Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3005 Bai Zishi becomes stronger

Chapter 3005 Bai Zishi becomes stronger
  "Bai Zifeng, why are you? What are you doing here? You are not welcome here."

Seeing the person coming, Yu Xinzhu immediately scolded.

However, the visitor didn't care at all, and even saw Yu Xinzhu, the ruffian young man named Bai Zifeng, his eyes lit up slightly, and he walked straight towards Yu Xinzhu.

However, Yu Xinzhu seemed to be afraid of this young man named Bai Zifeng. When she saw him approaching, she took a few steps back and hid beside Bai Zishi.

Seeing Yu Xinzhu hiding next to Bai Zishi, Bai Zifeng did not move forward, but smiled and said: "It turns out that cousin Xinzhu is also here. What a coincidence. We haven't seen you for a long time. Cousin Xinzhu has changed." Even more beautiful.”

"Whether I'm pretty or not is none of your business!" Yu Xinzhu said rudely.

Hearing this, Bai Zifeng was not angry, but smiled and said: "Haha, I haven't seen you for a long time, cousin Xinzhu's character is still so straightforward, yes, I like it! If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely propose to my father to marry cousin Xinzhu, I believe that my father will be very interested in my proposal and will definitely support my decision. After all, a perfect woman like Cousin Xinzhu cannot be found anywhere."

"Fuck you! Regardless of whether you propose it or not, there is absolutely no way I will marry you! You should give up on this idea. Even if my parents agree, I will never marry you!" Yu Xinzhu said.

"Ha, you won't be able to help me anymore then!" Bai Zifeng said with a smile.


Yu Xinzhu gritted his teeth and looked at Bai Zifeng with malicious eyes.

If looks can kill, I'm afraid Bai Zifeng will die countless times.

At this time, Bai Zishi pulled Yu Xinzhu behind him, looked at Bai Zifeng, and said, "Bai Zifeng, what are you doing here? What's the matter?"

"It's okay, can't I come and see my cousin?"

Bai Zifeng smiled faintly and said, "Didn't I just say that? I heard that my cousin brought a few guests back, and I just wanted to come and take a look at the origins of the guests that my cousin brought back. What kind of ability does it have? Now let’s take a look. Haha, it’s nothing more than that. It’s not an exaggeration to say it’s a waste!”


"Boy, keep your mouth clean!"

How could the Fire Lord, who had the most fiery temper, endure hearing others calling him a loser? Moreover, he was such a young junior? He immediately started scolding.

If this was not Bai Zishi's territory, and if the other party was not from the Bai family, according to his usual temper, he would have already taken action.

"Haha, clean it up? I'm already clean enough. Now I'm just calling you trash, not what kind of dog stone you are, so it's already pretty good. And, is there anything wrong with what I said? You are trash to begin with, and you have lived for more than half of your life. At your age, with just this little martial arts training, what else is this if not trash? It is said that you are still some kind of Kai-King? Haha, are the standards of Kai-Kings so low now? Sure enough, any kind of person hangs out with what kind of trash. Together! My cousin is a loser, so the people hanging around are also losers."

Bai Zifeng said provocatively.


"You're looking for a fight!"

Hearing this, the Fire Lord really couldn't bear it anymore and immediately wanted to teach the other party a lesson.

However, before he could take action, he was stopped by Ling Fengtian.

Ling Fengtian gave Huo Zun a look, signaling him not to act rashly.

But being blocked by Ling Fengtian, the Fire Lord failed to succeed.

At this time, Bai Zishi couldn't bear it anymore. The other party's repeated provocations had completely exceeded his bottom line.

"Bai Zifeng, what are you going to do? You are here to cause trouble today, right? If you are looking for trouble, I don't mind fighting with you!" Bai Zishi narrowed his eyes and said.

Murderous aura shot out from the slit between his eyes!
  "Oh? How many tricks do you want to fight with me?"

Bai Zifeng smiled and said, "Okay, then let's do a few tricks!"

While speaking, Bai Zifeng took action immediately, without giving Bai Zishi any chance to react, and punched towards Bai Zishi's face.

If it were normal, Bai Zishi would never be able to resist this punch and would be hit by Bai Zifeng.


Although Bai Zifeng's sneak attack was very sudden and very fast, after a few days of practice, Bai Zishi was no longer the Amen of Wu Xia, and he was no longer the original Bai Zishi.     After receiving compensation from Tang Yi's skills, his cultivation speed was simply unparalleled.

It was as if the gates of a flood had been opened and it was out of control.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a thousand miles per day.

Even more exaggerated than traveling a thousand miles in a day.

In just a few days, Bai Zishi has improved at least dozens of small levels and several stages!
  Although he still hasn't broken through the ranks, his strength has tripled, making him who knows how much stronger than before!
  If it had been before, Bai Zishi would of course not be able to react to this punch and would not be able to resist it at all.

but now!

  Bai Zishi curled his lips and showed a disdainful sneer, then quickly raised his right hand and punched Bai Zifeng's fist.


The two fists collided, making a loud noise, and a sound was heard, and they were blasted away at an unimaginable speed.

And this figure is not Bai Zishi, but Bai Zifeng!
  Facing Bai Zifeng's sneak attack, Bai Zishi punched hastily, but he still repelled Bai Zifeng's sneak attack!

Seeing this scene, Yu Xinzhu was stunned.

The guards brought by Bai Zifeng were also confused.

Because in my impression, Bai Zishi's strength is about the same as Bai Zifeng's, there is not much difference at all.

One is a sneak attack, the other is a passive attack.

Obviously the sneak attack has the advantage.

In addition, Bai Zifeng's strength has greatly improved during this period, and he is more powerful than before, making sneak attacks even stronger.

However, he didn't expect that he would be knocked back by Bai Zishi with a punch.

The guards who knew this were all shocked.


Bai Zifeng, who was knocked back by a punch, put his feet close to the ground and used the friction of the ground to stop his body.

After dragging dozens of meters on the ground and almost being blasted out of the hall door, Bai Zifeng finally stabilized his figure through his own efforts.

However, as soon as he stabilized his body, Bai Zifeng looked at Bai Zishi with a shocked expression, his face full of disbelief.

At this moment he was stunned.

Because he never expected that Bai Zishi would be so strong and powerful now.

You must know that some time ago, his strength was comparable to Bai Zishi!
  There is no difference between them, no one is stronger than the other.

However, after this period of hard work, Bai Zifeng's strength has greatly improved, and he is much stronger than before.

It was because of his great improvement in strength that he came to challenge Bai Zishi with confidence.

To humiliate Bai Zishi.

In addition, the blow just now was a sneak attack. Logically speaking, he should be able to succeed and humiliate Bai Zishi and send him flying with one punch.

But no!
  However, he was knocked back with a punch by Bai Zishi's quick reaction.

Bai Zishi's strength seems to be even better!
  This is incredible!

(End of this chapter)

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