Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3667 The end of the Mist Team

Chapter 3667 The end of the Mist Team

"Senior, no!"

Mysterious Dragon shouted.

Although Milong didn't recognize this terrifying aura, as long as he wasn't stupid, he should know who it belonged to!

This definitely belongs to the super strong man!

Yes, that super strong man took action again.

And it was aimed at people from their mist team!
  This is a desperate thing for the Mist Team!

After all, the opponent has taken action several times, and every time it takes action, several foreign teams have been wiped out!
  The opponent's strength is extremely terrifying, and there is no way a team like theirs can resist it!

Therefore, when he felt the terrifying aura at this moment, and this terrifying aura was aimed at Mihu, Milong was shocked.

The members of the Mist Team also screamed in surprise!

The members of the Divine Bull Team were slightly startled at first, and then overjoyed!

Just at this time!

Mihu didn't even let out a scream before he turned into a ball of blood mist and disappeared from the world.


Milong let out a cry of sorrow.

Niu Haobo sneered: "Hey, it seems that the super strong man did not stand on your side, but chose to stand on our side!"

Hearing this, Mi Long said coldly: "Niu Haobo, don't be too happy! Maybe that strong man just killed someone at random, and he is not necessarily on your side!"

"Really? I don't think so!"

Niu Haobo smiled.

And the next second, it turned out that Niu Haobo was right.

The trapped god flag and spirit-suppressing stone used by Mi Long suddenly shattered the second after Mi Hu died.

The punch's light yellow halo and dark golden halo dissipated at the same time.

The suppressive force on the Divine Bull Team completely disappeared.

The Divine Bull Squad was no longer restrained and returned to its full glory.

Seeing this scene, Mi Long, who originally had a glimmer of hope, suddenly became extremely desperate!


Milong said in confusion: "Why should we help them! Why!"

Milong really didn't understand why the super strong man wanted to help the Shenniu team.

Let’s not talk about whether we want to help their mist team, even if we don’t take action, that’s fine!
  If that super strong man did not participate in this battle, their Mist Team would definitely win over the Divine Bull Team!

But why did that super strong man want to participate in this dispute?

Why help the Godox Squad!

However, Milong's unwilling inquiry did not receive any response.

The only thing that responded to him at this moment was the fighting sound of the Divine Bull Team!
  Without the Sleeping God Flag and the Soul-Suppressing Stone, the members of the God Bull Team were like wild horses running wild, bursting out with extremely terrifying power!

Originally, the nine teams of the Divine Bull team fought against the eleven teams of the Mist team, and they were all able to win one head after another.

At this moment, the Mihu of the Misty Team was killed, leaving only ten people, not to mention.

In addition, the super strong man took action and killed Mi Hu instantly.

This caused the momentum of the Mist Team to drop to the bottom instantly, and everyone was extremely desperate.

This widened the gap between the two sides.

One side's momentum is strong, while the other's military morale is slack.

All things considered, the Mist Team would be even more unable to compete with the Divine Bull Team.

And in this case.

The first casualty besides Mihu finally appeared.

This is the first casualty between the two teams in the dozens of minutes since the battle began!
  And this casualty is a member of the Mist Team!
  He saw his neck being cut off by Fang You of the Divine Bull Team with a sword.

Blood spurted out all of a sudden, dyeing the earth red! that's all. The Mist Team is downsized again.

Only nine left!
  Now, everyone is equal in number.

However, although the numbers are equal, the Divine Bull Team has the right time, place and people!
  Even the superpowers hiding in the dark are helping them.

How can the Mist Team compete with the Divine Bull Team!
  After fighting for another three minutes, a second deceased person appeared in the Mist Team.

Followed by third place.

fourth place!
  the fifth place.

In a short period of time, five people died!

Team Mist is doomed.

At this moment, they were helpless. No matter how hard they tried, there was no way they could be the opponents of the Divine Bull Team!

It is even possible that the whole army will be annihilated here.

Seeing this scene, Milong's heart was bleeding.

You must know that this team was established after many years of operation!

Every team member was trained by him with great efforts and a lot of effort and resources!

Every team member is an elite among the elite on the second floor of the Realm Palace.

However, at this moment, five people were gone! !

  How much effort does it take to cultivate it again!
  Moreover, they have cooperated for many years!
  Talents can be cultivated, but this tacit understanding is better than a long period of running-in!

It can be said that this time their mist team lost both their wife and their troops, resulting in huge losses!
  The most important thing is that his brother Mihu died!
  This is his only brother!
  He looked at the vigorous Shenniu team.

Looking at his team members who had lost all fighting spirit, Mi Long glanced at the Divine Bull Team angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "Let's withdraw!"

Hearing this, the remaining four members of the Mist Team shook their opponents away and retreated.

Seeing this, Niu Haobo sneered: "Want to withdraw now? It's too late! Brothers, leave them to me!"

Hearing this, the members of the Divine Bull Team broke out one by one and chased the members of the Mist Team.

In fact, the gap between the two sides is not big. If one side wants to retreat, it will be difficult for the other side to pursue.


This is normal.

This is not normal!
  Because there was Tang Yi present who was stumbling upon the Misty Team!

With Tang Yi present, how could he let the Mist Team escape?

Although it is difficult for the members of the Divine Bull Team to pursue him, he can help!
  Even if he doesn't kill them directly, he can still use trippers to make it impossible for the members of the Mist Team to escape!

I saw Tang Yi raise his hand slightly, and five strands as thin as mosquitoes and flies flew out with a power that was difficult to distinguish!

The direction they were flying in was exactly the direction the Mist Team was escaping from.

next second.

All five members of the Mist Team were seen stumbling as if they had tripped.

Although this stagger did not cause them to fall, the speed of their escape was paused!
  And this meal was fatal.

Originally, the members of the Divine Bull Team were not far away from them.

After their meal, the members of the Divine Bull Team immediately caught up with them!

At this moment, seven members of the Divine Bull Team rushed forward and killed three members of the Misty Team!

"Look where you're going!"

"Hahahaha! You can't run away!"

"If this person is unlucky, he might even fall down if he runs away! God won't let you live! Hahahaha!"

"Looking at your embarrassment really makes me laugh to death. If I weren't afraid that you would run away, I would really want to take a second look at your embarrassment!"

"It's so funny. Not only that super strong man can't stand you, but even God can't stand you!"

(End of this chapter)

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