Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3016 Hypocritical Shadow Guard

Chapter 3016 Hypocritical Shadow Guard

"Who are you?" Shadow Guard asked solemnly.

But Tang Yi ignored the shadow guard and asked Bai Zishi, "What's going on? Isn't this the Bai family? How could someone attack you?"

Tang Yi really didn't understand why someone would attack Bai Zishi when this was clearly the base where the Bai family was located.

Isn't Bai Zishi from the Bai family?

And the person taking action in front of me.
  It seems that he is also from the Bai family.

How could anyone from the Bai family do anything to Bai Zishi?
  Tang Yi didn't understand.

And he hadn't seen what was going on before.

When he was approaching Baihong City, his spiritual sense detected that Bai Zishi was in danger, so he rushed over.

As for why he was in danger, why the man in black in front of him wanted to attack Bai Zishi, and why the battle took place in Baihong City, he knew nothing.

So I am very confused at the moment.

At this time, Yu Xinzhu flew over quickly, came to the front of everyone, and said: "Because someone wanted to target my cousin! But he couldn't beat his cousin, so he called the family members based on his identity. The strong man wants to kill my cousin!"

On the side, Ling Fengtian also said: "Master Bai has no power in the Bai family, and even the elders don't want to see him. Forget it, some people see that he has no power, but he is extremely talented, so they are jealous of him. Well, that one over there Just jealous of him.”

"Oh? Brother Bai has no power in the Bai family? Even the elders don't want to see him? There are still people who are jealous of his talent and want to target him? Seeing that he can't compete, they use their power to find the strong men in the family to kill Brother Bai. ?”

After hearing the words of Yu Xinzhu and Ling Fengtian, Tang Yi looked at the man in black and Bai Zifeng not far away, and probably understood the cause and effect of the matter.

On the other side, Bai Zifeng did not know the seriousness of the matter, nor did he know who was standing in front of him.

When he heard that Yu Xinzhu and Ling Fengtian reported to Tang Yi and said that he was jealous, he immediately shouted: "Yes, how about it? I just wanted to kill Bai Zishi because of jealousy, so what?"

"It's okay to be jealous, but if you kill someone because of jealousy, and the person you kill is a member of your own race, don't you think it's a bit too much?"

Tang Yi said with squinted eyes.


Bai Zifeng sneered and said: "You brat, who do you think you are? How dare you lecture me! How about I'm just jealous? How about I just want to kill that boy?"

Although Tang Yi showed great strength, he blocked the attack of their Bai family shadow guards with a wave of his hand.

But Bai Zifeng still doesn't think that Tang Yi will be Shadow Guard's opponent!
  At such a young age, how could he be the opponent of the top powerhouse of the Bai family, Shadow Guard?
  Everything that just happened must be a coincidence, or some special method was used.

It must be so.

Bai Zifeng thought so.

Bai Zifeng said with a sneer. Seeing the shadow guard standing there stupidly, Bai Zifeng immediately said to the shadow guard: "Bai Ying, why are you still standing there? Take action quickly and kill them. Killing one of them is killing anyway. Killing two people is still killing! Even if there are a few more people, just kill them."

After a pause, Bai Zifeng looked at Chu Nianwei and added: "Oh, by the way, don't kill that woman over there! Leave her to me!"

Bai Zifeng felt that it would be a pity to kill such a beautiful woman, so she might as well stay and be his wife.

Although Bai Zifeng has a high status and is an heir-like existence in the Bai family, any woman with such a status can have her.

But how can those women compare to this woman in front of me?
  The woman in front of her was so beautiful that she was too beautiful to be described in words.

Such fairies only exist in heaven, but I didn't expect to meet one here.

Seeing such a beautiful woman, how could Bai Zifeng be willing to kill her.

  The shadow guard seemed to be stunned, motionless, and turned a blind eye to his orders. Seeing this scene, Bai Zifeng frowned and shouted: "Bai Ying, didn't you hear? I asked you to kill them."

Bai Ying still didn't move.

He just stood there, staring at Tang Yi without blinking.

His expression was full of solemnity.

"Bai Ying, are you unable to hear or something? Or are you still hesitating? Since you have already chosen to take action, why are you still hesitating? If you don't take action now, will you be able to undo what you did before? This is simply impossible. Either don't do it, do it, and keep doing it! Or don't kill, and if you want to kill, kill them all! Listen to me and kill them quickly! I will be fully responsible for whatever happens in the future!"

Hearing this, the Bai family shadow guard was a little shaken.

Originally, as Bai Zifeng said, he really wanted to stop.

The reason why I didn't take action just now was because I was hesitating.

After all, by killing a member of the Bai family, he had already violated the rules of being a secret guard.

At this moment, the other party also came to such a mysterious and powerful person.

Whether it is the opponent's opponent or not is very difficult to say.

Therefore, he was very hesitant and didn't want to take action.

But after hearing Bai Zifeng's words, his wavering heart suddenly stopped.

As Bai Zifeng said, since you have already taken action, let’s continue!

Either don’t kill, or kill them all!
  They will all be punished anyway.

As for what Bai Zifeng said about taking full responsibility.
  He didn't believe it at all.

After thinking for a while, the shadow guard looked at Tang Yi and said, "Although I don't know who you are, I hope you will get out of the way and don't embarrass me. Otherwise, I can only apologize."


Hearing the words of the Bai family shadow guard, Tang Yi sneered and said, "Don't you think it's ridiculous to say this? Use a polite tone and say some shameless words! You want me to get out of the way? Let me get out of the way. I want you to kill my elder, my brother? It’s ridiculous! You said you’re rude and it’s just you? Do you deserve it?”


Hearing Tang Yi's words, Shadow Guard's anger was suddenly ignited, and his body trembled slightly because of his anger.

The reason why he is so angry is partly because of Tang Yi's contempt.

The most important thing is that Tang Yi pointed out his hypocrisy, making him feel ashamed!
  This is what he can't bear the most and what makes him the most angry!

Therefore, after hearing Tang Yi's words, the shadow guard was extremely angry and said, "Okay, if that's the case, don't blame me!"

As he spoke, Shadow Guard rushed towards Tang Yi at a very fast speed.

The unparalleled terrifying speed brought up a series of black phantoms.

The moment he rushed over, the shadow guard waved his right hand and took out a golden spear!
  With a flick of the spear, the spear came out like a dragon!

The shadow guard flicked his right hand, turned the spear in one direction, and then stabbed it out suddenly!

Golden spear light burst out, and the entire spear turned into a golden dragon, slamming towards Tang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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