Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3636: When did humans become so powerful?

Chapter 3636: When did humans become so powerful?
  "With the absolute difference in strength, I can't hurt you?"

"Impossible, you are just a human, you cannot have such strength!"

"Human, please tell me what method you used!"

"This is a battlefield in the realm of gods. No matter how strong you are, it is impossible for you to be invulnerable to any means. Some special means must have been used, so our attacks have no effect!"


The ten foreigners still didn't believe Tang Yi.

But at this moment, Tang Yi didn't want to explain to them anymore. After all, these aliens think humans are weak. When they firmly believe in this concept, they won't believe it no matter what you say.

Even if the facts are right in front of them, they won't believe it.

This was the case with many foreign races that Tang Yi encountered before.

So Tang Yi didn't bother to tell them more at this moment.

I saw him wave his right hand.


The terrifying power swept out.

Before these ten aliens had time to realize what had happened, and they were still questioning Tang Yi, their bodies turned into fly ash and disappeared from this world.

Five members of the Shenlei tribe and five members of the Beishui tribe, a total of ten tribesmen, disappeared into the battlefield at the same time.

Seeing this scene, the Shenlei Tribe and Beishui Tribe were confused again.

They all looked at Tang Yi in disbelief.

The scene was silent for a moment, and you could hear a pin drop.

After a long time, Jiu Yuelei calmly asked Tang Yi: "Who are you and what status do you have among humans!"

Li Mushui also said: "Human, can you tell me your name?"

Tang Yi replied: "I don't change my name or surname, that's what Tang Yi is! As for who he is and what his status is among human beings... I'm just a nobody, not worth mentioning at all."

"Tang Yi? A nobody?"

Jiu Yuelei said gloomily: "I have never heard of the name, but! Judging from the methods you have shown now, how can you be a nobody! You must be deceiving us!"

Li Mushui also said: "Human, are you having fun teasing us?"

"Teasing you?"

Tang Yi laughed and said, "When did I tease you? I told you the truth when I first came here. Every word is the truth. I didn't deceive you or hide anything. Why did I just tease you?" .”

After hearing Tang Yi's words, the faces of the two foreign leaders were gloomy.

Looking back now, they suddenly realized.

No wonder, no wonder the human in front of me dared to come to their camp alone.

No wonder this human wasn't afraid of them at all.

No wonder this human dared to threaten them.

It turned out that this human being was not crazy, nor was he delusional or drunk.

But because!

He really has this strength.

All along, the human told them.

It's just that they didn't believe it and thought this human was bluffing.

After learning about this incident, the two alien leaders were filled with questions, secretly wondering when such a powerful person had appeared in the human race.

Seeing the two foreign leaders stunned, Tang Yi felt that the game was almost over and it was time to end. He immediately said: "Okay, I won't waste time with you. I came here to find the altar, now you tell me Where is the altar, or give me some useful information, and I will spare your lives. Otherwise, all of you can stay here." "Huh?"

After hearing Tang Yi's words, the two alien leaders and members all looked at Tang Yi in disbelief.

Jiu Yuelei said: "Are you serious? It is undeniable that you are really strong, and the strength you just showed really shocked me. But there are so many people here, and you want to fight against us on your own. , this is completely impossible, right?”

Li Mushui also said: "I have to admit that the strength you just showed is very powerful and the defense is amazing. But there are so many of us and we attack together, we can't hurt you? So are you sure you want to threaten us?"


Tang Yi's expression suddenly turned cold, and after a cold smile, he said: "Have I not made it clear enough? If you tell me the news about the altar, or give me useful information, then I will spare your life. Otherwise, I won’t be polite.”

"I want news about the altar!"

Jiu Yuelei said: "Tang Yi, right? You may not know how we fought with the Beishui Tribe. The reason why we fought was because we discovered the altar! The news about the altar, our Shenlei Tribe and the Beishui Tribe All. But... I won't give it to you. Do you think you can threaten us with just a few words? It's too fanciful. "

Li Mushui said: "Although we, the Beishui Tribe, have a personal grudge with the Shenlei Tribe, they did fight over the altar! We also know the location of the altar. But as that trash Jiu Yuelei said, we will not give it to you. Human beings, give up on this idea! You humans are the weakest existence among all races, and you still want to have an altar in the Tianxuan battlefield? Is this possible? Moreover, although we can't do anything to you now, you can also We are helpless! So your threats have no meaning to us."

"Oh? Really? Can't I threaten you?"

Tang Yi sneered, then waved his right hand.


The terrifying energy swept out like a torrent.

This power is urgent and fast, extremely terrifying!
  No one from the alien race present could react!

When everyone reacted, they saw three members of the Divine Thunder Tribe turning into blood mist in full view of everyone.

These three members of the Divine Thunder Tribe passed away without even knowing what happened.

When the other aliens at the scene reacted, they saw clouds of blood mist filling the air.

Let alone rescue. If they reacted slower, they might not even be able to see the blood mist and it would dissipate directly.

However, just when everyone was surprised that the three divine thunder tribes suddenly turned into blood mist.

Tang Yi, who was standing in the middle, seemed to have remembered something, and said with a look of awakening: "Oh, by the way, you are two different races, I have to give you fair treatment."

With that said, Tang Yi raised his hand again.


Waves of terrifying energy swept out again.


Three more aliens turned into blood mist and passed away.

This time, the alien race that turned into blood mist was a member of the North Water Tribe.

Just like that, before anyone could react, three Divine Thunder Tribes and three Northern Water Tribes turned into blood mist and passed away in front of everyone!
  Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened with shock and disbelief on their faces!

Having seen Tang Yi's methods before, they could tell that Tang Yi was very strong.

But they still felt that they had the strength to fight, and they still felt that they could defeat Tang Yi with their numerical advantage.

So they didn't feel any fear.

There is surprise, but it is just surprise!

That's why they dared to continue chatting and laughing with Tang Yi.

but now……

Now after seeing Tang Yi take action again, their mentality has changed.

They are scared!

(End of this chapter)

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