fate will let us be together?"


Hearing Chu Nianwei's question, Tang Yi was stunned and didn't know how to answer for a while.

And Chu Nianwei reacted very quickly. When she saw Tang Yi's appearance, she immediately smiled and said, "I'm just kidding you."


Tang Yi secretly thought that it was a good thing it was a joke, otherwise he really wouldn't know how to answer.

At this moment, Chu Nianwei stretched out her hand, handed the Soul-Destroying Bow back, and said to Tang Yi: "Tang Yi, here you go!"

Tang Yi waved his hand and said, "No need to give it to me. This is a time-sensitive weapon. It will disappear automatically as soon as time passes."

"Time-sensitive weapon?"

Chu Nianwei was slightly startled when she heard Tang Yi's words.

Because she has never heard of time-effective weapons!

"It's hard to explain this to you. When I have time, I will explain to you what a time-effective weapon is."

Tang Yi said.

"Yeah! Okay! Let me know when you are free!"

Chu Nianwei nodded and said.


After Tang Yi finished speaking, his mind suddenly sank and he began to check the prompts in his mind.

Just after Chu Nianwei killed the last enemy, a series of prompts suddenly came to his mind, and he didn't know what they were.

So Tang Yi now wants to sink into his mind and take a look.

However, you won’t know it until you look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

The reminder in my mind is actually the reward for killing!
  "Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing an elite warrior from the Tianyi Sect and earning 5213265 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing an ordinary warrior from the Tianyi Sect and earning 585213 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the leader of the Tianyi Sect and earning 521252152121 million Supreme Points and 100000000000 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing an elite warrior of the Hong family and earning 5241521 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing an ordinary warrior of the Hong family and earning 5852136 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing an elite warrior of the Hong family and earning 5475215 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the elite warrior of the Mohist family and earning 5241521 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing an ordinary warrior of the Mo family and earning 5852136 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the elite warrior of the Mohist family and earning 5475215 Supreme Points and 100 Supreme Coins."

(End of this chapter)

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