Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3658 The alien race is missing half of the population for no apparent reason

Chapter 3658 The alien race is inexplicably missing by half

"Puff puff!"

Several soft sounds rang out among the aliens.

However, it was silenced by the attacks of hundreds of aliens, and was not discovered by any aliens.

None of the aliens noticed those soft sounds.

None of the aliens noticed that during their attack, the bodies of several aliens turned directly into blood mist and disappeared from this world.

The attention of all the aliens was on the shield at this moment, and every alien gritted their teeth and went all out.

So no aliens noticed anything strange around them.

As for Tang Yi.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Forest Tribe and gaining 300 God Points and 10 God Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the God Thunder Tribe and gaining 300 God Points and 10 God Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Beishui Tribe and gaining 300 God Points and 10 God Coins."



Tang Yi received the reward for killing the alien race.

Seeing that the foreigners didn't notice anything when he took action, Tang Yi couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Then, he followed the same pattern and took action again.

"Puff puff!"

Several more aliens turned into blood mist.

In this way, Tang Yi kept taking action and killing foreigners.

Neither the aliens outside the shield nor the sacred cow team inside the shield found anything unusual.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Forest Tribe and gaining 300 God Points and 10 God Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the God Thunder Tribe and gaining 300 God Points and 10 God Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Beishui Tribe and gaining 300 God Points and 10 God Coins."



Tang Yi kept taking action, killing foreigners, and getting rewards.

At first, neither the alien nor the sacred cow team noticed anything unusual.

But as time went by, as there were fewer and fewer aliens outside the shield, finally, some aliens realized that something was wrong.

The first person to discover it was the leader of the forest clan.

Because the aliens kept attacking the shield, the scene was too chaotic. The leader of the forest tribe quickly shouted: "Stop! Stop! Everyone, stop!"

Hearing this, the Forest Tribe, Shen Lei Tribe and Beishui Tribe all stopped.

After stopping, the energy no longer hits everywhere, and the scene becomes less chaotic.

At this moment, Tang Yi also put away his small movements and looked at the aliens quietly to see what they wanted to do.

After the leader of the forest tribe stopped all the alien tribes, he said to the other two alien tribe leaders: "Have you noticed that our number is low?!"

"The quantity is low?"

After hearing the words of the leader of the Forest Tribe, the leader of the Shenlei Tribe and the leader of the North Water Tribe began to count their numbers.

It's okay if they don't count, but the two leaders were shocked by this count.

There are only about sixty members left in the Divine Thunder Tribe team!
  The quantity has been reduced by more than half!

The same goes for the Northern Water Tribe!
  Originally, there were probably about a hundred and ten of them.

But now, there are only about forty left.

The same is true for the forest tribe!

The forest tribe originally had the largest number left, reaching one hundred and fifty!

but now! But it is the most serious attrition!
  Now there are only 70 forest tribes left, and nearly 80 forest tribes are missing!
  It stands to reason that the three leaders should have noticed in advance that so many clan members were suddenly missing!

But because the attack just now was too chaotic, they didn't notice it at all.

When and where did the few people go? They didn't know anything about it.

So after knowing this, the three leaders were very shocked.

"What's going on? How come there is so little and so much all of a sudden?"

The leader of the Divine Thunder Clan asked in confusion.

The leader of the Beishui tribe also said: "Isn't this too strange? There are obviously one hundred and ten tribesmen here, but why are there less than half of them all of a sudden? Where did the missing half go?"

The leader of the forest tribe shook his head and said: "I don't know! I was also attacking the shield just now. It was because I couldn't attack the shield for a long time, so I took a look at the surrounding situation. Only when I looked at it did I find something abnormal."

"It actually disappeared under our noses! And disappeared without a trace! This is too strange."

The leader of the Divine Thunder Tribe said.

The leader of the Beishui tribe also said: "The most important thing is that there are no traces at the scene! No one knows it! It's so weird."

The leader of the forest tribe looked at the shield that could not be attacked for a long time and the humans in the shield, and said uncertainly: "Could it be the fault of this shield or the humans in the shield?"

"Shield? And the humans in the shield?"

Hearing this, the leader of the Shenlei tribe immediately denied: "Impossible! How could humans have this ability! How could they take our people away under our noses? And our attack just now covered the entire shield. , they can’t get out at all.”

The leader of the forest clan also said: "Indeed, the humans on the altar do not have that ability at all. As for that weird and powerful shield! This shield should not be able to attack us. After all, we just launched an attack together, with such terrifying energy, It must also use energy to resist our attacks!"

"What's going on? This is so weird."

The leader of the North Water Tribe asked in confusion: "We are the only three families present. If we are not present and the humans in the altar are not there, is there a fourth family? Could it be the Ice Tribe?"

"It shouldn't be possible! They don't have that ability."

The leader of the forest tribe immediately denied it.

But just at this moment.

Tang Yi took action again.

Do it right under the noses of these foreign races!

I saw him doing the same thing again, tearing an inconspicuous hole in the shield, and then sent his attack out!

next second.

"Puff puff!"

I saw at least nine figures turning directly into blood mist!
  At this moment, none of the aliens attacked the shield.

So this scene that turned directly into blood mist was seen by all the aliens present.

Seeing this scene, the aliens present widened their eyes with expressions of disbelief.

at the same time!

All the foreign races began to gather together and looked around cautiously!

At this moment, they finally understood why their numbers were getting smaller and smaller.

Because they are under attack!
  Was attacked by an unknown person!
  This unknown attack can attack them right under their noses!

They had no time to react and were unable to resist!
  Seeing this scene, how could the aliens not be afraid, how could they not be vigilant!
  At this moment, not to mention the foreigners were shocked, the members of the Divine Bull Team in the altar were also extremely shocked.

"what happened?"

"It seems that several aliens just turned into blood mist inexplicably. It seems that some force is attacking them."

"Have you noticed? The number of aliens seems to have dropped by nearly half! Could it be that the half that disappeared have turned into blood mist like the aliens just now? I said why the aliens suddenly stopped, it turns out what happened Such a weird thing happened."

"I'll go, it's too scary. What on earth is it? Is that thing going to attack us too?"

"It doesn't seem like it. We are very safe inside the shield, but if it's a foreign race, they may not be safe."

"Very good! Just do what you should do, kill all the aliens ruthlessly! Let them surround us! We deserve it!"


(End of this chapter)

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