Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3085 Delay strategy

Chapter 3085 Delay strategy
  "Okay! Then I will immediately order the troops to be dispatched! We must rescue Nianyao!"

His Majesty Shen Lei said.

Wu Xugong reminded: "Your Majesty, in addition to sending troops, we also need to issue a notice to declare war on the Black Sky God Thief. At the same time, we will send messages to all allies to inform them of this matter, so that they can cooperate with our actions!"

"it is good!"

His Majesty Shen Lei said.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a token and began to give orders.

Seeing that His Majesty Shen Lei had started to issue orders according to his instructions, Lord Wu Xugong nodded and then came to the entrance of the hall.

At this moment, Mr. Xiangxu was still sitting paralyzed in the middle of the door, his eyes dull, as if he had been hit by a huge blow.

Of course.

After all, Mr. Xiang Xu had just lost his most proud disciple, and this disciple was regarded by him as his son, who would take over his position in the future.

Everything has been arranged.

But now it's gone. Who will it be? Who won't attack?

Wu Xugong can also understand Xiangxugong's mood at this moment.

"Don't be sad. Come with me." Wu Xugong said to Xiang Xugong.

Xiangxugong raised his head slightly: "Let's go? Where to go?"

"Go and avenge your disciples!"

Wu must be fair.

The boundary of the world of God Thunder.

Krishna's pirate fleet.

The middle-aged man in gray clothes left the main battleship, came to the void, and said to the Black Demon Battleship in the distance: "Who are you, sir, and why do you come to interfere with my Black Sky Divine Thief?"

"You don't need to worry about who I am, as long as you know that we are just passing by."

Tang Yi moved towards the microphone and replied by transmitting his voice.

"Since you are passing by, why don't you leave yet."

The middle-aged man in gray said: "As long as you leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened."


Tang Yi sneered and said: "It's really ridiculous. Isn't it because of you that we didn't leave? Didn't you block the way? Didn't you send people to intercept us, so we didn't leave? Now in the end, you are asking us coming."

Hearing Tang Yi's words, the middle-aged man in gray thought for a while, and then said: "Although I don't know who you are, no matter who you are, I apologize for our actions just now, and now we are willing to make a concession. The road is here to let you pass. Of course, if you feel that we are not sincere enough, then we can also apologize, as long as you forgive us for our rudeness and then do not participate in this matter."

Hearing the words of the middle-aged man in gray, Tang Yi hadn't said anything yet, but the three representatives not far behind Tang Yi were surprised. "this"

"Did I hear you right? The master who runs rampant in the world, the Black Sky God Thief who no one dares to offend, actually apologized to Tang Yi at this moment, and even said that he can apologize if he is not satisfied? This is incredible."

"This is the Black Sky Divine Thief. This is a powerful force that can raze the world to the ground. Such a force can actually say that it can apologize to Tang Yi at this moment. This is too exaggerated. Moreover, Tang Yi just destroyed them Many warships killed many of their people. This is already an endless hatred, but the other party didn't blame it, and was even willing to apologize? "

"It seems that the other party is afraid of Tang Yi! After all, Tang Yi's warship attack just now destroyed a third of their warships. If they send a few more strikes, then their entire army will definitely be annihilated. Maybe also Because of fear and fear of Tang Yi's warships, they chose to compromise."


The three people said one after another.

After being slightly surprised, Min Yuxue said to Tang Yi: "Tang Yi, since they don't hold us accountable and are willing to let us go, let's leave quickly! Although you just took a huge advantage, But the opponent is the Black Sky Thief after all, and if we really fight with them, we may not be able to win."

Gu Junliang also arrived: "Yes, Tang Yi, one more thing is worse than one less thing. This matter has nothing to do with us. We were just passing by and accidentally got involved. Since the other party no longer pursues the case, then we will do this forget it."

"This place is very dangerous. If possible, we should try to leave here. Now that the other party is willing to let us go, let's leave quickly. Otherwise, if the other party's reinforcements come, or they really want to fight us, then we It’s also uncomfortable.” Jian Kaige also said.

All three persuaded them to make peace with each other and leave quickly.

But after hearing the words of the three people, Tang Yi shook his head and said, "You are so naive."


"Tang Yi, why do you say that?"

"Although we have never been out of the small world, we still have a certain amount of experience. Why are we so naive?"

The three of them were puzzled.

At this moment, Tang Yi hadn't spoken yet, but Binglian stood up and said, "My husband said you are naive because you actually believed what the other party said. If the other party said they would let us go, then we would really be able to leave. ?"

Seeing Binglian come out to answer Xiao Mengxin's doubts, Tang Yi immediately smiled and didn't say anything, leaving Binglian to talk.


"Why can't you leave?"

"I don't understand either, why not?"

The three of them were still puzzled.

I saw Binglian continue to say: "Think about it, we killed so many of them and destroyed so many of their warships, how could they let us go? Isn't this a very simple question? Although the other party is The Black Sky God Thief is very powerful, but those whom Mr. Tang just killed were all their elites. They had worked hard to train them and spent countless resources. It was so painful to lose so many elites at once. Aren't they heartbroken that there are so many warships? They will definitely be heartbroken. Since they are heartbroken, how can they be willing to let us leave? Do they just watch the loss of these elites and warships in vain? It's you, you can swallow it This tone? It’s you. Can you be willing? Can you bear it? Not to mention you, no one here can bear it. Since none of us can bear it, how can the other party be able to bear it as a heinous bandit? .So, how could they let us go? In my opinion, the reason why they apologized to us, why they said they would compensate us, and why they said they wanted us to leave, were all just a delaying measure."

"A delaying tactic?"

The three of them were shocked.

Binglian nodded and continued: "Yes! A delaying tactic! We agree to all conditions, willing to apologize, willing to compensate, and willing to let us leave. All of these are just a delaying tactic. The other party's purpose is to delay time! And that's it! The reason for the delay is because they have just seen the power of the husband's warship, and after seeing such terrifying power, they are not 100% sure to deal with it. Therefore, they have to delay time and wait for the arrival of reinforcements!"

(End of this chapter)

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