Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2912 Climb to the top of the mountain.

Chapter 2912 Climb to the top of the mountain.


"After all, it's a restriction left over from ancient times. It's really powerful."

Chu Nianwei pointed at the square building and said, "So, we can only enter from here."

After a pause, Chu Nianwei introduced to Tang Yi: "Actually, we in the Chu family don't know what this building is called and what kind of materials it is built with. When our ancestors of the Chu family came here to establish the Chu family, At that time, it was already here. Our ancestors of the Chu family settled here because of such a peculiar building."

"Of course, although we don't know what this place is called, we gave it a name, Shengshan County. It means you can climb mountains from here."

Tang Yi nodded and asked: "So, how should we get in? This Shengshan County seems to be sealed, without even an entrance. Moreover, I can feel the energy on the rock wall, the energy on the rock wall It seems to be very powerful, and it must not be that easy to break it open with brute force.”

"That's right!"

Chu Nianwei glanced at Tang Yi appreciatively and said: "Tang Yi, you are really powerful, you can tell it at a glance. Yes, Shengshan County cannot be broken through with brute force. Because its defense strength and restrictions are Similarly, as strong as the restriction is, the defense of Shengshanwei will be strong. If you want to enter, there is only one way, and that is to find its entrance and enter from the entrance."


Tang Yi looked at Shengshan County slightly and asked doubtfully: "Where is the entrance?"

As he spoke, Tang Yi leaned towards Shengshan County, and then walked around Shengshan County, checking it out carefully.

He even fumbled around with his hands.

However, they all found nothing, and there was no entrance at all.

Seeing Tang Yi's actions, Chu Nianwei first smiled slightly, and then explained: "Actually, we were just like Tang Yi at the beginning, we couldn't find the entrance at all, but after years of exploration, we finally found the entrance. The secret of Shan County has finally been found at the entrance to Shengshan County."

After a pause, Chu Nianwei said: "Tang Yi, come with me."

With that said, Chu Nianwei walked towards Shengshan County.

And Tang Yi followed closely behind.

The two of them approached Shengshan County one after another.

However, when she came to Shengshan County, Chu Nianwei did not look for the entrance to anything.

Instead, he walked to the eastern corner of Shengshan County.

Since Seungsan-gun is a square building, it will have four corners.

At this moment, Chu Nianwei came to Dongjiao.

Arriving at this location, Chu Nianwei stretched out her leg and lightly stepped on the bottom of the east corner of Shengshan County.

Then, he took Tang Yi to the south corner, then stretched out his feet and stepped on it gently.

In this way, Chu Nianwei came to the four corners of Shengshan County, southeast and northwest, and stepped on them lightly.

Then, he jumped up again, flew directly to the top of Shengshan County, and stepped lightly on the top center of it.

Then, he quickly jumped down from the top.


Just when Chu Nianwei stepped on the top of Shengshan County and jumped down quickly, a soft sound suddenly came from Shengshan County.

I saw Shengshan County shaking slightly, and then, ‘Wow! ’

With a soft sound, the rock walls and roofs surrounding Shengshan County suddenly rose rapidly and floated in the sky!

It was as if someone had opened the lid and soared into the sky.

The rock walls and walls on all sides were just floating in mid-air.

As the rock walls on all sides rose, everything in Shengshan County was exposed to Tang Yi's eyes.

However, what Tang Yi didn't expect was!
  The Shengshan County that was created was actually just a cover!


A gray lid.     This is the most appropriate description.

Shengshan County is just covered with a lid!

That’s why there is no entrance!
  And the position covered by this ‘lid’.
  There is an open space there.

In the open space, a three-meter-sized magic circle was arranged.

Other than that, there is nothing else inside.

Seeing the 'lid' raised and the formation exposed, Chu Nianwei said to Tang Yi: "It's open, let's go in. As long as we enter the formation, we can directly enter the top of the back mountain."


Tang Yi nodded and followed Chu Nianwei into the formation.

The two stood in the center of the formation and paused slightly.

I didn't see Chu Nianwei using any methods, let alone what chants she was reciting.

Four or five seconds later, the formation where Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei were standing lit up with a dazzling yellow light.

The light gradually covered Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei.

Then, wrap them completely.


There was another soft sound, the light disappeared, and Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei also disappeared into the formation along with the light.

At this time, the 'lid' that was already floating in the air suddenly crashed down like a huge stone gate.

Cover the formation again.


There was a soft sound, and there was a slight feeling of weightlessness, and Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei appeared on the top of the back mountain in the next second.

On the top of the back mountain, strong winds blew, and waves of icy cold air swept across.

White clouds were drifting in and out, and everything became so unreal.

Everything has become so mysterious.

Tang Yi took a moment to adapt, and then looked into the distance, only to realize that the mountain behind the Chu family was not only a few thousand meters high.

When he was looking outside just now, based on his own vision, he thought that the mountain behind was only a few thousand meters high.

But after actually climbing to the top of the mountain and entering the interior of the ban, Tang Yi realized that the mountain was very high, at least over 10,000 meters.

Even higher!
  It has reached a towering level.

Standing here, you can not only see the entire Chu family.

Even the entire Chu King City can be seen at a glance.

"so amazing!"

"Are we coming up now?"

"And why is this back mountain different from what we see outside?"

"When I looked outside, I thought it was only a few thousand meters high, but standing here, I felt that the mountain was nearly 10,000 meters, or even more than 10,000 meters!"

Tang Yi expressed his doubts.

"Is such that!"

Chu Nianwei nodded and explained to Tang Yi: "In fact, what we see outside is just fantasy. The real back mountain is all hidden within the restriction. That powerful restriction not only has terrifying defense The power can not only continuously restore energy, but also create illusions so that outsiders cannot peek into the mountain. So the scenes we see outside are just illusions. And the scene you see now, Tang Yi, is real!"

(End of this chapter)

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