Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2941 The Magical Use of Little Move LV3

Chapter 2941 The Magical Use of Little Move LV3

Facing this burst of poisonous smoke, Chu Nianwei would definitely not be able to withstand it by herself.

But luckily, she has Tang Yi by her side.

When the poisonous smoke curled up, Tang Yi used his means to wrap Chu Nianwei with power to prevent the poisonous smoke from affecting Chu Nianwei.

So under Tang Yi's protection, Chu Nianwei was safe and sound.

Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei withstood this wave of attacks from the Supreme Queen Bee Bat safely.

"Not bad! There is indeed some means!"

After seeing the attack of the Supreme Queen Bee Bat, Tang Yi couldn't help but comment. Then, he took Chu Nianwei's hand and rushed towards the Supreme Queen Bee Bat.

Is it Tang Yi's style to not fight back when being beaten?
  He had just been beaten by the Supreme Queen Bee Bat. Now of course Tang Yi wanted to fight back!

So Tang Yi took Chu Nianwei and flew into the air to face the Supreme Queen Bat.

I saw Tang Yi holding Chu Nianwei with his left hand, and holding a five-meter-long giant sword in his right hand. He was like a prince saving the princess, so handsome and handsome.

"Huh! Human being, I have to say that you do have some abilities. If you fight me alone, maybe I am not your opponent at all. But what a pity! You brought a bottle of oil, and this bottle of oil is here , you can’t be my opponent!”

The Supreme Queen Bat sneered.

Hearing the words of the Supreme Queen Bee, Tang Yi said disdainfully: "You think too highly of yourself. It is inevitable that I will win against you in a single fight. Even if we are not fighting alone, I can easily win against you! What's wrong with bringing someone with you? ? Let alone one person, even if you bring ten or a hundred people, it will not have any impact."


The Supreme Queen Bee sneered: "I hope your strength is as strong as your confidence."

While speaking, the Supreme Queen Bat suddenly flapped its wings again, and black spikes appeared again and squirmed on its wings.


After the black spikes were aimed at Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei, they suddenly shot out again, falling like a heavy black rain.

"Ha! Come again! This kind of attack didn't work on me just now, and you are still using it against me now? Are you looking down on me too much?"

Tang Yi sneered, and then swung his sword!
  "Mist Cloud Slash!"


A sword light and pieces of mist surged out.

Tang Yi just followed the sword light and mist, riding the wind and waves, pulling Chu Nianwei forward.

Soon the sword light and mist collided with the black spikes cast by the Supreme Queen Bee Bat.


Obviously Tang Yi's sword light and mist are superior.

I saw that wherever Tang Yi's sword light and mist passed, the black spikes shattered inch by inch. He was no match at all!

Even though these black spikes are very penetrating, powerful, and corrosive, Tang Yi's sword light and the thick mist will be even more powerful!

Not a single black spike could block the dazzling sword light.

Soon, under the protection of sword light, Tang Yi suddenly arrived in front of the Supreme Queen Bat.

Then, Tang Yi raised his giant sword and struck it down!

"Devil Kill!"


A dazzling red light appeared on the demon's slave. Tang Yi held a huge gleaming red sword in his hand and struck forward with the sword!
  The Supreme Queen Bat is not as simple as Tang Yi thought.

It would be too naive to want to kill the Supreme Queen Bat with such a sword.

Tang Yi slashed with his sword, red light flashed, and power exploded.

The eyes of the Supreme Queen Bat suddenly emitted a dazzling red light, and then the pair of huge demon wings suddenly folded in, wrapping its body tightly!

Tang Yi's invincible sword struck its wings!
  I don't know what kind of material the wings are made of, but they are extremely hard. Tang Yi's infinitely powerful sword was unable to cut off the wings.

It can't even leave a trace on it!
  A sword passed by, and the sword light exploded. The Supreme Queen Bat and its wings were safe and sound!
  Seeing this scene, Tang Yi couldn't help but exclaimed: "What a strong defense!"

However, there was no time for him to think too much at the moment.

Because after the Supreme Queen Bat folded its wings to block Tang Yi's sword, it immediately opened its wings again.

After it opened its wings, because Tang Yi rushed to the side of the Supreme Queen Bat, the distance between the two parties was very close at the moment. The Supreme Queen Bat actually closed its spread wings again, covering Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei at the same time. Got in!

The huge wings retracted like this and immediately covered a huge area. In a short period of time, Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei couldn't escape from this area at all!

And if they were taken into the wings of the Supreme Queen Bat, the two of them might become fish to be slaughtered by the Supreme Queen Bat.

Fortunately for Tang Yi, his strength is strong enough, his defense is strong enough, and his body is tough enough. Even if he is pulled in, the Supreme Queen Bee Bat should not be able to do anything to him.

But Chu Nianwei couldn't.

If she is taken in.

I'm afraid I will definitely die, and there is absolutely no possibility of survival!
  By then, Tang Yi probably won't be able to help at all!
  Therefore, the current situation is very critical for Chu Nianwei.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi frowned slightly.

Then my mind moved, and I immediately had a decision in my heart.

I saw him move his mind, move LV3, and use it immediately!
  [Little Teleportation LV3]: Supreme Magic Skill
  Attributes: After casting, it can teleport within a small range, up to a maximum of 5000 meters.

Cooldown: 1 seconds.

Increase in supreme divine power index: 70000 points.


After using Small Move LV3, Tang Yi and Chu Nianwei's figures immediately disappeared.

It reappeared the next second, already hundreds of meters away, out of the range of the wings of the Supreme Queen Bat!
  Xiaoniu LV3 is a method that Tang Yi has always reserved. He will not use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

After all, this is his trump card. If others don't know about it, he won't let others know about it.

If others know about it and take precautions, his small movement method will not have a sudden effect. If he wants to use it for sneak attacks or various tactics, he will not be able to do it.

So under normal circumstances, Tang Yi would not use it.

And because the situation just now was really critical, the situation was too unfavorable for Chu Nianwei, so he had no choice but to use this method.

And this method immediately brought him and Chu Nianwei out of the danger zone.


Chu Nianwei took a breath and said dangerously: "Tang Yi, what method did you use just now? Why did we fly here all of a sudden? I just thought we were going to be surrounded by the Supreme Queen Bee Bat. What? Its big wings are simply too terrifying. They fold up and cover the sky, making it completely impossible to escape."

Tang Yi didn't hide anything and responded: "This is one of my trump cards. After using it, you can move in a short distance. I just used this method to bring you out together."

(End of this chapter)

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