Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3618 What ability can do what?

Chapter 3618 What ability can do what?
  In this way, many people gathered outside the mask to watch the duel.

Inside the mask, Tang Yi looked at the venue inside the mask and the scene outside the mask, and suddenly felt very novel.

He really didn't expect that the duel on the second floor of the Realm Palace would be like this.

You can actually fight on the street instead of going to a duel or something.

As long as one person condenses a word of war and the other party accepts it, a duel can actually be started.

It can even create a light shield that envelops the two dueling people.

This is so convenient.

In addition, passers-by outside the mask seemed to be accustomed to it.

No one showed any surprise.

It can be seen that this method is not unique to the opponent named Ren Xuetao, but the duel method of the entire Realm Palace.

Is the Realm Palace so convenient?
  Actually providing a protective venue for those dueling in the Realm Palace?

But yes.

The Realm Palace is, after all, a Realm Palace.

There are many capable people here, and with so many geniuses gathered together, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts.

If a conflict arises, we can't help but let them resolve it, right?

The best solution is to provide them with a fighting venue, let them speak with their fists, and use their fists to resolve disputes.

This is really good!

Here, Tang Yi couldn't help but silently give Jie Palace a thumbs up.

While Tang Yi was looking at the mask, Ren Xuetao frowned as he looked at Tang Yi who was looking around.

He thought Tang Yi disrespected him.

This made the anger in his heart even more intense.

I saw him shouting towards Tang Yi: "Hey, what are you looking at there? Do you want to fight?"

After hearing Ren Xuetao's shouting, Tang Yi came back to his senses and said, "You can take action."

His tone was calm, as if he didn't care at all, and he didn't take this battle to heart at all.

This made Ren Xuetao, who was arrogant and arrogant, extremely unhappy and felt that he had been ignored.

"Okay! Since you are looking for death, I won't be polite."

As Ren Xuetao said, he jumped towards Tang Yi.

The fighting rules of the Realm Palace are that as long as no weapons are used and no one is killed, any means can be used.

So Ren Xuetao didn't have any scruples at this moment and directly attacked with fists.

On the second floor of the Realm Palace, Ren Xuetao felt that although his strength was not top-notch, it was still above average, which was enough to deal with a playboy.

Therefore, in his opinion, this blow will definitely knock the opponent away and teach the opponent a severe lesson.

However, what Ren Xuetao didn't expect was.

The opponent didn't dodge this punch?

This is simply courting death!
  However, what he didn't expect was that his punch hit the opponent directly!
  But there was no time for surprise.

I saw that the other party was actually safe and sound!

When he punched him, it was as if he had hit an iron plate.

Not only was there pain in his fist, but the opponent was fine and there was nothing wrong with him at all.

The expression of surprise that was about to appear suddenly turned into shock after seeing this scene.

What surprised Ren Xuetao even more.

At this moment, the other party actually said to him: "That's it? You dare to stop me with this kind of strength?"

The tone was full of disdain and a feeling of contempt.

Hearing this sentence and feeling the contempt in his tone, Ren Xuetao couldn't hold back and immediately exploded.

"Sun Ming Fist!"

"Break it for me!"


Ren Xuetao's fist burst out with a dark light, and waves of terrifying energy burst out from his fist.

After all, the divine body realm is the divine body realm, which cannot be compared to the quasi-god realm.

If such a punch was executed by someone in the quasi-god realm, the power would probably only be one-tenth of that.

But if Ren Xuetao, who is in the divine body realm, is allowed to use it, the power can explode to 300%!

what's the point?
  "Boom!" Tang Yi stood there and let Ren Xuetao attack. However, Ren Xuetao's attack fell on Tang Yi but had no effect.

All energy impacts had no effect on Tang Yi.

Tang Yi stood where he was, safe and sound, his body not moving at all.

Not even the clothes made any waves.

"That's it?"

The familiar sarcasm came from the mouth of the young man again. When Ren Xuetao heard it, he was angry, helpless, and shocked.

"What's going on? Why can't I hurt him with my fist? Why is he unharmed even though he resisted the blow from my fist? He didn't even sway a little? What on earth is going on?"

Ren Xuetao was completely confused at this moment.

I simply can't figure out what's going on.

It was obviously a hit, and the power of the attack was obviously good, so why couldn't it hurt the opponent?
  What exactly went wrong?

However, at this moment, the young man opposite said again: "Are you confused, are you confused? Do you feel powerless? That's right! This is the emotion that a weak person will show up when facing a strong person. Next time Stop blocking the road casually. You can do anything with your abilities. If you don’t have certain abilities, how dare I lead a beautiful woman wandering the streets in such a swagger all day? Please think about it with your head when you go back."

As he said this, the young man opposite did not wait for Ren Xuetao to understand and directly raised his hand.


Ren Xuetao suffered a huge force and flew out uncontrollably!

The next second, he fell heavily against the light curtain wall, then slipped and fainted!

Since the ending has been revealed, the light curtain also disappeared in an instant.

"Let's go!"

Tang Yi came to Ni Shiqing's side, ignored the looks of everyone present as if they were looking at monsters, and left with Ni Shiqing.

Ni Shiqing also smiled slightly, and then left with Tang Yi.

At this moment, everyone watching was stunned.

Especially Ren Xuetao's three companions, they were the most confused.

They had no idea what was going on.

I don’t understand how Ren Xuetao lost.

It was clear that Ren Xuetao had hit the opponent, and it was clear that the opponent had not moved, but in the end it was Ren Xuetao who flew out on his own.

This is too weird.

As Ren Xuetao's companions, they are all very aware of Ren Xuetao's strength.

Ren Xuetao is at the upper-middle level in the entire second floor of the Realm Palace.

Facing those top talents, Ren Xuetao naturally couldn't get enough of them.

But facing ordinary warriors in the Realm Palace, they can completely crush them.

Even if he is not an ordinary warrior, as long as he has not reached the level of a top warrior, Ren Xuetao can compete.

As an above-average warrior, his attacks are extremely powerful.

Even the top geniuses would not dare to neglect the blow.

It is even more impossible to resist forcefully!

Even if you resist hard, you won't be completely safe.

That's for sure.

But just now...

That unknown young man actually resisted Ren Xuetao's blow?
  Not only was he not injured, he even knocked Ren Xuetao away?

This is too unbelievable and weird.

None of Ren Xuetao's three companions could understand.

The only thing they can understand now is that the young man won the competition and left gracefully.

Beyond that, they understand nothing.

"What should we do now?"

One of Ren Xuetao's companions asked.

"Take Brother Tao for treatment first. This matter is not simple. Let's take a long-term approach."

Another companion said.

Just like that, the three companions supported Ren Xuetao and left.

Seeing everyone leaving, the onlookers dispersed while talking about the competition just now.

(End of this chapter)

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