Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3060 Three Representatives Arrive

Chapter 3060 Three Representatives Arrive
  "it is good!"

Seeing the girls make their decision, Tang Yi immediately nodded and said, "Then let's go together! No matter what happens, we will bear it together!"

In this way, Tang Yi's family made a decision.

The family stayed in Lianyi Hall for another peaceful three days.

Three days later, Ling Fengtian came to Lianyi Hall again.

And this time, Ling Fengtian was not the only one arriving.

Behind him, there were several people.

They are two men and one woman.

As for the two men, one of them was very young, probably in his thirties.

Of course, this is young relative to others and relative to strength.

The other one has reached middle age and looks to be in his forties.

The woman looked much younger, about twenty-seven or eighty years old, and had the charm of a mature woman.

Ling Fengtian took these three people to Lianyi Hall.

Seeing Ling Fengtian, Tang Yi cupped his hands and said, "I've seen Ling Zun in front of him. These are..."

Ling Fengtian first pointed at the young man in his thirties and the middle-aged man in turn and introduced: "These two are Gu Junliang from Tianyu Realm, and Jian Kaige from Tianyu Realm."

Then Ling Fengtian pointed to the very charming and good-looking woman and introduced: "And this is Min Yuxue, the representative of the Tiande world."

After introducing the visitor, Ling Fengtian introduced Tang Yidao to the visitor: "This is the representative of our Tianmu world, Tang Yi."

"Oh? I've met several representatives!"

After hearing Ling Fengtian's introduction, Tang Yi politely handed over his hand.

However, Tang Yi's courtesy did not receive a corresponding reply.

The two men and one woman did not seem to want to return the favor, and even looked at Tang Yi with contempt.

I saw the 30-year-old young man named Gu Junliang from Tianyu Realm frowning and saying: "Senior Ling Zun? Is this the representative of your Tianmu Realm? Isn't he too young? He is completely a young boy!"

"Yes, Senior Ling Zun! Don't blame us for looking down on him. He is really too young! Our Realm Master wants me to obey the instructions of your Tianmu Realm representative, and he has told me countless times that I Don't make trouble! I'm confused. Why should he obey orders at such a young age?" Jian Kaige from Tianyu Realm looked a little unconvinced.

It seems that when he was in the Tianyu world, he was instilled with too many things by Yu Zun, so he developed a rebellious mentality.

Min Yuxue, a representative from Tiande Realm who is not bad looking and charming, also said: "Ling Zun, this is not because we don't give face. After all, this world respects the strong. The same is true for a few of us, we only recognize the strong. To be honest, we really don't approve of someone as young as him. If there is any offense, I hope you will forgive me, Ling Zun."

However, after hearing the words of these people, Ling Fengtian not only was not angry, but also laughed: "Do you think Tang Yi is not as strong as you because he is young?"

Although the three of them didn't understand why Ling Fengtian was laughing, they still nodded, obviously thinking so.

"If Tang Yi is really young and incompetent, why does your Realm Master tell you so many times to obey his orders? Have you thought about this problem?" Ling Fengtian asked.


The three of them looked at Ling Fengtian and seemed to think that what Ling Fengtian said made sense.

If the young boy named Tang Yi in front of him really has no strength, why do the three realm kings admire him so much?
  Why do you have to tell them so many times to obey Tang Yi's orders?

This is obviously unreasonable!

The leader of the Tianmu Realm in front of him obviously valued this boy named Tang Yi very much.

If he really has no strength, will the world lord of Tianmu Realm value him so much?
  However, just when the three of them felt that Ling Fengtian's words made sense and were deep in thought, several beautiful figures suddenly entered the hall.

However, these figures turned around and wanted to go out after seeing Tang Yi talking to Ling Fengtian in the hall.

But before he could go out, he was stopped by Tang Yi: "No need to go, come and listen together."

Hearing this, several beautiful figures looked at each other and then returned to the hall. However, when several beautiful figures entered the hall, the representatives from the Tianyu Realm, Tianhuo Realm, and Tiande Realm who were present all opened their eyes with shock on their faces.

At this moment, there were only two words in their hearts, beautiful!

The figures entering the hall are so beautiful!

Moreover, it is not just a single figure that is beautiful.

But the six figures who entered the hall were all very beautiful!
  All of them are of super-top beauty, a level that would captivate a country!
  Even as a woman, Min Yuxue, the representative of Tiande Realm, couldn't help but sigh at their beauty, and her eyes were filled with tears.

It was so beautiful that it made another woman's eyes go straight, which shows how beautiful these figures are.

And who are these figures who entered the hall, if they are not Mu Xianling and the girls.

Mu Xianling and the other girls entered the hall and saluted Tang Yi one after another: "Husband!"

Then he bowed slightly and saluted the three representatives and Ling Fengtian.

Seeing this scene, the three representatives were even more confused!

These six such beautiful women are actually the wives of this hairless boy in front of him?
  How can he be so virtuous?
  How could he marry so many beauties who are all-powerful to the country?
  It's a blessing to be able to marry such a beautiful woman. It's all good deeds from the ancestors.

He could actually marry six people?

The three representatives were stunned.

Seeing the dull expressions of the three representatives, Ling Fengtian smiled and did not explain anything. Instead, he greeted Mu Xianling and the other ladies: "I have met Tang Yi's ladies. I haven't seen them for a few days. They are indeed beautiful again." . Tang Yike is so lucky! He is able to marry so many beautiful ladies who are as beautiful as flowers and jade."

"Senior Ling Zun made a strong statement."

"That's right, I'm serious. How could Senior Ling Zun put it so beautifully?"

"It is our blessing that your husband can marry us."

"It is our blessing to be with our husband."


Several women responded one after another.

After hearing the words of the women, the three representatives were even more dumbfounded.

What are you talking about!

Being married or blessed?

Not so pretty?

Six beauties actually said it was a blessing to be married by some brat?

What are the virtues and abilities of that boy?
  The three representatives were a little confused.

At this time, Tang Yi said: "It is also my blessing to be able to marry several wives!"

After a pause, Tang Yi continued: "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's get down to business!"

Tang Yi turned around and asked Ling Fengtian, "Senior Ling Zun, when will we set off?"

What Tang Yi is most concerned about now is the world martial arts competition and the Son of the World Competition!

As for the representatives of Tianyu Realm, Tianhuo Realm and Tiande Realm.
  They love it as much as they like.

No matter whether he was unconvinced or not, Tang Yi didn't want to pay attention to it.

If Yu Zun, Huo Zun and De Zun hadn't asked him to help take care of these people, Tang Yi would have driven them out now.

(End of this chapter)

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