Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3054 There is no difference between big and small, only sisters.

Chapter 3054 There is no difference between big and small, only sisters.

Chu Nianwei never expected that Shangguan Siyu and Tang Yi were children and had been engaged since childhood.

What's even more unexpected is that Shangguan Siyu was engaged to Tang Yi. Not only did she not cherish it, but she also broke off the engagement?
  It also
  Chu Nianwei didn't know what to say!

At this time, Shangguan Siyu nodded and said, "Yes, break off the engagement!"

Shangguan Siyu's eyes became confused, as if he was remembering.

If it were the past, Shangguan Siyu would definitely not want to recall this past event.

This past event was not so glorious for her.

There was a time when she was in great pain because of this past incident.

He even had thoughts of committing suicide.


Since marrying Tang Yi and becoming Tang Yi's person, she has looked away.

This painful past for her is no longer so painful.

It even turned into a beautiful memory with Tang Yi!
  After all, if it weren't for this paragraph, although she would marry Tang Yi, she would definitely not like it so much.

Without a marriage you love, there will be no future.

Therefore, for Shangguan Siyu, this memory is both painful and sweet.

It is both a fate and a record. ,

Now we can talk about it quite calmly.

Shangguan Siyu continued: "Because I joined a good sect at that time, and Tang Yi was just emerging at that time. I was conceited and looked down on him, and I wanted to get closer to the sect, so I want to break off the engagement with him!”

"I see!"

Chu Nianwei nodded and asked, "What happened next?"

"Of course my husband was unwilling later! He thought I had insulted him, so he made a six-month appointment with me! He said he would challenge me."

"At the beginning, I thought my husband was just joking. I felt that he was just trying to hold on. In order not to be embarrassed, I made the agreement that there was no way he would come to keep the date after half a year! But who knew that half a year later, my husband would come! And with a very strong attitude, he fought against our sect all the way! Finally he came to me!"

Shangguan Siyu said.

Hearing what Shangguan Siyu said, Chu Nianwei was very shocked, and at the same time, she began to hallucinate such a picture in her heart.

I imagined that Tang Yi would start from a waste, work hard, become stronger, and then attack Shangguan Siyu's sect with a powerful attitude.

Then he used a strong stance to defeat Shangguan Siyu!

Just imagining such a scene without actually seeing it made Chu Nianwei find it very shocking.

I felt that Tang Yi was really powerful!

At this moment, she looked at Tang Yi with even more admiration!

She had no idea that Tang Yi was not a proud man, nor was he strong at the beginning!
  Just getting stronger step by step led to the strength we have today!

Being able to grow from a good-for-nothing good-for-nothing to an incomparable pride of heaven, and in such a short period of time, is really amazing!
  Chu Nianwei has never seen such an outstanding and powerful man.

At this time, Shangguan Siyu continued: "After I came in front of me, my husband defeated me! After losing to my husband, I couldn't get up, and I often thought of committing suicide! But in the end, my husband gave me a chance to forgive me. He killed me! From then on, I felt relieved. That’s how we became husband and wife.”

I have to say that Shangguan Siyu's experience is much more unreal than Chu Nianwei's!

It also needs to be even more exaggerated.

Who would have thought that two people who originally planned to have a baby kiss would break off their engagement?
  Who would have thought that Tang Yi would actually make an appointment for the next half year, and then rise rapidly in half a year, join the other party's sect, and regain his dignity forcefully?
  Who would have thought that the two of them would end up together?
  Everything is so incredible.

Everything is so unreal.

It was much more unreal than Chu Nianwei’s experience this time!
  "How is it? Sister Chu, compared to yours, is Sister Siyu's even more unreal?" Binglian asked with a smile.

Chu Nianwei nodded and said, "It's true!"    "So you still think it's not true?" Bing Lian said with a smile.

Chu Nianwei shook her head.

"That's enough. From now on, you will be one of our sisters! On behalf of all the sisters, I welcome Sister Chu!"

Binglian said.

"Welcome sister Chu!"

"Welcome Sister Chu!"


Several other women also said this.

"I came relatively late. If I don't understand the rules or do something wrong, I hope you, my sisters, will be considerate. In the future, if you need me for anything, please feel free to ask."

Chu Nianwei said.

"We don't have any rules!"

"Don't worry, as you can see, we get along very well. I believe you will be able to get along with us in a few days."

"We are all a family from now on, no need to be so polite."

"Just talk like we are sisters."


Several women said one after another.

Mu Xianling, the girls and Chu Nianwei were just talking to themselves there, completely ignoring Tang Yi.

It was as if this matter had nothing to do with Tang Yi.


Tang Yi was slightly dumbfounded when he saw that everyone ignored him, made their own decisions, and acted like sisters.

He thought that he, the head of the family, had too little status. He couldn't even say a word at home?

You can't even say whether to take a wife or not. It's all decided by the ladies?
  This status is too low.

On the side, seeing Tang Yi dumbfounded, Mu Xianling said rudely: "What are you looking at? Why? Not satisfied?"

"No, no, no dissatisfaction!"

Tang Yi immediately said: "Everything is decided by the ladies. I will just watch and say nothing."

"That's more like it! If you dare to have an opinion! I will..."

Mu Xianling clenched her fists.

"Don't dare!" Tang Yi waved his hand.

Only Binglian and Mu Xianling dared to threaten Tang Yi like this.

At this time, Binglian asked: "By the way, Tang Yi, since you have brought Sister Chu back, when do you plan to marry her? And what status will you give her? Sister Chu came all the way back with you , you can’t let them down, let alone ignore them!”

"It's natural!"

Tang Yi thought for a while and asked: "What do you ladies think, when should I marry Nianwei? And what status should I give her?"

"Isn't this simple?"

Bing Lian said: "It's better to choose a day than to hit the sun. We will marry tomorrow! As for the status, they are the same as us! We are all equal, there is no distinction between big and small, only sisters. We will be sisters from now on!"

After saying that, Binglian turned to Mu Xianling and the girls and said, "What do you think, sisters?"

(End of this chapter)

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