Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3038 The Disappearing Mountains

Chapter 3038 The Disappearing Mountains


The body of Bai Zifeng's father fell to the ground, making a muffled sound and splashing smoke and dust all over the ground.

In this way, Bai Zifeng's father also followed Bai Jinghong and died in Bai Zishi's hands.

In just an instant, Bai Zifeng's father and grandfather were all killed by Bai Zishi!

Three generations of their family all went to hell.

Because the speed was too fast, none of the Bai family members present could react.

It wasn't until Bai Zifeng's father died for a while that everyone in the Bai family present realized what happened!

After reacting, all the Bai family members burst into an uproar and looked at Bai Zishi, full of shock and fear.

Everyone really didn't expect that Bai Zishi could grow to such an extent!
  He was actually able to reach the point where he could kill even the Great Elder Bai Jinghong!
  You know, that's the great elder!

And he is still a great elder in his prime.

Such a great elder is simply incredibly strong, and he is one of the top experts in the Bai family.

Apart from the supreme elder and the head of the family, the great elder is the strongest.

It can be said that Bai Jinghong, the eldest elder of the Bai family, ranks among the top three in the Bai family!
  However, with such strength, he is still no match for Bai Zishi!
  In the end, he was beheaded by Bai Zishi!

If Bai Jinghong lost an arm to Bai Zishi, then forget it.

After all, losing an arm has a huge impact on one's strength.

However, now, Great Elder Bai Jinghong has returned to his prime, and he is still no match for Bai Zishi.
  This is incredible!

And just when all the Bai family members were shocked, on the other side, Bai Zishi turned his head and said to Tang Yi: "Brother Tang! I did it! I defeated the Great Elder! I did not let you down!"

"Good job!" Tang Yi nodded.

"Cousin, you are so awesome!"

Yu Xinzhu praised. The look he looked at Bai Zishi was full of love.

Before Bai Zishi had grown up to this level, Yu Xinzhu already admired and liked Bai Zishi very much.

Now seeing Bai Zishi become so strong and outstanding, Yu Xinzhu naturally likes him even more.

After all, who doesn’t want their man to become a better man?

Yu Xinzhu naturally had the same mentality.

However, facing Yu Xinzhu's praise, Bai Zishi smiled bitterly and said, "What's so awesome! Killing one's own people, how awesome is that?"

Yu Xinzhu said: "What about my family? Except for my parents and my cousin, everyone else has nothing to do with me!"

Tang Yi also said: "Don't put any burden on you. Anyway, your relationship with their family is already a life-and-death relationship. For you, he is already an enemy. With such a relationship, just kill him." , it’s no big deal. And if you don’t kill him, I’m afraid you won’t be able to stay in the family. But now, it’s different.”

"no the same?"

"I killed the great elder, can they still accept me?"

Bai Zishi said puzzledly.

Tang Yi smiled and did not say much to Bai Zishi. Instead, he turned to the Bai family and said, "Now do you understand who is the genius of your Bai family?"

Hearing this, everyone in the Bai family was silent.

Bai Gongtian, the head of the Bai family, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Zi Shi's talent is indeed very strong, and now he has indeed grown to a point where we cannot ignore him. It was indeed us who neglected him before."


"It's good if you understand. I thought you Bai family were all stubborn old guys." Tang Yi said sarcastically.

If it were normal, after hearing Tang Yi's words, Bai Goutian would definitely scold him, and he might even kill him. But now, facing Tang Yi, he did not dare to do this.

Because he is not Tang Yi's opponent.

Bai Goutian raised his head and said to Tang Yi: "Master, what do you want? Our Bai family has no intention of becoming your enemy. How on earth do you want to let us go?"

By saying this, Bai Goutian was showing weakness to Tang Yi.

After all, even if they don't show weakness, even if their entire family uses all their strength, they still can't be Tang Yi's opponent!
  In this case, how could Bai Gongtian not show weakness!
  The opponent's strength is absolutely overwhelming, and they have no other choice but to show weakness.

Bai Gongtian still understands this.

After Tang Yi showed his strength before, he actually regretted starting the war.

So now that we can avoid fighting and turn the hostility into friendship, it is naturally the best.

Showing weakness is not unacceptable.

Even if you are laughed at, it doesn't matter.

After all, compared to the lives of thousands of people in the Bai family, what does being ridiculed mean?
  "Let you go?"

Hearing Bai Gongtian's words, Tang Yi smiled and said: "It's obviously your Bai family who said aggressively that they won't let us go. They also activated the formation to block us. Why are you saying now that I won't let you go? ?”

After hearing Tang Yi's words, there was no embarrassment that should have appeared on Bai Moutian's face. On the contrary, he was very calm.

I saw him saying: "It was all a misunderstanding before. I know that we bumped into the young master, and for this, we can compensate! As for Bai Zifeng's death, we don't have to pursue it!"

"You can't pursue it either."

Tang Yi said.

Hearing this, Bai Goutian was stunned for a moment and said nothing.

And the truth is just as Tang Yi said, they can't pursue it.

Tang Yi sneered and continued: "There is no need for compensation. You just need to make Brother Bai your heir and train him well. That will be enough! In this case, I will let your Bai family go! Otherwise!"

Tang Yi narrowed his eyes, then stretched out his right hand and pointed towards the distance.


Just hearing an earth-shattering sound, the entire Baihong City suddenly trembled!
  It was like an earthquake, shaking violently.

Feeling the violent vibration, everyone in the Bai family suddenly panicked, thinking that something had happened.

But strangely, nothing happened.

The violent shaking just now seemed like an illusion.

And just when everyone in the Bai family was confused and didn't understand what happened.

The Bai family floating in the air seemed to have seen something. They pointed in a certain direction and exclaimed: "Look over there!"

After hearing this, everyone flew up and looked in that direction.

Suddenly, I saw that the Baihong Mountains not far from Baihong City had completely collapsed!

The entire Baihong Mountain Range has completely disappeared.

You know, the Baihong Mountain Range stretches for thousands of miles!
  There are countless mountains, and they are very tall and huge!

From a distance, it looks like a thousand-mile high wall standing there, becoming a natural barrier for Baihong City!
  But now!
  But it has completely disappeared.

The entire mountain range has disappeared without a trace.

There is even a huge valley formed where the mountain range is located.

(End of this chapter)

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