Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3297 Poseidon Formation

Chapter 3297 Poseidon Formation
  "Oh? How do you turn an enemy into a friend?"

Tang Yi sneered.

"It's easy!"

Kaidila said: "As long as the young master does not participate in this matter, it will be fine. At the same time, we also promise that we will never hold the young master responsible again, and will give up the pursuit of Prince Amu and his family, and find a secluded place for them to rest in peace for the rest of their lives. , if you want to stay in the Hai Clan and play, we welcome you at any time. You can visit and play anywhere in the Sea Clan! Whenever you come to the Hai Clan in the future, we will treat you as an honored guest. In this way, we can turn our enemies into enemies. Friend! Master, what do you think?"


Hearing this, Tang Yi sneered and said nothing.

On the side, Prince Amu and Su Yixuan stared at Tang Yi nervously.

It seemed that he was afraid that Tang Yi would agree.

Feeling the gazes of Prince Amu and Su Yixuan, Tang Yida said, "What are you looking at me for? Do you think I will agree?"

Su Yixuan immediately said: "Xuan'er naturally believes in Mr. Tang."

He said he believed it, but his title changed from Tang Yi to Mr. Tang.

Obviously a little distant, obviously a little disbelieving.

Prince Amu said: "Although I also believe in you, Mr. Tang Yi, the current situation."

"I know that given the current situation, the probability of me agreeing is very high, right?"

Tang Yi smiled and said: "But why don't you think about it. Am I such a person? Moreover! You have forgotten what is the purpose of my coming here? My purpose of coming here is naturally to help you Haitian Clan. In this case, How could I agree to a thief from the Sky Pirates? If I wanted to agree to them, how could I take the risk of coming here now? Doesn't this seem unnecessary?"

After hearing Tang Yi's words, Prince Amu felt the same after thinking about it.

After all, in this business, they didn't originally come to Poseidon Palace.

Obviously they can leave Neptune City.

But Tang Yi did not leave.

Instead, he led them into the Poseidon Palace.

And came to Poseidon Temple.

If Tang Yi really promised the other party and really wanted to make peace with the other party, then why did he come to Poseidon Palace in the first place?

This is simply unnecessary!

Therefore, Prince Amu knew that he was overthinking, so he hurriedly handed over his hand and apologized to Tang Yi: "I am overthinking. I will apologize to Mr. Tang."

Su Yixuan on the side also followed Prince Amu's example and bowed her hands, saying apologetically: "I'm sorry!"

Tang Yi reached out and tapped Su Yixuan's forehead gently, and the latter dodged in panic.

Looking at Su Yixuan's shy and confused look, Tang Yi smiled and said, "Don't doubt me anymore. It's rude to a friend."

"I know." Su Yixuan nodded obediently.

Tang Yi turned his head and said to Kaidila of the Sky Pirate Sea Clan: "I'm not satisfied with the method you mentioned about turning enemies into friends. So I also thought of a way to turn enemies into friends. I don't know what you want. Don’t you want to listen?”

Hearing this, Su Yixuan and Prince Amu both looked at Tang Yi in confusion.

The front leg clearly said that he believed it, but the back leg turned enemies into friends again?
  However, since they chose to believe in Tang Yi, they will believe it to the end.

Although he was confused at this moment, he didn't say anything more.

On the other side, after hearing Tang Yi's words, Kaidila's eyes lit up slightly and said, "Oh? Then please tell me, sir, how to turn enemies into friends."

"Hand over the Sea King of the Haitian Clan, and then sacrifice all your heads. Then we can turn enemies into friends."

Tang Yi imitated Kaidila's previous tone and pretended to be serious: "Oh, of course, I also promise. As long as you do as I said, I will definitely give you a happy life and I will never let you feel anything. A little painful."

"You!" Hearing Tang Yi's words, Kaidila knew that she had been tricked, and she was immediately furious.

The Dark Alliance Special Envoy No. 7 on the side also frowned.

Prince Aaron's eyes had a hint of coldness.

"You mean there's no need to talk anymore, right? You have to get involved in our Sea Clan's affairs, just to go against us, right?"

After knowing that Tang Yi was unwilling to negotiate, the originally harmonious Kaidila's attitude changed 180 degrees and became harsh, and her tone was extremely cold.

"First of all, I want to correct something. It's not that I want to get involved in the affairs of your Sea Clan, nor that I want to go against you. It's that I want to fight against the evil forces! You colluded together with the intention of controlling the Poseidon Palace and the entire sea. clan, this is something that the world will never allow! As a righteous person, I will naturally destroy your plan and save the Hai clan!"

"Second point! It's not me who doesn't want to negotiate, but you. I just told you how to turn enemies into friends. If you don't agree, what can I do?"

"The third point! The people from the Dark Alliance warned me before that if I provoke the Dark Alliance, everyone related to me will be implicated! In this case, adhering to the belief of striking first, I will naturally kill the people from the Dark Alliance Kill them all! Not only the Dark Alliance members here, but also the Dark Alliance members in their headquarters, I will kill them one by one."

Tang Yi sneered.


"Good good!"

Kediela laughed in anger.

He turned to look at the Dark Alliance envoy No. 7 and the eldest prince of the Haitian clan, Prince Aaron.

Dark Alliance Special Envoy No. 7 and Prince Aaron nodded.

After the three principals exchanged opinions with each other, Kaidila turned his head and said coldly to Tang Yi: "Since you are toasting and not eating as a penalty, you still want to go against us and get involved in our sea clan's affairs. If you come in, don’t blame us.”

"If you have any ability, just use it."

Tang Yi confidently said.


Kaidila sneered, and shouted an order to the countless Heavenly Pirates, Haitian Sea rebels, and members of the Dark Alliance below: "All Heavenly Pirates, Haitian Seas, and Dark Alliance members obey the order. Form the Poseidon Formation with the members of the Dark Alliance as the core!"


In Poseidon Temple, countless people obeyed the order.

Seeing only the next moment.

All the Sea Clan members and members of the Dark Alliance in the Poseidon Temple started to move.

I saw hundreds of core members of the Dark Alliance arriving at the center of the Poseidon Temple.

They all gathered together and formed a circular formation.

The strong men of the Tianpi Hai Clan and the Haitian Hai Clan were separated in pairs, and with the core members of the Dark Alliance as the center, they built countless hexagram formations from the inside out.

There is no telling how many of these six-pointed star formations there are.

They wrap around the core members of the Dark Alliance, slowly increasing and expanding from the inside out.

At last.

A huge hexagram made of countless layers of hexagrams was formed.

After everyone stands at the designated position and builds the formation.

I saw hundreds of dark alliance members in the middle suddenly raising their hands, making a gesture of support.

The four core members of the Dark Alliance took out a scroll and threw it into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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