Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3664 Are you here to deliver food?

Chapter 3664 Are you here to deliver food?
  "What...what's going on! Why are the members of the Divine Bull Team safe and sound?"

"The most peculiar thing is that they are intact, in high spirits, and without any injuries on their bodies! How do they look like they have experienced a war?"

"Didn't there three alien teams come here? How come the Divine Bull Team can still remain safe and sound? What on earth is going on?"

"It's so weird, this is really weird. What happened here just now! Why is the Divine Bull team safe and sound, but what about the aliens? Where is the mysterious strong man?"

"Can't the three alien teams kill the Divine Bull Team? It doesn't look like it! It looks like they have never fought before!"

"Is it possible that the three alien teams didn't come? It's impossible! I clearly saw them coming towards the altar."

"What on earth is going on!"


The members of the Mist Team were puzzled.

However, the team member with strong analytical ability observed very carefully and immediately saw some clues.

"No! The aliens are coming."

I saw the brain analysis of this fog team: "Everyone, look at the fifty meters in front of the left of the altar, and about two hundred meters in front of the right of the altar, and the one hundred and fifty meters in front of the altar, and the two hundred meters behind the altar! There are all There were bloodstains all over! There were even some corpses of aliens in the southeast that had not been cleaned up! It can be seen that the aliens are coming! Not only did they come, they were even wiped out! The death state was similar to the Ice Tribe team we discovered before They were exactly the same, all broken into pieces and turned into blood mist. It can be seen that the shooter was the same strong man. As for why the Shenniu team was safe and sound... it should be because the super strong man didn't kill them! As for why he didn't kill them... …I really can’t think of this.”

After hearing this team member's analysis, Milong frowned and looked very ugly.

After all, the reason why they want to spread the news is because they want to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

But now I borrowed the knife, but no one was killed.

And the borrowed knife was turned into scrap metal.

This made his face look so good-looking.

Mi Long really can't figure out who that super strong man is.

I don’t understand why he only kills aliens but not the sacred cow team!

"Is he a human? So he only kills aliens and not humans?"

The brain-level player guessed.


Mi Long said in surprise: "It is indeed possible, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the fact that he only killed aliens and not the sacred cow team! But... are we human warriors really that strong? Can we drive away a team of hundreds of aliens? Is there? There are at least three alien teams here at the altar. That super strong man can kill them, which shows how terrifying his strength is! Are there any of us humans who can kill three alien teams by ourselves? If so, then he Who is he? It can’t be nameless, right? Such a strong man must be famous in Yujie Palace. However, we have never heard of such a person!"

"Yes! What is going on? Why does such a terrifying person appear on the Tianxuan battlefield? This is really a huge factor of instability. If not for this, the Shenniu Team would have been destroyed long ago."

The team members sighed.

Mi Long thought for a while and said: "Since we didn't use the help of foreigners to kill the Divine Bull Squadron, then we will do it ourselves! With our preparation, it is more than enough to deal with the Divine Bull Squadron! It depends on whether the brothers dare to take action!"

"I applaud it with both hands."

"I can take action!"

"We entered the Tianxuan battlefield this time to target them. Since the original plan did not succeed, it is natural to launch another plan."

"Although we attack our own clan, if we are discovered by the warriors of the Realm Palace, we will be severely punished, but no one will know about it on the battlefield! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If we miss this time, we don't know when we will return. There’s a next time.”

"The Divine Bull Team was very arrogant just now. I've already seen them unhappy. The aliens didn't kill them, so of course we have to take action against them!"     "..."

Mi Long said: "Okay, since everyone has no objections, let's go!"

With that said, the Mist Team returned to the altar again.

the other side.

When the Mist Team arrived, Tang Yi actually discovered them, but Tang Yi remained calm and did not inform the Divine Bull Team.

After all, he was a newcomer. How could he discover the enemy before the Divine Bull Team?

So even if Tang Yi discovered the Mist Team, he pretended not to notice it.

Seeing the Mist Team slowly approaching the altar, Tang Yi curled up his lips and showed a smile, thinking: "I didn't expect that the Mist Team failed to succeed and actually wanted to take action personally. Since they want to deliver food so much, Then you can’t blame me.”

Just five seconds after Tang Yi saw the Mist Team heading towards the altar, the members of the Divine Bull Team also discovered the Mist Team.

As soon as they saw the Mist Team, the members of the Divine Bull Team began to curse angrily.

"Hey, you guys still dare to come back! You're really not afraid of death!"

"You guys, is it fun to kill someone with a borrowed knife?"

"I really didn't expect that you, the Misty Team, are so thick-skinned! You actually dare to come here at this time!"

"We were not afraid of you before when we were not all together. Now that we are all together, we are even less afraid of you."

"You used borrowed money to kill people and got us into a trap, and now you dare to come back! Ha! Now I have a place to vent my grievances."

"Well done! I didn't have the chance to take action before, but now I can finally take action to vent my hatred."


The members of the Mist Team didn't care about the insults from the Divine Bull Team.

The Mist Team was not too surprised that the Divine Bull Team knew that they had set up a trap.

After all, in the situation just now, as long as you are not stupid, you should be able to know who set it up.

Their mist team just came once, and then the news leaked out and the aliens came.

Who would believe it if they say it has nothing to do with their Misty Team?

Therefore, the Mist Team was not too surprised when they were discovered by the Divine Bull Team.

They had long been prepared to be known by the Divine Bull Team.

When Niu Haobo saw the Misty Team coming slowly, he frowned and said with an extremely cold expression: "Milong, what trick do you want to play again? The trick you just used to borrow a knife to kill someone, I have to say, it was very effective. She is beautiful, but unfortunately, the right time, the right place, and the right people are all on my side. Any conspiracy of yours will never succeed."


Hearing this, Mi Long said: "Although I don't know how you survived the siege of the aliens. But! No matter how you did it, it is impossible to leave the Tianxuan battlefield today! I won't hide it from you anymore. , I made it clear that our Mist Team entered the Tianxuan Battlefield just to target your Divine Bull Squad! Since the aliens didn’t kill you, we will take action ourselves! Today, either your Divine Bull Squad will stay on the Tianxuan Battlefield forever, or Our Mist Team is buried here! Who can leave, let us speak based on our ability! Your Divine Bull Team always says that your strength is better than our Mist Team, so let’s see today who is better!”

(End of this chapter)

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