Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2931 Black Demon Battleship

Chapter 2931 Black Demon Battleship
  "I don't know how to get technology coins! I hope I can get more technology coins in the future so that I can buy these treasures. With these treasures, my strength can rise to several levels! By then, even if I meet a more powerful existence, It’s completely true.”

Tang Yi thought in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he began to look at the fifth item.

And this fifth item is a steel battleship!


It's a spaceship!
  A modern spaceship!
  Not a ship in a fantasy world, but a cool battleship like those in science fiction novels.

The battleship in the technology store was also black as a whole, with two wings on both sides, and the wings extended backwards. It was very similar to the aircraft Tang Yi had seen.

However, the wings of the battleship in front of him are shorter and the hull is thicker.

There are still some differences from the appearance of ordinary airplanes.

It's very similar to that kind of spaceship.

The hull of the battleship looks very thick, with various gun barrels and various devices arranged on it, which looks very high-tech.

There are also two very terrifying giant cannons at the front end of the battleship. The giant cannons extend forward from both sides of the battleship's hull, making the already extremely long battleship even longer.

At the same time, there is a strange opening in the center of the front end of the battleship. This opening emits a glistening blue light, and it seems that there is some energy filling it!

Overall, this battleship looks very cool and high-end.

To be honest, although Tang Yi's Xiqin is also very beautiful and high-end, it is a bit archaic.

Compared to high-tech products and those regular and modern-looking items, Tang Yi prefers modern items.

After all, Tang Yi was originally a modern person.

Both are good-looking, so Tang Yi naturally chooses the one that is more in line with his own aesthetics.

and. The battleship in front of him was really cool and very suitable for Tang Yi.

When Tang Yi was on Earth, he liked to watch science fiction movies. Whenever he saw space battleships, spaceships and other high-tech things, he would feel envious and dream of one day being able to board such a battleship or spaceship.

At this moment, such a high-tech spaceship appeared in front of him, and it looked so cool. How could Tang Yi not be excited and excited.

Seeing that the last item was a cool battleship, Tang Yi hurriedly opened its attribute panel to check it out.

[Black Demon Battleship]: A high-tech spaceship.

Level: Universe Level (Power of the Universe)
  Category: Technology products.

Category: Battleship

Appearance: Dark Demon Form

Function: carrying, fighting, space jumping.

Auxiliary attributes: space jump, space search.

Space jump: You can jump in any space.

Space search: The warship's radar can search everything around it within a certain range.

Special skills: winding path jump, multiple running attacks, converging light.

Winding path jump: Use the folding of space to perform rapid displacement. Multiple running attacks: After use, all the turrets of the battleship will be set up to give the enemy a violent blow.

Converging Light: After use, the battleship's main gun will gather all the surrounding energy of the world and then launch a fierce attack.

Increase in the Supreme Divine Power Index: 500 billion points.

Price: 5000 technology coins.

"Dark Demon Battleship!"

"Cosmic level!"

"Two auxiliary attributes and three active skills!"

"The Supreme Divine Power Index increased by 50 billion points!"

Seeing the properties of the Black Demon Battleship, Tang Yi was shocked again!
  You know, whether it was the laser magic blade sword, the steel divine armor, or the steel boots, the increase in the supreme power index was 10 billion points!
  The Iron Treasure Boots only have 8 billion points!
  And the increase in the Supreme Divine Power Index of the Black Demon Warship in front of me actually reached 50 billion points!
  More than the three pieces of equipment combined!
  Although Tang Yiguang read the description, he didn't know the speed of this battleship, let alone its effectiveness.

  So what's important?
  As long as there is an increase in the supreme divine power index, it doesn't matter whether there are other attributes!

It doesn't matter whether the Black Demon Battleship is effective or not, or whether it's fast or not!
  As long as it can increase the Supreme Divine Power Index by 50 billion points, it doesn't matter if you do anything else!
  After all, you have to know that 50 billion points of the Supreme Divine Power Index is a terrifying value.

If the Supreme Divine Power Index is increased by 50 billion points, to what extent should Tang Yi's strength be improved?
  By then, let alone being a supreme being.

Even if it is a more powerful existence, Tang Yi is confident to fight!
  Therefore, even if the Black Demon Warship has no effect, Tang Yi is extremely enthusiastic when looking at it, and wants to buy it and equip it on the warship rail!
  Even if the Black Demon Battleship is like a vase, it doesn't matter!

In short, as long as there is an increase in the Supreme Divine Power Index, Tang Yi will attach great importance to the Black Demon Battleship.

This Black Demon Battleship is so awesome!

As for the Black Demon Battleship, just the increase in the Supreme Divine Power Index is already extremely powerful, not to mention that it also has various functions and attributes!

"Space jumping should be a more advanced way of movement than void travel, and it should be faster. As for space search, the description should be similar to spiritual consciousness, which can scan the surrounding things. I just don't know How large a range does it scan?"

"As for the special skill Warp Jump, this should be a more advanced way of movement. After use, it should be faster than space jumping! Otherwise, it will not exist as an active skill!"

"As for multiple bombardments, I see that there are many gun barrel launchers on this battleship. When I want to use them, these gun barrels will be mobilized! As for how powerful it is, I guess we have to test it before we know."

"As for the Converging Light, judging from the description, it should be the most powerful attack of this battleship. You have to try it to know how powerful it is!"

"In general, this battleship not only has a high increase in the supreme power index, but also has a variety of methods! It can be used as an attack tool or as a transportation vehicle!"

"If I buy it, then whether it's strength or movement speed, I think it can be improved by dozens of levels!"

After looking at the attributes of the Black Demon Battleship, Tang Yi secretly thought in his heart.

At the same time, he looked at the Black Demon Battleship with very hot eyes.

If he could, he would definitely buy this battleship without hesitation!
  Even if he doesn't buy the laser magic blade sword and steel armor, he will buy this battleship.

After all, no matter how powerful the laser magic blade sword and the steel divine armor are, their combined strength is not as good as this Black Demon battleship!

It's just a pity.
  The price of the Black Demon Battleship is five thousand technology coins!
  It's higher than the laser magic blade sword and steel armor!

Tang Yi couldn't even afford the Laser Magic Blade Sword and the Steel Divine Armor, so how could he buy this Black Demon Warship worth 5,000 technology coins?

(End of this chapter)

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