Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3612 View the properties of the latest synthetic armor

Chapter 3612 View the properties of the latest synthetic armor

Journey of Ten Thousand Miles: Ten ring wearers perform this method together and can teleport to the area where any wearer is at the same time. (This skill is limited to the same space and will be affected by many factors. If the ten wearers are not in the same space, or the time flow rate in any wearer's location is different, or there are various energy interferences, this skill will cannot be cast)
  Supreme divine power index: 3 billion.


In the description, the names of the original nine people now became ten, with the addition of the word "love" written by Ni Shiqing.

Moreover, the original passive special effect Ten Hearts in One in the ring has not been activated and will not produce any effect!
  The reason is that only nine of the ten rings are activated, and one has no host!
  That is to say, because of the lack of one person, the passive ten-heart unification cannot work.

In addition to the passive special effects, the active skill Wanli Journey also had no effect.

Because ten people have to perform it together.

Originally there were only nine people and could not be used.

But now, ten people have finally gathered together, and all the effects and skills that cannot be used in the Eternal Diamond can now take effect and be used.

After receiving the Eternity Diamond, Ni Shiqing immediately put it on her ring finger and couldn't put it down and watched it over and over again. The more she watched, the more she liked it, and the more she watched, the happier she became.

After Ni Shiqing calmed down, Tang Yi told her the meaning of the Eternal Diamond, and also told her the efficacy of the Eternal Diamond.

After informing Ni Shiqing, Tang Yi asked Ni Shiqing to ask Mu Xianling and the others in confusion, leaving a group of women to chat on their own, and then sank into the system alone.

The only thing Tang Yi wanted to do when he entered the system was to check out the brand new armor he had just obtained by fusing two pieces of armor using the armor synthesis orb!
  [Source of Darkness]: A combination of divine treasure and ancient fantasy god-level armor.

Description: A brand-new armor obtained by merging a divine treasure with an ancient phantom-level armor.

Part: Full body armor

Attribute: The power of the galaxy is increased by 1%.

Attributes: Destruction attribute increases by 10000 times.

Attribute: Dark attribute immunity.

Special attribute: Dark immunity.

Special Effects: God of Darkness, Source of Darkness Particles
  God of Darkness: After entering the battle state, the wearer will gather a shadow of the God of Darkness behind him to act together. With the assistance of the dark shadow, the combat effectiveness will be doubled, and endless black energy will be automatically released. Creates a dark sky. Within the dark sky, the enemy target's vision, consciousness detection, defense, resistance, and recovery energy will be greatly affected. The wearer's body is filled with black energy, and he himself is not affected in any way. .

Source of Darkness Particles: Can automatically mobilize the power of darkness for its own use. When the wearer is injured, the dark power will automatically heal the wearer's injuries. When the wearer's energy is exhausted, the dark power will automatically replenish the wearer's energy. energy. When the attack is in progress, the dark power will automatically increase the wearer's attack power, and when the defense is in progress, the dark power will automatically increase the wearer's defense.

(Tip: The strength of the healing ability, the amount of replenished energy, the increased attack power, and the increased defense power will depend on the concentration of the surrounding dark energy. The higher the concentration of dark power, the different effects will be. The stronger. Vice versa, the weaker.)
  Active skills: Sky Control, Particle Storm, Dark Night, Dark Body Protection.

Heavenly Control: Summon endless dark energy to create a huge light curtain covering the sky. Under the light curtain, the defense, damage reduction, and recovery capabilities of the wearer and allies will be greatly improved, and the healing effect obtained will be doubled.

Duration: 30 minutes.

Cooling time: 30 minutes.

Particle Storm: Create a powerful particle storm, causing damage to enemy targets and knocking them back.

Dark Night: After using this skill, the surrounding area within 5 kilometers will enter a dark night state.

Duration: 24 hours.

Cooling time: 12 hours.

Dark body protection: Absorb endless darkness to protect oneself. Under the shroud of darkness, the wearer will have terrifying defense capabilities, damage absorption capabilities, resistance to blows and recovery capabilities, and is immune to fatal blows.

Duration: 10 seconds.

Cooling time: 1 hour. Strength index increase: one galaxy (10 points)
  (This item has a total of ten layers of seals. After being unsealed, the strength index bonus can be obtained. Each time a layer is unsealed, the strength level will increase by one layer.)
  (The current number of unblockings is 3, and this unblocking requires 10000 divine coins)
  (Since this item is in a synthetic state, the cost of unsealing is doubled. This unsealing will cost 20000 divine coins)

"The source of darkness! The name sounds better than before."

Tang Yi commented.

Of course, the name is only secondary.

What matters is the properties of this piece of equipment.

A combination of a divine treasure and ancient phantom-level armor.

Ordinary attributes can actually increase the power of the galaxy by 1%?
  Another normal attribute, the increase in destruction attribute has been increased to 10,000 times?
  The special attribute Dark Immunity is retained.

The passive special effects seem to combine the characteristics of two pieces of equipment!

One special effect is that it can condense the Dark God after entering the combat state. Under the influence of the Dark God, the combat effectiveness can be improved, and at the same time, a dark sky will be produced to affect the opponent.

Another special effect is an extension and improvement based on the original special effects of Black Source Zhijia.

The effect becomes even more powerful.

After wearing it, you can not only mobilize the power of darkness for your own use, but also improve your recovery ability. At the same time, it can replenish energy, enhance combat effectiveness, and enhance defense. Whatever you can think of, you can do!
  The strength of the effect depends on the intensity of the dark power in the battle venue!

A very powerful passive special effect!
  The number of active skills has been increased to four.

The first active skill Tianyu seems to be a combined version of the two armor active skills, both of which are status skills.

The difference is that this is a range-type status skill.

Not only can you get the effect, but your companions who you judge as allies can also get the effect.

The second skill, Particle Storm, is a skill retained by Black Source Zhijia, and there is no change in its attributes.

The third skill, Dark Night, is also a skill retained by Black Source Zhijia.

The fourth Dark Body is an enhanced version of the Dark Sky Guard skill retained by the Dark Armor.

Absorb dark energy to strengthen yourself, improve defense, damage reduction and recovery capabilities, and double the healing effect obtained.

This skill can be said to be a status skill.

The only difference is that the status skills can produce effects after being used, and there is a certain upper limit.

This skill must first absorb the surrounding dark energy before it can have an effect. However, there is no upper limit.

How strong the effect is depends on the intensity of the surrounding dark energy.

The more energy there is and the more it is absorbed, the stronger the effect will be.

Of course, in fact these are not the point.

The point is!
  After being synthesized, the power index of this armor increased and was sublimated!
  It’s no longer a divine power index!

Instead, it turned into a galaxy!
  It actually increased the power of a galaxy again.

(End of this chapter)

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