Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3621 Hall Competition

Chapter 3621 Hall Competition
  Turning his gaze to Tang Yi, the team leader said: "Excuse me for introducing myself. My surname is Che, and I am known as the team leader. I still have some strength on the second floor of the Realm Palace. Listen to my team members, you and my team members just now A competition, and then defeated my team members with one move?"

"Well, what next? What do you do for the captain of the team?"

Tang Yi asked.

"Gui Gan can't tell. I just want to ask you for advice. If I lose, we will have nothing to do with each other. From now on, our car crazy team will never trouble you again. If you lose, you have to go downstairs to the Youyuan Hotel. Apologize to our car crazy team in front of everyone. What do you think?"

The captain said.

"Oh? Go downstairs and apologize to your car-crazy team in front of everyone?"

Tang Yi smiled and said: "It's not impossible, but you need to add one more condition to the condition you mentioned. In addition to not coming to trouble me again, you have to go around me when you see me in the future!"


The captain frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable with this condition.

However, because he had absolute confidence in his own strength, even though he felt uncomfortable, he still nodded and agreed to Tang Yi's conditions.

"Okay, if you win, we will walk around when we see you later, but if I win, you go downstairs and apologize to us in front of everyone."

The captain said.


Tang Yi nodded and asked, "Where can we compete?"

The team said: "There is a stage in the lobby of Youyuan Hotel. It was originally used to perform dances and music, but it should be enough as a competition venue. I think we can compete there. What do you think? "

"Hotel Lobby?"

Tang Yi was slightly surprised when he heard this, then smiled and said: "Okay."

"Okay, then I will explain it to the hotel. Please come with me to the lobby."

Motorcade Road.

"it is good!"

Tang Yi nodded.

The group of people just left the box and headed towards the hotel lobby.

On the way, Ni Shiqing said: "Husband, there is actually no need for you to accept his challenge."

"It's okay, boring is boring anyway, just treat it as a way to relieve boredom." Tang Yi said nonchalantly.


Ni Shiqing said nothing more.

The group of people arrived at the hotel lobby.

After the team captain discussed with the hotel, the hotel agreed to the competition.

But there is a prerequisite, and that is not to cause death.

Otherwise, if someone dies in the hotel, such an unlucky thing, who will come to eat in the future?
  Under the gaze of countless guests in the hotel, the group walked through the spacious aisle and arrived at the stage.

Seeing Tang Yi and his party, the guests in the hotel lobby immediately started talking and wondering.

"What do these people want to do?"

"They don't seem to be here to eat."

"They seem to want to do something again on stage."

"It can't be... they're not going to have a fight on the stage, right? That would be really a blessing for the eyes."

"Playing here? Is it true? If it's true, it's really a feast for the eyes. It's not only delicious but also a feast for the eyes. This is really good."

"Is this a benefit that Youyuan Restaurant gives us?"

"Is this the program arranged by Youyuan Restaurant today? It seems pretty good."


Everyone was talking about it.

the other side.

Everyone in the Divine Bull Team also saw Tang Yi and his party, but at this moment they had eaten and drank enough and were about to leave.

"Brothers, they seem to be competing on the stage."

"I guess I was invited to perform by fate."

"Probably. Should we stay and take a look."

"Watching this kind of performance? What's so good about it?"

"Indeed, how exciting such a performance can be, it is better to go back to a few in our brother to practice in private, then it is interesting." ”

"Well, go back early. We won't join in the fun."

"Waiter, check out."


Although the people from the Shenniu Team saw Tang Yi and his team and saw that Tang Yi and his team were competing, they still checked out and left the hotel, and did not see the next scene of Tang Yi and the team leader competing.

This is really a mistake.

I'm afraid they never dreamed that Tang Yi would be their next new team member.

And their new players are about to take the stage to show their strength.

However, they happened to leave the hotel and failed to see this scene, nor could they understand Tang Yi's true strength.

If they know that Tang Yi is their new team member, if they see Tang Yi's competition.

Maybe Tang Yi, the bodyguard hiding in secret, wouldn't be able to do it.

He wants to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

I can’t even pretend to be.

Fortunately, all the members of the Shenniu team left before Tang Yi's competition.


The captain of the car made an invitation gesture towards Tang Yi and invited Tang Yi to come on stage.

Tang Yi didn't hesitate and jumped directly onto the stage in the hotel lobby.

The captain of the car followed closely behind and jumped onto the stage.

The two of them stood opposite each other, one on the left and one on the right.

Seeing this scene, the guests at the scene started talking again.

Many people watched this scene with interest.

Some people even cheered for the two people on the stage.

"We really want to fight here!"

"It seems like there is some grudge between the two of them, and they want to resolve it here?"

"You're wrong, they don't seem to have any grudges. I think it's just a show arranged by the hotel."

"Not bad, not bad! We have enough to eat and drink, and we can watch the show!"

"Come on, two brothers!"

"Brother on the left, I support you. Beat the guy on the other side."

"I support the brother on your right!"

"Come on! Fuck him!"



Ni Shiqing looked at Tang Yi shining on the stage without saying a word.

But his expression and demeanor were full of pride.

This is my extremely excellent husband!
  If you get this husband, you will have no regrets in this life.

On the side, Ren Xuetao stared closely at Tang Yi on the stage, clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said: "Boy, don't be proud, our captain will help me!"

After a pause, Ren Xuetao turned his head again, looked at Ni Shiqing, and said, "Girl, our captain will prove to you that what you are interested in is just a trash!"

Ni Shiqing turned around, glared at Ren Xuetao fiercely, and said coldly: "First, I am not a girl, I am already married. Second, the person on the stage is not a waste, and I don't allow anyone to say that he is a waste. . Third, he is my husband! His being able to like me is a blessing from my previous life."

Hearing Ni Shiqing's vicious tone, Ren Xuetao was slightly stunned, and then showed an expression of surprise.

He didn't expect that this beautiful woman in front of him would actually be married to a wife? So young? Moreover, the young man on the stage was actually married to her? Are they already married?

The key is.

This beautiful woman actually said that the young man on the stage fell in love with her because she was blessed in her previous life?

Is it that exaggerated?
  The woman is so beautiful. Those who want to pursue her can line up from the top of the city to the end of the city, right?
  With such a look, what do you want?
  She actually said that being favored was a blessing gained from her previous life?
  Who is that young man on the stage?

(End of this chapter)

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