Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3077 The sudden appearance of unknown flying instruments

Chapter 3077 The sudden appearance of unknown flying instruments
  "I think since the other party's target is me, then it would be fine if I go in exchange."

Princess Fengguan said.


"Your Highness, you must not do this! This is no joke, how could you fall into the hands of evil people!"

"Your Highness Princess, you can't think like that! If you fall into the hands of bad people, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Her Royal Highness cannot go in exchange. Even if we risk our lives, we will never let her fall into the hands of evildoers."

"Your Highness, it is not a pity for them to die, but Your Highness, you cannot fall into the hands of evil people!"


After hearing Princess Fengguan's words, several old men immediately refused.

Hearing this, Princess Fengguan said calmly: "Listen to me first! The other party's target is only me, so if I go in exchange, won't everyone else be spared? Don't the sacrifices of several uncles need to be in vain? If I don't make the exchange, not to mention the sacrifice of several uncles in vain, I will still be captured by the opponent in the end. Since the result has not changed, then why should I let the sacrifice of my uncles and our soldiers of Shen Lei be in vain? What? So, I go in exchange, isn’t this the best result?”


Because what Princess Fengguan said was very reasonable, the elders were speechless for a moment.

No one knew how to answer Princess Fengguan.

After holding it in for a long time, one of the old men finally said firmly: "No matter what, Her Royal Highness cannot go in exchange! Even if we old guys die, we can't go!"

"Yes! You can't go! Even if a few of us die, we can't go!"

"Yes! Even if we die, we will not agree to the exchange with Her Highness the Princess!"

"If we can't even save Her Highness the Princess, then what's the point of living? Instead of letting Her Highness the Princess save her life, it's better to fight to the death and die. That would be a more honorable death!"

"That's right!"


The elders said one after another.

After hearing the words of several old men, Princess Fengguan shook her head and stopped talking.


At this moment, the last escort ship turned into dust with a roar.

At this point, only the largest main ship remains in the golden warship fleet.

All other escort ships crashed.

Seeing this scene, several old men on the main ship became even more desperate.

And Princess Fengguan said: "I told you to let me go in exchange. In this way, they don't have to sacrifice in vain."

"No! They didn't sacrifice in vain! They did it for righteousness! For the entire Divine Thunder! How can this be sacrificed in vain! Their sacrifices are valuable!"

"That's right! It doesn't matter how many of us die! But only Her Highness the Princess cannot afford to lose anything!"

"It is their honor that they died here in battle! When His Majesty finds out about this in the future, he will definitely reward them greatly and will definitely take good care of their relatives!"

"If we don't talk about them, even if it's us, we won't have any complaints!"

"Your Highness, there is no need to say more. We will not change our minds! Don't even think about handing over Your Highness."

"It's rare that Her Highness the Princess is finally willing to pay attention to one thing. However, this matter that concerns the Princess can only disappoint Her Highness. After all, it is impossible for us to take Her Highness out! Although we are also very afraid of death. , but more than death, we care more about our glory, our face, and the princess we protect! We have watched you grow up, and no matter what, we will not hand you over to the bad guys! They want To kidnap the princess, you have to step over our corpses!"

The old men said.

"Okay! Since you uncles are so insistent, I won't persuade you anymore."

Princess Fengguan said. Then, he returned to his indifferent attitude. Seeing that Princess Fengguan no longer wanted to exchange, the old men felt relieved.

The wise old man among them said: "Well, now that all our escort ships have been destroyed, the Black Sky God Pirates can attack our main ship. Our main ship will not be able to hold on for long even if we think about it. It is us who take action now. It's time."

"Well! Then let us join forces to fight! How many years has it been? How many years have we not fought together?"

"This is the first time we have fought together in so many years, and it will also be the last time!"

"I will die without regrets if I can fight with you brothers!"

"No matter what the outcome of this battle is, no matter whether we can protect Her Royal Highness the Princess! We will do our best!"

"Come on!"

Several old men looked at each other with excited expressions, and everyone looked at death with a look on their face!

And at this time.


A subordinate came to the meeting hall to report.

Seeing this subordinate, the old men and Princess Fengguan were all very puzzled. They didn't understand that it was already this time, what else could be repaid?


The wise old man ordered.

"A strange unidentified flying instrument broke into the combat area from the outside world and is currently approaching our location quickly. Moreover, its speed is very fast. It will not take long to reach our area."

Report from my subordinates.

"A strange UFO? It broke in from the outside world?"

After hearing the report, the wise old man asked puzzledly: "How strange is that aircraft?"

The subordinate reported: "It's very strange!! It's different from ordinary warships! It looks like a huge rectangular black rock. But it is much brighter than the black rock."

"Like a giant rectangular black rock?"

The wise old man wondered again: "What kind of flying instrument is this? Why have I never heard of it?"

"I haven't heard of it either!"

"I have never seen a flying machine like this."

"Me too! How could there be such a flying device at the border of the world of God Thunder?"


Other old men also said that they had never seen it before.

"Actually, what I'm most puzzled about is, why did this strange flying instrument break into the combat area? Didn't he see the fighting going on here? Didn't he see the Black Sky God Thief? Such a huge formation of the Black Sky God Thief, It can scare people to death, so why is he still leaning here? Isn't he afraid of death?"

The wise old man said doubtfully.

"Yeah, I'm confused too. Logically speaking, anyone who sees this kind of formation will definitely turn around or take a detour, and won't break in at all! However, he broke in without permission, and also went directly towards We rushed over, it was so strange."

Another old man said.

"Could it be our reinforcements?" an old man guessed.

"Impossible! It is impossible for our reinforcements not to hang any signs! Moreover, there will be no such flying instruments like black rectangular rocks! In addition, if our reinforcements are coming, they will not be able to rush over directly! They should be able to He first hides, then looks for the black sky thief's life gate, and then launches a fatal blow. There is no way he would break in so openly! By breaking in so openly, he is not supporting Her Highness the Princess, but is risking his own death!" An old man analyzed it.

(End of this chapter)

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