Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3641 Discovered?

Chapter 3641 Discovered?


Tang Yi pretended to be stupid and said: "I don't know either. Just now when the alien races were fighting, a terrifying shock wave swept over me. I hid in a panic and finally found a shelter. After hiding in the shelter to avoid the shock wave, When I come back here, it will look like this. The aliens are also gone."


Hearing Tang Yi's words, everyone present couldn't help but suddenly realized that no wonder Tang Yi was able to survive. It turned out that he had found a shelter!



The shock wave just now was so terrifying that it spread hundreds of miles away. Where can we find shelter here?

Everyone was surprised by this!
  What they were even more curious about was where the aliens had gone.

It's impossible for them all to turn into powder just because of that blow!
  This is definitely impossible!

"Yes, shelter!"

Tang Yi nodded and said: "There are many incomprehensible inscriptions there, and there are half-moon-shaped buildings on the four sides that look like dragon's teeth. There is also a huge six-pointed star carved on the ground in the middle. The overall look is quite strange."


Hearing Tang Yi's words, Niu Haobo was stunned and quickly asked: "Are there a lot of rubble around that building? Are there many hexagrams inside the hexagram? On the half-moon-shaped building like dragon's teeth , is it inlaid with many green stones?"

"Captain, how did you know?"

Tang Yi pretended to be surprised and said: "Yes, there are a lot of rubble around the building. There are many small hexagrams inside the hexagram. There are also green stones inlaid on the dragon tooth building. It's exactly the same as what you described, captain!"

Niu Haobo was very excited when he heard Tang Yi's confirmation. He looked at Tang Yi as if he were looking at a treasure.

The members of the Shenniu team also looked at Tang Yi at this moment, with very complicated expressions.

Niu Haobo said excitedly: "That's an altar! An altar! Do you understand?"


Tang Yi pretended to be surprised.

"Yes, the altar!"

Niu Haobo said excitedly: "That's the altar we're looking for! Where is it? Quick, take us there!"

"Not far ahead."

Tang Yi said.

"Take us there quickly!"

Niu Haobo said: "I didn't expect that the altar we had been unable to find was found by Tang Yi by accident."

"I also wanted to avoid the aftermath, so I found it by chance. And I didn't know it was an altar."

Tang Yi said: "I will take you there now."

Tang Yi told a white lie.

He didn't run anywhere to escape the aftermath.

After all, Yu Bo didn't need to dodge at all, he just resisted.

The altar Tang Yi also learned about it from the mouths of foreigners.

Due to separate inquiries, the Shenlei tribe and the Beishui tribe did not dare to lie at all, and they all gave the altar the correct location.

Tang Yi got the correct location of the altar, and then he used the altar to make up such a reason.

He claimed to have run to the altar to avoid the aftermath.

Not only did he perfectly explain why he was safe and sound, but he was also able to lead the sacred cow team to the altar.

This kills two birds with one stone.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain the fact that he is safe and sound.

And it's not easy for him to lead the sacred cow team to the altar.

After all, when people ask him how he knows, he can't tell the members of the Divine Bull Team. He must have obtained the information by killing two alien teams.

If you tell everything, how can you pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger? How boring this is.

In this way, Tang Yi led everyone from the Divine Bull Team to the location of the altar.

According to the confessions of the Shenlei Tribe and the Beishui Tribe, the altar is about 20 kilometers away from where Tang Yi and the others are.

Tang Yi led everyone to that location based on the information provided by the Shenlei Tribe and the Beishui Tribe.

On the way to the altar, a member of the Divine Thunder Team seemed to have discovered something. He was seen leaving the team, squatting on the ground and looking carefully.

The ground was covered in blood, which seemed to be traces of blood left behind.

The team member frowned while looking at the blood on the ground.

"Fang You, what are you looking at?"

Seeing that the team member did not follow him, Niu Haobo turned and shouted to him.

Hearing this, the team member named Fang You came to Niu Haobo and whispered a few words.

Listening to Fang You's whisper, Niu Haobo showed an incredulous look on his face and said in surprise: "Seriously?"

"It's absolutely true! If you don't believe me, captain, you can go and have a look."

Fang Youdao.

Hearing this, Niu Haobo followed Fang You to the place where Fang You just found the blood stains to check.

When he saw the pool of blood, Niu Haobo's face was even more surprised.

However, he was still full of doubts.

Because this might be too incredible.

The team members looked puzzled as they watched Niu Haobo and Fang Youshen squatting on the ground mysteriously to check.

Tang Yi said directly to Niu Haobo: "Captain Niu, what are you looking at? Did you find anything?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, Niu Haobo stood up quickly and said, "No, no, nothing was found. Maybe we are too sensitive."

After a pause, Niu Haobo said: "Everyone, keep walking. Let's go to the altar quickly."

After saying this to everyone, Niu Haobo thought for a while, then turned to whisper a few words to Fang You, as if ordering him to do something.

Fang You heard Niu Haobo's whisper and nodded slightly. Then instead of returning to the team, he jumped and disappeared.

Niu Haobo returned to the team and continued to move forward with Tang Yi.

However, on the way forward, Niu Haobo frequently looked sideways at Tang Yi, as if there was a flower growing on Tang Yi's face, making people unable to take their eyes away.

"Captain Niu, what are you looking at? Are there flowers on my face?"

Tang Yi turned around and said to Niu Haobo in confusion.

It seemed that he didn't expect to be discovered by Tang Yi. He was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly explained: "No, I didn't see anything. I just wanted to see if you were injured."

"I'm not injured. Thank you Captain Niu for your concern."

Tang Yi said.

He said it with his mouth, but he was thinking in his heart.

‘They must have discovered something, right? ’

‘Probably not! I handled it very well, leaving no trace at all, and my performance just now was perfect, without any flaws, all the words, and no loopholes. Logically speaking, nothing should be discovered. ’

‘They were squatting on the ground just now and seemed to be watching something. But there was nothing there except loess. What could they see? ’

‘Since nothing was found, why does Captain Niu look at me like that? It's really strange. ’

Tang Yi was very puzzled.

Of course, although he was confused in his heart, he was extremely calm on the surface, pretending as if nothing happened.

He even had a smile on his face.

Niu Haobo on the side did not perform as well as Tang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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