Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3655 Invincible Shield!

Chapter 3655 Invincible Shield!
  After some impassioned talk, the Shenniu team was all ready and waiting for the aliens to attack.

A moment later, three alien teams surrounded the altar!

However, just when they were about to take action against the Divine Bull Team on the altar, the Divine Bull Team was also ready to fight!

Suddenly, a milky white shield suddenly appeared on the altar!
  The shield was so huge that it covered the entire altar.

Seeing the shield appear, the alien team outside the altar was slightly startled.

The sacred cow team inside the altar were also slightly stunned, wondering why a shield appeared.

Seeing the shield, the alien team outside the altar was slightly startled at first, then sneered and began to attack the shield.

Three teams bombarded the shield from three directions.

In the eyes of the alien team, the humans in the altar in front of them were so stupid that they actually offered such fearless resistance.

Under the encirclement and suppression of these three foreign races, what's the point of resisting?

Can a protective shield be used to block the iron hoofs of the three major races?
  It's so ridiculous.

Humans are just as stupid as ever.

But what the three alien teams didn’t expect was!
  All their attacks hit the shield, but had no effect.

Not only did it have no effect, it didn’t even create a ripple!
  All attacks fell on the shield, as if they had entered a bottomless pit, without any reaction.

"what happened!"

"What kind of shield is this? Why can it block all our attacks!"

"Impossible! How can humans have such a powerful shield? This is absolutely impossible!"

"It's so weird. This shield is so weird. It shouldn't be able to block all our attacks! But it did."

"What's even weirder is that when our attack landed on it, there wasn't even a ripple!"


The aliens from the three alien teams were all surprised.

The three alien teams are the Thunder Tribe, the North Water Tribe, and the Forest Tribe!

The three major races use various means!

For example, the God Thunder tribe uses thunder attribute attacks, the Beishui tribe uses water attribute attacks, and the Forest tribe uses natural attribute attacks.

Three different methods, but none of them had any effect!

Whether it is the Divine Thunder Tribe, the North Water Tribe, or the Forest Tribe!
  No method of any race can have an effect on the shield!
  At this moment, not only the aliens outside the altar were blinded, but also the members of the Divine Bull Team inside the altar were blinded.

They didn't expect that just when they were about to fight to the death, a shield appeared inexplicably!
  And just when they looked down on the shield and didn't take it to heart, the shield actually blocked all the alien attacks!
  No matter how the three alien teams attacked the shield, they were unable to damage it at all.

The Shenniu team who saw this scene all had expressions of disbelief and shock.

"Who released this thing? Why is its defense so terrifying? Three alien teams couldn't even shake it at all."

"Who knows! Anyway, I didn't release it! I don't have the ability to release this level of shield!"

"It's not me either! In fact, let alone me, none of our brothers here are likely to be able to release this level of shield!"    "Since we didn't release it, where did this shield come from?"

"Could it...could it be the shield of the altar?"

"Impossible! I've never heard of the altar releasing the shield when it's threatened."

"Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean you don't have it! Otherwise, how can you explain the appearance of this shield?"

"There's really no way to explain it! This shield was definitely not cast by any of us here. Since it's not us, then it's either an outsider, or external factors or environmental factors. It's impossible for outsiders to be present at this moment! All the people present are aliens. , it is impossible to cast a shield to protect us humans. It is even less likely to be external factors. There is no abnormality at this moment, so what external factors are causing it. Since it is not these reasons, then there are only environmental factors. And the environment Factor...except for the altar, I really can't imagine anything else that can release the shield."

"Maybe we just accidentally activated the altar's defense measures, so this shield was created."

"It should be the altar, otherwise there is no way to explain it. I just don't know how strong the shield is and whether it can withstand the alien race for five days!"

"It's no problem to resist three alien teams at the moment. I just don't know if I can resist all the alien teams."

"I see! No matter how powerful this shield is, it can't resist the simultaneous attacks of nearly 400 aliens present!"

"It's true! There are too many aliens. If there were fewer aliens, there would be some possibility! But there are so many aliens, no matter how powerful the shield is, how can they stop them!"

"Let's see! If we can't stop it, we'll go out and fight. Anyway, that was our plan when we didn't have this shield!"

"That's right! You don't have to have too much hope. In short, we can do whatever we want and just be ourselves. The worst we can do is die!"

"Look, the aliens are attacking again."


While the Shenniu team was talking in surprise, the three alien teams launched a new round of offensive!

I saw them being extremely serious, gritting their teeth, using all their strength, and using powerful means to violently attack the shield.

This round of attacks lasted for a long time.

At least nearly five minutes!
  Thirty aliens, five minutes of high-intensity attack, this is enough to destroy everything!
  At this moment, even if there is a warrior in the Little God Realm standing in front of him, he will be shattered to pieces under this level of attack!

But what’s outrageous is!
  An attack of this magnitude cannot have any impact on a protective shield!
  Can't even move half a minute!
  The translucent shield in front of me, like an eggshell, is hopelessly strong.

This scene made the three alien teams dumbfounded.

Every alien gasped and looked at this scene in disbelief.

But the members of the Divine Bull Team who were protected by the shield inside the altar were extremely excited!

Everyone opened their eyes wide with surprise on their faces.

The stronger the shield, the greater their chance of survival.

This is a good thing for them, so how can they not be happy and excited?
  Not far away, they saw three teams attacking a shield, but with no results. They had not killed the humans in the altar for a long time. The three alien leaders became dissatisfied.

The leader of the Shen Lei Tribe said: "What's going on? I asked you to deal with a few weak ants. Why haven't you completed the task yet?"

The leader of the North Water Tribe also said: "What are you doing? It's just a human shield, and you can't even break through it?"

The leader of the Forest Tribe said: "It's just a human shield. As for why you are so embarrassed? You must know that you are the Forest Tribe! If our elites of the Forest Tribe want to deal with just a few humans, isn't that easy? But now What's wrong with you? You look like you're out of breath, trying your best but helpless? This completely disgraces the face of our forest clan."

(End of this chapter)

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