Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3401 Rejection

Chapter 3401 Rejection
  Nangong Longcheng and Lian Fei originally wanted to say something, but when they saw someone approaching, they immediately shut up.

The people approaching were the guests at the next table.

There were six of them in total.

All six of them were wearing uniform clothes, and their aura was very extraordinary. They should be members of a certain family.

I saw these six warriors coming to where Tang Yi was. A warrior with a Chinese character and a face who looked to be in his thirties politely asked Tang Yi: "I wonder if I can speak to you?"

This man with a Chinese character said his words to Tang Yi, not to Lian Fei, nor to Nangong Longcheng.

It was obvious that he regarded Tang Yi as the core figure in this group of people, so he only asked Tang Yi.

Tang Yi was also very surprised when he saw the other party asking himself.

After thinking about it, pointing to the empty seat, Tang Yi said, "Sit down."


The man with a Chinese character bowed his hands politely and then sat down.

However, the five warriors who came with him did not sit down, but just stood behind the warrior with the Chinese character face.

After sitting down, the martial artist with a Chinese character said very politely: "Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Let me introduce myself. My name is Yi Binhai, and I am the patriarch of the Weihai family. I don't know what to call you."

"Tang Yi."

Tang Yi said calmly.

On the side, Lian Fei and Nangong Longcheng looked at Yi Binhai in surprise.

They didn't expect that the patriarch of the family would come to befriend him?
  And it depends on the attitude? How could he be so polite?

You must know that the other party is the patriarch of the family. Whether it is a big family or a small family, being able to be the patriarch has some abilities!

In addition, how can the people who can climb to the top floor of the Zhuling Tower be from a small family?
  The other party must be the patriarch of a top family.

Such a person actually came to make friends with newcomers like them who had just arrived in the Realm Palace?
  This shocked both Lian Fei and Nangong Longcheng.

Yi Binhai ignored the surprised Lian Fei and Nangong Longcheng. His eyes were completely focused on Tang Yi and said: "Tang Yi? I have seen the list of seed players and the dark horse list of the Son of the World Competition. Why?" No impression?"

Tang Yi glanced at Yi Binhai in surprise and asked, "Did you know that we are contestants in the Children of the World Competition?"

Yi Binhai smiled slightly and said: "Just now I was just limited to guessing that you are the contestants of the Children of the Realm Competition, but now I have confirmed it."


Tang Yi was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect that the other party was just testing and didn't really guess his identity.

He was blown out by the opponent.

Yi Binhai asked: "So I'm curious, how did you get up? The top floor of the Zhuling Tower is not easy to get up. Besides, there are so many people."

"Does it matter how you got here?"

Tang Yi asked rhetorically.

This question immediately confused Yi Binhai.

After being stunned for a moment, he smiled and said: "Yes, it really doesn't matter! If you have the ability, you can definitely come up."

After a pause, Yi Binhai continued: "Okay, then I won't hide it from Brother Tang. I will tell Brother Tang the truth about my purpose. After all, Brother Tang, you probably have no interest in listening to my nonsense. In fact, the main purpose of my coming here is to recruit Brother Tang! I think Brother Tang is very suitable for our Weihai family, so I want to recruit Brother Tang."

"Recruit me?"

Tang Yi was stunned for a moment, really surprised.

On the side, Lian Fei and Nangong Longcheng were shocked again.

They didn't expect that another family would recruit Tang Yi!

Why say it again?

Wasn't Tang Yi recruited before?
  They have all verbally joined the family.

Now someone is recruiting again! Moreover, this was even before Tang Yi showed any strength!
  There is no show, no atmosphere.

Just by sitting there, someone came to recruit?
  This is too exaggerated!
  Lian Fei and Nangong Longcheng were both a little admired.

They all wondered why no one came to recruit them!

"Yes! Our Weihai family wants to recruit you, Brother Tang! First of all, let me introduce the situation of our Weihai family. Our Weihai family ranks seventeenth in the family rankings. There are several members of the Shadow Fight Field Sky Ranking and Earth Ranking in the family. There are dozens of members. As long as Brother Tang you join our Weihai family, I can promise to give you a management position! The status is equivalent to mine! In addition, the resources in our family can be provided to you first! If you want No matter what kind of treasure or material you get, we will mobilize the power of the whole clan to fight for you!"

Yi Binhai said something shocking.

"The seventeenth-ranked family!"

"How many members are there on the Heavenly List? Are there dozens of members on the Earthly List?"

"Join the family and be managed directly?"

"The status is equivalent to that of the clan leader?"

"Provide resources first? Can we mobilize the whole clan to fight for whatever we want?"

Hearing Yi Binhai's words, Lian Fei, Nangong Longcheng, and their families were all shocked.

Originally, they thought that Tang Yi was strong enough to enter the 30th ranked family.

It’s already beautiful enough.

Unexpectedly, a seventeenth-ranked family would now recruit Tang Yi!

The most incredible thing is that the seventeenth-ranked family patriarch actually promised Tang Yi a management position.

And the status is equivalent to that of the clan leader!
  Also committed to providing resources as a priority?
  And are you willing to mobilize the entire clan to find resources for Tang Yi?

  This treatment is simply outrageous!
  Is this more than just sincerity?
  This is simply handing half of the family into Tang Yi's hands!
  Lian Fei and others were shocked.

They couldn't understand why Tang Yi got such good treatment?
  I don’t understand why the patriarch of the Weihai family is so optimistic about Tang Yi when they first met? Do you dare to give him such unreasonable conditions?
  Both of them were confused.

Tang Yi joining a family ranked thirty is already an exaggeration.

Now that a family ranked seventeenth came to recruit, it was even more exaggerated.

"How about it? Are we sincere enough? I wonder if Tang Yi is interested in joining our Weihai family?"

Seeing that Tang Yi was silent, Yi Binhai asked.

It has to be said that the conditions Yi Binhai mentioned were really extremely generous, as if they were giving the family to Tang Yi.

Faced with such conditions, no one can refuse.

This is already a very sincere recruitment.

  After hearing Yi Binhai's conditions, Tang Yi thought for a moment and said, "I'm sorry, I refuse!"

Tang Yi actually refused!
  Facing the seventeenth-ranked family on the first floor of the Realm Palace!

Facing the generous conditions promised by Yi Binhai!
  He actually refused!

Seeing this scene, Lian Fei and Nangong Longcheng both looked at Tang Yi with incredible eyes.

It was like looking at a monster.

It was too late for them to envy such a generous offer, but Tang Yi actually refused. This made them very confused and couldn't understand why Tang Yi did this!
  Although Tang Yi has already joined another family and made a verbal commitment to another family.

But that's just a verbal promise!

Verbal commitments don’t count until you officially join!

This is not a breach of contract at all.

So there is no need to keep your promise and not join a better family!

Facing Tang Yi's rejection, they were really confused.

(End of this chapter)

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