Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3010 Bai Zifeng’s secret guard appears

Chapter 3010 Bai Zifeng’s secret guard appears
  Yu Xinzhu was in great pain as he watched his sweetheart perform tricks that could kill a thousand enemies and damage himself by eight hundred.

"If there is something wrong with my cousin, then I will take my own life and accompany my cousin! I will definitely not let my cousin feel lonely!"

Yu Xinzhu clenched her fists at this moment and secretly made up her mind.

On the other side, Bai Zishi's life-burning punch had already arrived in front of several of Bai Zifeng's men.

Seeing Bai Zishi's ferocity, Bai Zifeng's men immediately did not dare to be careless, and they all used their best skills to deal with it with all their strength!


In this way, several of Bai Zishi and Bai Zifeng's men collided together, a loud noise was heard, and terrifying energy swept through the entire hall.

Affected, the entire hall collapsed, and all the thick walls collapsed.

Not only the hall, but also the ground in the courtyard where Bai Zishi was located was turned upside down by the terrifying force.

Even the surrounding courtyards were affected.

Many courtyard walls have collapsed.

Fortunately, these courtyards were protected by formations. Because of these formations, the impact of the collision between Bai Zishi and Bai Zifeng's men was greatly weakened.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the entire Bai family mansion where Bai Zishi is located will be turned into ruins!
  At the center of the collision, several figures were seen flying backwards after the collision.

Bai Zishi's figure was also among them.

After colliding with the opponent, Bai Zishi's figure quickly flew backwards, flying hundreds of meters away.

While flying backwards, he opened his mouth and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Fortunately, Yu Xinzhu, Ling Fengtian and others reacted quickly enough. The moment Bai Zishi flew backwards, they rushed towards Bai Zishi and caught Bai Zishi.

Otherwise, Bai Zishi might not be as simple as spitting out blood.

Of course.

Even with the help of Yu Xinzhu, Ling Fengtian and others, Bai Zishi was still seriously injured by this collision.

At this moment, his face was pale, his breath was sluggish, and his breath of life had become very weak.

It looked like he was seriously injured.

Such an injury, if it is not good, may be life-threatening.

Seeing Bai Zishi's appearance, Yu Xinzhu immediately put a pill into Bai Zishi's mouth.

But it’s a drop in the bucket.

Bai Zishi's injury was so serious that even if Yu Xinzhu took out his most precious life-saving elixir and gave it to Bai Zishi, Bai Zishi's condition would be slightly better.

Compared to the injuries he suffered, it was just a drop in the ocean.

Seeing Bai Zishi's miserable look and the blood stains constantly leaving the corners of his mouth, Yu Xinzhu said distressedly: "Cousin, why are you doing this!"

Ling Fengtian and others also sighed slightly.

However, Bai Zishi endured the pain and gave Yu Xinzhu, Ling Fengtian and others a bright smile.

It seems to be expressing his happiness and excitement.

Not really.

Use your own strength to challenge multiple levels and fight back against many enemies.

With such a record, how could Bai Zishi not be happy?
  "Cough cough."

However, it was this smile that affected Bai Zishi's injury, causing him to cough up large mouthfuls of blood, which made Yu Xinzhu feel heartbroken!

Of course, Bai Zishi's side is pretty good.

Bai Zishi was supported by Yu Xinzhu, Ling Fengtian and others, but on the other side, Bai Zifeng's men were not so lucky.

After colliding with Bai Zishi, each of them seemed to have suffered a huge impact, and their bodies flew backwards at an extremely fast speed.

Because the power was too terrifying, and because the injuries suffered were too painful, their faces became ferocious!

"Boom, boom, boom!" None of Bai Zifeng's men responded, and they flew backwards for several hundred meters, and finally landed on the ruins, kicking up countless dust.

After a rumbling sound, there was no sound, and I didn't know whether it was dead or alive.

Compared with the situation over at Bai Zishi, the situation for Bai Zifeng's subordinates is even worse!

Because from the looks of it and the breath of life he felt, Bai Zifeng's men were most likely gone.

Even if the miracle doctor is alive, he is completely powerless.

Even if he is rescued, it is still half his life and his life is wasted.

Comparing the situations on both sides, it was obvious that Bai Zishi's side won the battle.

Seeing this situation, Bai Zifeng was dumbfounded!

How can it be!

How could Bai Zishi's strength improve so much?

Bai Zifeng couldn't win any of his subordinates just now!

With such strength, coupled with the number of people, it was still impossible to capture Bai Zishi.

He was even killed by Bai Zishi!

Although Bai Zishi also suffered serious injuries, this record was really shocking.

"Impossible! This is completely impossible. How could Bai Zishi improve so much in such a short period of time! He is improving, and I am improving too, but why is he so exaggerated? What opportunities did he get during this trip? ?”

Bai Zifeng's face was full of disbelief.

Then, this disbelief turned ferocious again.

"Kill him, be sure to kill him! If you don't kill him! I, Bai Zifeng, will never have peace in the future! My position as the number one genius of the Bai family will definitely change hands. Not to mention the number one genius, even if This Bai family will fall into his hands in the future! So I must kill him!"

Thinking of this, Bai Zifeng gritted his teeth and showed infinite cruelty on his face.

"White gold."

I saw him shouting softly into the void.

There was no one or anything in the direction Bai Zifeng was facing, it was completely empty.

He looked like he was talking to the air, which was very weird.

However, just as Bai Zifeng's voice fell, a black figure suddenly appeared out of thin air in the direction Bai Zifeng was facing.

His figure slowly appeared from the air.

It was as if he had been here before. ,

It looks particularly mysterious and weird.

No one knows where this black shadow was hiding before, and no one knows where this black shadow came from. In short, after Bai Zifeng finished speaking, a black shadow appeared in front of his eyes.

And this dark shadow is actually Bai Zifeng's secret guard!
  He is also Bai Zifeng's real guard.

This is Bai Zifeng's real support.

Those subordinates before were just guards on the surface. These were all used to show off, and they were all used to deceive outsiders.

And the dark shadow in front of him is Bai Zifeng's real guard.

After all, Bai Zifeng is now a direct descendant of the Bai family, and he is also the future heir of the Bai family. The Bai family cultivates him as an heir, and naturally attaches great importance to his safety.

Therefore, he was assigned two major protective powers, one light and one dark.

Compared with the previous guards on the surface, this dark shadow is stronger and more terrifying.

All the previous guards combined were no match for this black shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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