Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3660 The Confused Divine Bull Team

Chapter 3660 The Confused Divine Bull Team
  Inside the altar, Tang Yi looked at the nervous faces of the aliens outside the altar, feeling a little want to laugh.

Are you ready to catch the person who is secretly making a move?
  Simply naive.

Seeing that the foreigners were all preparing to catch him, Tang Yi smiled slightly, and then took action to attack the foreigners again.

He just wants to deliberately slap the foreign race in the face.

It is to deliberately kill the aliens when they are ready.


Terrifying energy surged out from a gap in the shield again, and then quickly invaded the alien race!
  Soon, they arrived at the location of the alien race.


Feeling the terrifying aura coming again, the three alien leaders stood ready.


Facing the terrifying energy attack, they couldn't react at all!
  Because they have no idea from which direction the energy is coming, let alone when it is coming.

They can only judge whether energy is coming by feeling the terrifying and oppressive aura.

Invisible, intangible, and undetectable.

How to resist such an attack!

When they sensed the terrifying and oppressive aura, the attack was already in front of them.


"Puff puff puff!"

More than fifty aliens died on the spot, and their bodies turned into blood mist and exploded.

The blood mist suddenly filled the air, making the air extremely pungent.

And a large area suddenly became empty outside the altar.

Originally, there were only a hundred or so aliens left.

More than fifty people were dead at the moment, and half of them were dead at once.

Reduce the number by half and it won't be empty.

"This...this, this is impossible! How is this possible!"

Seeing that more than fifty people from the three tribes died all at once, the leader of the forest tribe was completely confused.

"What's impossible! Have you found him? Have you found him!"

The leader of the Divine Thunder Tribe asked anxiously.

The leader of the North Water Tribe also said: "Yes! Have you found it? You asked us to give you a chance, and we gave it to you. It should be found by now. If we don't find it again, we will all die."

The leader of the forest tribe said in a panic: "Can't find it! I can't find it at all! I can't sense the breath at all! The secret method of our forest alien tribe has completely lost its effect! The power attacking us seems to appear out of thin air, and it can't be found at all. trace."

The leader of the Shenlei Tribe said in disbelief: "How is it possible? Why can't we find the enemy!"

The leader of the Beishui Tribe said: "It is impossible for this enemy to be among us, or appear out of thin air. There must be traces to follow!"

Hearing this, the leader of the forest tribe seemed to have thought of something. He looked at the altar in surprise and murmured to himself: "No way. Could the enemy be these humans?"

The leader of the Shenlei Clan didn't hear clearly and asked, "What did you say?"

The forest clan looked at the humans in the altar in surprise and said: "The enemy is...human beings! It's them! It's them humans! Yes, it must be. Being able to withstand the siege of more than 400 people from our three clans is like being invincible An ordinary shield. A mysterious, unpredictable and impossible-to-find attack. Such a weird and terrifying method cannot appear out of thin air! Such a method cannot be used by our three tribes, because we don’t have the need. Since we can’t Appearing out of thin air, it's not our three tribes, so I really think there is only one! That is these humans in front of me! They are the mysterious enemies!" Hearing the words of the leader of the forest tribe, the leader of the Shenlei tribe looked confused and said in confusion: " What do you mean, what on earth are you talking about? You said it was humans who attacked us?"

The leader of the Beishui tribe also said: "Impossible! How can humans have such a method! Kill dozens of us in an instant. Is such a method available to humans? Usually they can't do it one-on-one! Let alone one-to-many.”

The leader of the forest tribe said: "Yes, it's humans! It's the humans in the altar who did it! It's them!"

At this moment, the leader of the forest tribe seemed a little crazy, and his speech was a little incoherent.

Seeing the appearance of the leader of the Forest Tribe, the leader of the Shenlei Tribe and the leader of the Beishui Tribe looked puzzled. They didn't understand why the leader of the Forest Tribe suddenly acted like this.

However, at this time!
  The breath of terror came again!

Feeling the terrifying aura, the leader of the forest tribe looked at somewhere in the shield, as if he had discovered some treasure, and showed a strange smile, saying: "Sure enough! It's you guys! Sure enough!"

The place where the leader of the forest clan was looking was exactly where Tang Yi had opened a gap to transmit energy!

Discovered by the leader of the forest tribe.

But it's okay.

Because the leader of the forest clan died soon.

The leader of the Shenlei tribe and the leader of the Beishui tribe had no time to pay attention to the leader of the forest tribe at this moment. Feeling the terrifying aura, they secretly said something was wrong and hurriedly used defensive methods to deal with it!
  But it's too late!
  Of course, even if it is not too late, their defense methods will not be able to prevent it at all.

I saw waves of energy coming in like a flood, drowning all the aliens present in an instant!
  At this moment, no matter it is the Shen Lei Tribe, the North Water Tribe, or the Forest Tribe.

Whether they are leaders or ordinary members, they are all submerged in the tide of energy.

Torn apart by the terrifying energy tide.

In an instant, the scene became empty.

There was nothing left except blood all over the ground.

There were originally more than 400 foreigners, but now they have all disappeared!
  The noisy venue suddenly became extremely quiet, and you could hear a pin drop!

Seeing this scene, the members of the Divine Bull Team froze in place and remained silent for a long time.

It was as if they had been struck by a talisman, frozen in place and unable to move.

After a long time, he exclaimed.

"Is this true? Am I not dreaming now?"

"I also wonder if I am living in a dream. Such an incredible thing happened to me?"

"It is indeed like a dream. If such an outrageous thing were told, who would dare to believe it? That we were surrounded by more than 400 aliens? And then all the aliens suddenly died? That we were hiding in a shield, four hundred The continuous attacks of multiple alien races are unable to cause any harm to us? Any of this is like a fantasy. "

"More than four hundred foreigners, more than four hundred foreigners are just gone."

"The most incredible thing is that from beginning to end, we didn't know who killed them, let alone how they disappeared. It was like they were wiped out for no reason."

"That's not the point! The point is, even the aliens themselves don't know who attacked them! Not to mention resisting, they don't even know how they died! It's really terrifying."

"It's really scary. If I were in their position, I would probably faint from fear! The unknown is the scariest thing. Even if I meet a strong person in the Little God Realm or the Great God Realm, I don't think there is anything scary. But right now, I feel really terrible.”

"Fortunately, fortunately, the mysterious being who attacked the alien race did not attack us, otherwise... we might not be able to escape death either!"

"And this shield, what do you think this shield is? Is it really the shield activated by the altar? Why don't I feel like it?"

(End of this chapter)

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