Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2943 The key to victory

Chapter 2943 The key to victory

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Tang Yi's attacks continued to hit the wings of the Supreme Queen Bee Bat, causing violent rumbling sounds.

The dazzling light has been flickering ever since Tang Yi launched his attack.

The entire venue has been shaking violently since Tang Yi launched his attack.

However, what Tang Yi didn't expect was!
  The wings of the Supreme Queen Bat are so terrifying, and its defense is so mutated.

Tang Yi was in full power, and countless attacks rushed forward, but he still couldn't open any gaps in his wings.

Not to mention the gap, even a small wound cannot be done.

Apart from blasting out white marks, there was no other effect at all.

This pair of black demon wings was like an insurmountable high wall, which put Tang Yi under a lot of pressure.

"Impossible! Its supreme divine power index is only 80 million points, while my supreme divine power index has exceeded 100 million, and has reached more than 600 million points! With such a gap, why can't I break through the defense? Could it be that its wings Is it already so powerful that even I, a Supreme with a Supreme Divine Power Index of 600 million points, cannot break through?”

Seeing that his attack had no effect at all, Tang Yi couldn't help but be confused.

At this moment, due to the continuous attacks, his condition had also disappeared.

After the state disappeared, Tang Yi stopped attacking, pulled Chu Nianwei and distanced herself.

After all, even when the state is fully activated, it can't cause harm to the Supreme Queen Bat. Now that the state has disappeared, it can't do anything to the Supreme Queen Bat.

Therefore, Tang Yi decisively chose to retreat.

On the side, the scene that Tang Yi's attack had no effect on the Supreme Queen Bee Bat also fell into Chu Nianwei's eyes. Seeing this scene, Chu Nianwei couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Tang Yi, how about it? Can it be done?" Just now I saw that your attack had no effect at all on the queen bee. If it doesn't work, or if I influenced you, then you can let me down, and then go to fight the queen bee. After all, I am next to you, how can I help you? There will be some impact.”

Tang Yi shook his head and said: "That's not the reason. You didn't affect me. It's just because its wings are too powerful and its defense is too high, so I can't hurt it."


"Even your strength, Tang Yi, can't hurt the queen bee? So how powerful are its wings in defense?"

Chu Nianwei remembered that Tang Yi had even broken open the burial place of Lord Haoyue and the dividing wall.

Its strength and fighting power are completely unparalleled and terrifying.

Even the leader of Tianyi Sect is not Tang Yi's enemy.

Chu Nianwei has never seen a warrior as powerful and powerful as Tang Yi.

However, with such strength, he is unable to break through the wings of the Supreme Queen Bat at this moment?

How powerful do those wings have to be? How high is the defense?
  This is simply unimaginable!
  So Chu Nianwei was very surprised when she heard Tang Yi say this.

"Its wings are indeed weird. If its wings are so powerful and have not changed from beginning to end, then I'm afraid there is nothing we can do against it. Because the attack just now was almost my full blow. Even I can't hurt it with all my strength, let alone the attacks after that." Tang Yi said in a deep voice.

"Ah! What should we do then? Do we have to give up like this?"

Chu Nianwei said regretfully.

"Well, if there is no other way, we have to give up. After all, the Supreme Queen Bat is not a vegetarian. If we have been unable to harm it, it will have a chance to harm us. We will be very dangerous by then." Tang Yi said.

"It would be a pity to give up like that. After all, there are so many special stones here, and these special stones are all what you need, Tang Yi." Chu Nianwei said regretfully.


"Nianwei, what did you just say?"

Hearing Chu Nianwei's words, Tang Yi had a flash of inspiration and seemed to have thought of something, but he couldn't catch it for a moment.

"I said it would be a shame to just give up." Chu Nianwei repeated.

"No, next sentence." Tang Yi said.

Although Chu Nianwei didn't understand what Tang Yi was doing, she repeated again: "After all, there are so many special stones here, and these special stones are all what you need, Tang Yi."

"That's right! Special stone!"

"There are also a lot of special stones here!"

After Chu Nianwei repeated her words, Tang Yi finally grasped the key!
  The wings of the Supreme Queen Bat are very strong, right? Its defense is terrifying, right?
  With Tang Yi's current strength, even if his state is fully activated, he can't break it at all, right?

Since it can't be broken, then...
  Why not improve your strength? !

And isn't the key to improving strength just those special stones?

Tang Yi only needs to collect these stones, break them open one by one, take out the psychic core inside, and then sell them to the technology store to get a certain amount of technology coins!
  As long as he can exchange for enough technology coins, Tang Yi can exchange them for items in the technology store!
  There are a total of five items in the technology store. Except for one of them that cannot improve his strength, the other four items can bring terrifying improvements to Tang Yi!

and so!
  As long as Tang Yi collects enough special stones, takes out the psychic core, and then sells the technology store in exchange for items in the technology store, his strength will be greatly improved.

By then, are you afraid that you won’t be able to break through the defense of the Supreme Queen Bat?

Sixty million of the supreme divine power index cannot break through the defense of the wings of the supreme queen bee bat. Ten billion of supreme divine power should be enough, right?
  Thinking of this, Tang Yi suddenly became enlightened and immediately understood how to win this battle.

"Tang Yi, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

Seeing Tang Yi in a daze, Chu Nianwei couldn't help but ask.

Tang Yi shook his head and said, "Nothing, I just thought of a way to defeat the Supreme Queen Bat."

"Huh? Have you thought of a method? What method is it?"

Chu Nianwei asked curiously.

Tang Yi said mysteriously: "You will know later."

"Oh!" Chu Nianwei wrinkled her nose.

At this time, the Supreme Queen Bat saw that Tang Yi had exerted the power of nine cows and two tigers, but was still unable to break through its two-wing defense. He immediately laughed and said: "Haha, human being, you are nothing more than that! With your ability, you can actually You still dare to challenge me? You really don’t know how to live or die! Okay, I won’t play with you anymore, just die for me. If you kill so many of my descendants, you should be buried with them."


Tang Yi sneered and said, "You are happy too early! The best is yet to come, let's wait and see! If you want me to bury your descendants with you, you probably won't be able to do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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