Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2936 The trump card of Tiangong Black Bat Bee

Chapter 2936 The trump card of Tiangong Black Bat Bee

"Devil Kill!"

Tang Yi chopped off the demon's slave in his hand and slashed in the direction of the Tiangong black bat swarm.

Tang Yi's giant sword was seen emitting a burst of dark black light, and an unprecedented sword energy like a giant wave shot out suddenly.


The wave of sword energy swept past, and the densely packed corpses of Tiangong Black Bats fell from the sky.

Facing the sword wielded by Tang Yi, the Tiangong Black Bat Bee was as fragile as a chicken and was completely irresistible. With the sword energy swept away, corpses flew everywhere.

With just one strike of his sword, Tang Yi swept away at least 300 Tiangong Black Bat Bees!

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Tiangong Black Bat Bee, the cub of the Supreme Queen Bee Bat, and earning 40 billion Supreme Points and 1000 million Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Tiangong Black Bat Bee, the cub of the Supreme Queen Bee Bat, and earning 39 billion Supreme Points and 1000 million Supreme Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Tiangong Black Bat Bee, the cub of the Supreme Queen Bee Bat, and earning 38 billion Supreme Points and 1000 million Supreme Coins."


  Three hundred Tiangong black bat bees are simply a drop in the bucket compared to the huge bee colony. Tang Yi killed three hundred Tiangong black bat bees with one sword, but there were no fewer Tiangong black bat bees in the sky. , still densely packed.

"Not bad!"

"The quantity is large and it can bring me a lot of Supreme Points!"

Tang Yi smiled in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, the slaves of the devil wildly waved their hands and frantically harvested these heavenly black bat peaks.

With just millions of supreme divine powers, how could these heavenly black bats be Tang Yi's opponents!
  Although there are a lot of these heavenly black bats, it is too easy for Tang Yi to kill them, and the pressure they put on Tang Yi is too small.

Therefore, no matter how large the number of these Tiangong black bats are, they cannot be Tang Yi's opponent at all!

Moreover, even if Tang Yi brings Chu Nianwei with him, there will be no problem at all. As long as he does not stand up to fight the Tiangong Black Bat Bee and fall into a situation where he and Chu Nianwei are besieged from all sides, even he and Chu Nianwei will not be harmed. His body skills are fully capable of surviving unharmed when surrounded by Tiangong black bats and bees.

In this way, Tang Yi held Chu Nianwei in mid-air while holding the devil's slave in one hand and continued to slaughter them. Countless Tiangong black bats turned into blood under Tang Yi's slaughter.

Seeing Tang Yi's dashing figure and his serious and handsome face, Chu Nianwei was stunned not to mention how obsessed she was at the moment.

Seeing Tang Yi in a swarm of Tiangong black bats, as if in a deserted place, I was almost fascinated to death.

"It would be great if Tang Yi could really become my husband. With a husband like this, I would be satisfied even to the point of death."

Chu Nianwei thought in her heart.

the other side.

Tang Yi took Chu Nianwei's hand and walked surrounded by Tiangong Black Bat Bees, killing the Tiangong Black Bat Bees by the way.

At this pace, he really killed a lot of Tiangong Black Bats. In less than ten minutes, two to three hundred Tiangong Black Bats died under his sword.


As he kept killing, Tang Yi suddenly felt something was wrong, as if there was a needle on his back, and there was a burning sensation behind him, as if something was staring at him.

Feeling this, Tang Yi quickly turned his head.

Immediately, he saw that behind him, the heavenly black bats and bees were arranged in several rows. There were probably more than a hundred in each row, five rows in total.

These more than five hundred heavenly black bats seemed to be commanded by someone, standing in a square formation and floating in the sky. Seeing this scene, Tang Yi felt something was wrong even more!
  After all, these five hundred Tiangong black bats stood in such a square formation and did not move. This was too strange.

It stands to reason that once you have formed a formation, you should launch an attack. Otherwise, what is the point of forming a formation?
  and so!
  This is very weird!

However, just when Tang Yi felt weird, he saw the five rows of Tiangong black bats suddenly flashed their eyes and raised their tails.

Aim the shining golden tail needle at Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei!

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi secretly thought something bad, then turned around and quickly retreated.

Although these golden tail needles of Tiangong Black Bat Bee didn't put much pressure on Tang Yi, he still felt the dangerous atmosphere on the tail needles!

He can feel the dangerous aura, which proves that these tail needles are very powerful.

Faced with these tail needles, Tang Yi is certainly not afraid, but...
  Chu Nianwei can’t do it!
  These tail needles could pose a huge threat to her, and could even kill her directly, so Tang Yi had to guard against them!
  Seeing these tail needles, Tang Yi responded immediately. He took Chu Nianwei's hand and suddenly moved his body, trying to quickly avoid the coverage of these tail needles.

But it's still too late!

The moment Tang Yi moved, the eyes of the five hundred Tiangong black bats flashed, and then

Golden tail needles shot out from the tail of the Tiangong Black Bat Bee.

Golden light flashed, and the cold light was blazing.

These tail needles carried a terrifying momentum, breaking through the void and shooting towards Tang Yi at a speed that was so fast that it was dizzying to see.

Wherever it passed, there were bursts of sharp edges and cold radiance.

Because of the cold air escaping from the terrifying tail needle, the entire space became cold, and the temperature seemed to drop by dozens of degrees.

Facing these five hundred golden needles, it was too late for Tang Yi to avoid them.

The only thing he can do now is to resist.

"Divine power barrier!"

Tang Yi waved his hand and first displayed a divine power barrier!
  Of course, just a divine barrier to resist those golden tail needles is far from enough.

After all, the divine power barrier did not even resist the original body of the Tiangong Black Bat Bee.

How to resist the more vicious and powerful tail needle of the Tiangong Black Bat Bee at this moment?

and so.

Just a divine barrier is definitely not enough.

After Tang Yi used the divine barrier, he immediately activated the active skill of his own armor, immortal protection, immortal protection.

Immortal Guard: After activation, defense and HP will be horribly increased, while damage absorption will be 99% and damage reduction will be 99%.

Duration: 60 seconds.

Cooldown: 300 seconds.

After opening the armor of the immortal suit, Tang Yi pulled Chu Nianwei behind him and used his body to block Chu Nianwei behind him.

Tang Yi didn't know that his instinctive protective behavior made Chu Nianwei's heart tremble again. Chu Nianwei originally liked Tang Yi very much, but now that she saw Tang Yi's heart-warming behavior, she liked him even more. Tang Yi was relieved.

But Tang Yi didn't know what Chu Nianwei was thinking. He was now fully focused and staring at the golden tail needle.

(End of this chapter)

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