Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3007 The unwilling Bai Zifeng

Chapter 3007 The unwilling Bai Zifeng

Their master Bai Zifeng has been promoted enough.

Unexpectedly, the other party's strength was improved several times more than that of their master Bai Zifeng!
  This is too surprising.

Seeing this scene, these guards were all full of doubts.

Doesn't it mean that Bai Zishi is just a member of the side clan, not valued by the family leader, and unable to obtain resources and skills subsidies?
  Doesn't it mean that Bai Zishi is not favored by the elders even if he is in a branch of the collateral line? How come it improves so quickly?
  Inside the hall.

Several realm kings were also surprised when they saw Bai Zishi displaying his power and sending his opponent flying with one punch.

Because they have seen Bai Zishi's strength before. He is great, but he is not as powerful as he is now!

If it had been before, Bai Zishi might have been unable to resist the punch just now.

But now Bai Zishi can easily resist it!
  This amazed them!

"It seems that the compensation given by Tang Yi has given Mr. Bai a huge improvement."

"For us, why not? Every piece of compensation given by Tang Yi is of high quality. For us, the benefits are endless. It is only natural that Mr. Bai can make such an improvement!"

"Tang Yi is still awesome. The items he gives us casually can benefit us a lot!"

Several realm kings sighed with emotion.

However, while several realm kings were sighing, Bai Zifeng's embarrassed figure appeared outside the hall door again.

I saw him walking into the hall with a gloomy face, his body seemed to be burning with endless anger and full of suffocating pressure!

At this moment, his men did not dare to express their anger.

It seemed as if anyone who said one more word would be ruthlessly suppressed by Bai Zifeng.

Back in the hall, Bai Zifeng had a gloomy look on his face, and his eyes towards Bai Zishi were full of gloom and murderous intent.

"Bai Zishi, do you know the consequences of provoking me? You, a mere collateral descendant, actually dare to attack my direct descendants. Do you know what the consequences will be? You, an unpopular orphan, treat me as an unwelcome descendant. Do you know what the consequences will be if you do something to your son who is loved by everyone and treated as a guest and successor?"

Bai Zifeng's voice gradually became louder. It was originally just a gloomy tone, but as he spoke, it turned into a roar, which showed how angry Bai Zifeng was at this moment.

But this anger.
  Can it be understood as impotent anger?
  Isn't it just impotent anger?

Seeing Bai Zifeng's gesture, Bai Zishi immediately laughed and sneered.

Seeing this scene, he felt more and more that the person in front of him would definitely not be his opponent.

Nor is he worthy of being his opponent.

too weak!
  Only a weak person would roar so incompetently.

"Oh? What are the consequences? I don't know, why don't you tell me?"

Bai Zishi sneered.

"I tell you?"

"Okay, then let me tell you!"

Bai Zifeng was full of murderous intent and said: "The collateral descendants will kill the direct descendants without mercy! An unpopular orphan to a son who is loved in every possible way is regarded as a guest of honor by countless people, and is regarded as a successor by countless people , the disciple who was trained by countless people will be killed without mercy! If you Bai Zishi dare to take action against me or hurt me, you will be killed without mercy!!"

When Bai Zifeng said this, he was not just scaring Bai Zishi, but he really had murderous intention and really wanted to kill Bai Zishi.


"Kill without mercy?"

Hearing Bai Zifeng's words, Bai Zishi smiled immediately and said, "Kill me? Just you?"

Bai Zishi's expression was full of contempt, and he looked down on Bai Zifeng completely.

After all, doesn’t he understand Bai Zifeng?
  This good-for-nothing cousin doesn't have the guts at all.

It's okay to cause trouble and provoke, but to kill people.

Bai Zishi gave Bai Zifeng a hundred courages, but he didn't even dare to do it.

and! He is also incapable of doing so!
  Therefore, after hearing Bai Zifeng's words, Bai Zishi looked contemptuous.

"Just me! What's wrong? Do you think I don't have the strength? Or do you think I don't dare to take action? Haha, I'm not afraid to tell you that you just made a move on me, but all my subordinates saw it! By then they will Naturally, he will testify for me, even if I kill you, the family will not say anything!"

Bai Zifeng said.

"If you had this strength, if you had the courage, I'm afraid you would have taken action by now instead of just talking here." Bai Zishi said scornfully.

Normally, he wouldn't talk so much.

But today, he said a lot, more than all the times before.

Normally, it's not like Bai Zifeng has never come to provoke him.

Bai Zifeng often comes to provoke him and often fights with him.

But at that time, no matter how much Bai Zifeng provoked him, he would not fight back.

but now!

Bai Zishi found that he couldn't bear it anymore and didn't want to bear it anymore.

"I don't have the strength? I don't have the courage?"

Hearing Bai Zishi's words, Bai Zifeng became even more angry. His anger had burned to the extreme and was on the verge of exploding.

He was really unconvinced.

  Why does Bai Zishi have such a powerful talent?
  Why can Bai Zishi learn everything so quickly?
  Why can't I compare with Bai Zishi?
  Bai Zifeng really didn't understand that he was the one who got the toys, the exercises, and the various resources from childhood to adulthood!

Even if the family trained him, it was him!

But no matter what skills he got, no matter what resources he got, no matter how he was trained by his family, he just couldn't beat Bai Zishi!

He tried every means, even using sneak attacks, but he couldn't win!

No matter how hard he tries, no matter how much he improves, he can't win!

Every time he worked hard to improve, Bai Zishi improved even more.

Every time he acquired a powerful martial skill, as soon as he learned it, Bai Zishi's martial skill made further breakthroughs and became more powerful.

Every time he obtained a resource and his strength improved by leaps and bounds, Bai Zishi realized some kind of martial arts truth and his strength also improved by leaps and bounds.

In short, every time he improves, Bai Zishi will also improve!

No matter how hard you try, you can't defeat Bai Zishi!
  It is because of this huge sense of gap and failure that Bai Zifeng repeatedly comes to trouble Bai Zishi!
  Only then did he regard Bai Zishi as a thorn in his side!

That’s why I repeatedly opposed him!
  No matter how you target it, it won't help.

Bai Zishi seems to be a stubborn rock that cannot be broken!

This made Bai Zifeng even more difficult to accept.

Therefore, after hearing that Bai Zishi had returned to the Bai family branch and invited friends, plus his recent strength improvement, he came to provoke him!
  However, I didn't expect that this provocation would still end in failure.

Even if his strength was improved, he still could not defeat Bai Zishi.

Bai Zifeng finally couldn't bear it anymore.

I feel that since Bai Zishi cannot be defeated, then Bai Zishi should be erased from this world!

As long as Bai Zishi is killed, no one will be his opponent!
  He doesn't need to think about who to defeat anymore!

The thorn in his side will be picked out at that moment!

As long as Bai Zishi is dead, he won't feel so uncomfortable.

As long as Bai Zishi dies, everything will be over. He is the only genius in the entire Bai family, and all the feelings of failure and disparity in his heart will disappear!

and so!
  At this moment, after experiencing another failure, Bai Zifeng really had murderous intention!
  He wants to kill Bai Zishi!

(End of this chapter)

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