Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3044 Ling Fengtian is in trouble

Chapter 3044 Ling Fengtian is in trouble

Originally, Ling Fengtian and others wanted to stay in Baihong City for a few more days.

But with so many things happening yesterday, Ling Fengtian and others didn't want to stay too long for fear of embarrassment.

Bai Zishi had just become the heir, and he still had a lot of things waiting for him to do, and he didn't have much time to entertain. Therefore, Ling Fengtian and others also left Baihong City with Tang Yi.

At this moment, in the void.

Ling Fengtian and others stood in the control room of the Black Demon Battleship, looking through the transparent glass at the vast void outside the battleship, with shocked expressions on their faces.

On the side, the more sincere Fire Lord looked at the scenery outside and said: "Tang Yi, what kind of flying instrument is this? It's so fast! And those devices in the kitchen just now, as long as you gently With one touch, you can get fragrant food, and you can also choose the food you like. You can even mix it by yourself! This is so convenient and amazing! And in the private room, you can actually order it with just a click. Take a bath! What's that nozzle? It can spurt out water continuously! There is also what kind of bathtub you mentioned. You can lie in it and take a bath, and you can even choose the spices you need to soak in! I have been alive for such a long time. , I have never seen such a magical flying instrument.”

"Yes, it's amazing! Moreover, there are many rooms on this flying device, including a practice room and some entertainment rooms! And the practice room actually has a spirit gathering formation. Practicing in it is better than practicing in some The cultivation effect in Cave Heaven Paradise is even better!"

Yu Zun also said in surprise.

Dezun, who was relatively calm, also sighed with emotion: "Tang Yi is really amazing. He even has such a flying device! With this kind of flying device, you don't need to stop and tidy up wherever you want to go. Because here, you have it. Everything needed!”

After hearing the words of several realm kings, Tang Yi immediately said humbly: "How can some seniors say that it is so powerful? It is just a flying instrument and that's all!"

If this sentence was spoken by someone else, those realm kings would definitely beat the speaker to death.

He deserves a beating.

A piece of flying equipment?
  Is it just a flying device?

It has so many functions and is even so fast. It is no exaggeration to say that such a device is a treasure!
  If it were released, countless people would definitely fight for their scalps!
  And such items are priceless and impossible to buy!

This is definitely a top-notch treasure, not just a flying instrument.

Therefore, if the person who said this was someone else, then several realm kings would definitely beat that person to death.

But from what Tang Yi said, several realm kings would not do this.

On the contrary, I felt it was natural and there was nothing wrong with it.

After all, to Tang Yi, isn't it just a flying instrument?
  There is a better treasure in Tang Yi than this flying instrument!
  And, it’s not just one piece!
  So to Tang Yi, this flying instrument is really just a flying instrument, it doesn't mean anything!
  Therefore, there is nothing wrong with what Tang Yi said.

"Tang Yi, where are you going?"

Ling Fengtian asked.

Although this gathering was very short, we also encountered some unpleasant things.

But relatively speaking it's not bad.

And because they helped Bai Zishi solve his family's problems, Ling Fengtian and others were very satisfied with this career.

Being able to get together and solve problems between friends is a multi-purpose thing.

At this moment, they were very curious and curious about where Tang Yi would go next.

After all, Tang Yi is very busy. Because he needs to constantly become stronger, he often runs around. Even people who know him are difficult to see again!
  Therefore, Ling Fengtian was very curious about Tang Yi's next move.

In addition, in addition to being curious about Tang Yi's movements, Ling Fengtian also had an important matter to tell Tang Yi and wanted to trouble Tang Yi to handle it.

"Me?" Hearing this, Tang Yi thought for a while and replied: "I should go back to Tianmu Realm with Nianwei first to settle the family matters, and then consider the next trip after they are settled."

"That is to say, Tang Yi, are you going to return to the Tianmu Realm with me?" Ling Fengtian asked.

"Yes. If Ling Zun is going to return to the Tianmu Realm, then I should return with Ling Zun." Tang Yi nodded.

"Okay! Just now you said to settle the family matters first, Tang Yi, what happened at your family? If I remember correctly, all the female relatives and brothers and sisters in your family have all moved to my place? And? I also told my descendants to take good care of them. With my instructions, they will not have any problems. Since there are no problems, what else can they do?"

Ling Fengtian asked in confusion.

"Ahem, it's nothing big, just a few things in life."

Tang Yi replied awkwardly.


Ling Fengtian still didn't understand what happened to Tang Yi.

On the side, Dezun looked at Chu Nianwei, who was already blushing, and then at the embarrassed Tang Yi, and he completely understood.

He thought to himself: "It seems that this girl has succeeded! When Tang Yi goes back this time, he probably wants to take this girl back with him to meet with his female relatives and explain."

Thinking of this, Dezun suddenly smiled and said: "Old Ling, please don't embarrass Tang Yi. There are so many female relatives in his family, and they must go back to resume their lives. How can such a young man be away from home all year round? Are you right?"

After hearing Dezun's words, Ling Fengtian looked at Tang Yi and then at Chu Nianwei, who seemed to understand a little.

Of course, regardless of whether what he understood was the truth or not, he wouldn't worry about it. After all, this was not his purpose.

So he immediately dropped the topic and asked Tang Yi again: "Tang Yi, I don't know how long it will take you to go home to do these things? Do you have any plans for the next time?"

"How long will it take? What's the next trip?"

Hearing Ling Fengtian ask again, Tang Yi asked slightly doubtfully: "Senior Ling Zun, is there something wrong with you?"

He could feel that Ling Fengtian seemed to need his help with something.

That's why I asked him the time again and again.

Otherwise, why keep asking?

He had already told Tang Yi just now.

I have already said that the next formation will be decided after I go home and deal with things.

However, Ling Zun still asked.

Ling Zun is not such a anxious and ignorant person.

The reason why I keep asking is that there must be something going on.

"There are some things. That's why I want to know Tang Yi's time."

At this moment, Ling Fengtian did not hide it, but nodded and admitted it.

(End of this chapter)

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