Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2908 I just gave my friend a gift

Chapter 2908 I just give some gifts to my friends
  "Tang Yi, why did you bring these out?"

King Chu Ren had already guessed what Tang Yi's purpose was for taking out so many treasures.


Even if he guessed it, he still couldn't believe that Tang Yi would do this.

"Master Chu, do you still need to ask?"

Tang Yi smiled slightly and said: "Of course I dare to say words that can make your Chu family prosperous, so how can I not do a little bit? And these are the first efforts I want to make. Yes, these things are for Your Chu family has increased its strength."



Hearing Tang Yi's words, King Chu Ren swallowed.

Even though he was as calm and dignified as him, he still made an action that was very inconsistent with the majesty of the family leader.

After all, after hearing Tang Yi's confirmation at this moment, and hearing Tang Yi say with his own ears that he would give these top treasures to the Chu family, no matter who it was, it was impossible to remain calm.

King Chu Ren swallowed his saliva, which was understandable.

You know, that's a top-level skill, that's a top-level artifact.

What's wrong with swallowing saliva?
  Not to mention swallowing, if it were not for image, King Chu Ren would be able to drool.




The same was true for all the elders. They all swallowed their saliva and looked at Tang Yi with extremely hot eyes.

At this moment, even King Chu Ren probably didn't expect that the Chu family would gain so much and get so many treasures just because of his one question.

"But Tang Yi, these things are too valuable. Our Chu family cannot accept such valuable things from you."

King Chu Ren said: "We have already accepted five of your treasure-level flying instruments. If we want more, our Chu family will seem a little greedy. Moreover, I just asked Tang Yi to see your attitude before. In fact, I don’t want to get anything from you.”

"That's right, I can't have it anymore. I can't have it anymore."

"Even if Tang Yi becomes the son-in-law of our Chu family, our Chu family cannot just ask for it."

"Our Chu family is very lucky to have obtained five pieces of treasure-level flying equipment."

"Before, the head of the family just asked questions and didn't really want to get anything."

"Tang Yi, please take it back, our Chu family doesn't want it. Of course, you don't have to mind, even if our Chu family doesn't accept your gift, we will marry you! This sentence was said by my elder, if If the head of the family disagrees, come to me!"


"Master of the Chu family and elders of the Chu family, didn't I tell you just now? You don't have to worry about the items I gave you. The items that I can take out are naturally the items that I have a lot of, and they are naturally the items that I can get at my fingertips. , and it is also an item that I don’t need! Such items are precious to you, valuable to you, but to me, they are not worth mentioning! So, you don’t have to do this at all, just accept it when it’s time. Take it.”

Tang Yi said calmly.


King Chu Ren wanted to say something else.

However, Tang Yi said: "Master Chu family, do you look down on me? Do you think I am not worthy of being your Chu family's son-in-law?"

"No," King Chu Ren said.

However, before he finished speaking, Tang Yi said: "That's okay. Since the Chu family head doesn't look down on me and doesn't think I'm unworthy of being the Chu family's son-in-law, then just accept it. No matter if it's a gift because of friends. Okay, or it may be the relationship between the in-laws, in short, you have to accept the things I give away, otherwise you will look down on me."

Hearing what Tang Yi said, what else could King Chu Ren say. After all, no matter whether Tang Yi becomes the son-in-law of their Chu family or not, he is their savior. If his savior refuses to accept him, he looks down on him, so can the Chu family not accept him?

Can you not give me face?

Of course not!

So after hearing Tang Yi's words, he hesitated for a while, and then King Chu Ren wanted to compromise and accept.

However, before King Chu Ren could speak, Chu Nianwei stood up and refused: "No. Tang Yi, our Chu family can't take your things! This won't work!"

After all, others didn't know her relationship with Tang Yi, but she knew it.

She and Tang Yi were not an unmarried couple at all.

Tang Yi doesn't like her at all!
  It was because she asked Tang Yi to help that Tang Yi came to the Chu family!
  They are just friends.

Even just ordinary friends, not even good friends.

After all, they had only known each other for a few days?

Not even a few days.

Can such a relationship be good friends?

Neither a couple nor good friends, how could she accept so many gifts from Tang Yi!


Tang Yi gave them enough things!
  They compensated her and gave her flying equipment.

At this moment, he also took five pieces of flying equipment and gave them to the Chu family!

There were already a lot of gifts, and Tang Yi was generous enough.

How could the Chu family still collect Tang Yi's belongings?

This is absolutely not possible!
  Not to mention that Tang Yi was not the son-in-law of their Chu family, even if Tang Yi was really the son-in-law of the Chu family, Chu Nianwei would never accept Tang Yi's gift.

and so!
  Chu Nianwei stood up and rejected Tang Yi at this moment.

"why not?"

Tang Yi looked at Chu Nianwei in confusion and said, "Not to mention that these gifts are proof of my strength. It's just a matter of etiquette. When I meet your father for the first time, I have to give him some meeting gifts, right? No matter it's to prove myself Regardless of whether it’s a courtesy or not, there’s nothing wrong with me giving you a gift from the Chu family. So why not?”

"There's no reason, it just doesn't work!"

While openly rejecting Tang Yi, secretly, Chu Nianwei said through a message: "Tang Yi, there is no need for you to give our Chu family so many valuable items. After all, we are just a cooperative relationship. Once the cooperation is over, you can leave. , there is no need to spend money.”

"Why is it a waste of money?"

Tang Yi also sent a message: "What is the relationship between cooperation and non-cooperation? You and I are friends now. Since we are friends, it is not a big deal to give some gifts. And I just said that these things are very important to me." It’s not worth mentioning at all, you don’t need to pay too much attention to it, and you don’t need to feel any burden, just accept it.”


Chu Nianwei wanted to persuade her again.

However, Tang Yi pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "Can't I even give a gift to my friend? Can't I even give a gift to my friend's father? Chu Nianwei, is this how you treat your friends? What if? If so, then I won’t go to your Chu family’s forbidden areas, and I won’t care about this matter.”

"No, Tang Yi, listen to me. It's not like this."

Chu Nianwei quickly sent a message to defend herself.

However, Tang Yi said: "Since it's not the case, you, the Chu family, can just accept what I gave to you without any psychological burden! Moreover! I don't like to be rejected by my friends when I give them to them. Do you understand? If my friends refuse, I, I will be very dissatisfied, very unhappy.”

(End of this chapter)

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