Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3672 Fighting for the Token

Chapter 3672 Fighting for the Token
  Seeing that they had actually found the third altar, the members of the Divine Bull Team believed in Tang Yi's luck even more.

Niu Haobo was also very happy, looking at Tang Yi as if looking at a gem, sparkling.

As for the third altar, the Shenniu team opened the altar as before and put the source of Tianxuan obtained from the previous altar into the altar.

next second.

The Godox team received the second token.


This is the number of the second token.

It is also the number of the previous altar.

The Divine Bull Team obtained Token No. 9.

Including the previous No. 6 token, a total of two tokens were obtained.

"Let's go and continue looking for the fourth altar!"

Niu Haobo said happily.

He didn't expect things to be so easy.

When looking for an altar, he thought about many possibilities.

Think about the dangers you will encounter.

But I never thought that things would be so easy.

Two days!

They got two tokens in two days, which is incredible.

Of course.

The reason why we can be so efficient depends entirely on one person!

That's Tang Yi!
  It was Tang Yi who provided them with the location of the altar so that they could quickly find it.


Want to get two tokens in two days?

This is simply nonsense.

Not to mention getting two tokens, it would probably take half a month or even a month to find the altar.

Maybe you can’t find it yet!
  Although Niu Haobo was confident and happy, he did not forget whose contribution it was.

Without Tang Yi, they wouldn't have been able to do so smoothly.

"Tang Yi, you are so amazing."

On the way to find the fourth altar, Niu Haobo praised Tang Yi.


Tang Yi pretended to be stunned for a moment, and then said with a naive smile: "Why am I so good? I'm just relying on my intuition. I didn't expect that my intuition was so accurate that I could actually find the altar."

"Being able to find the altar by intuition is also a skill!"

Niu Haobo said: "Don't be humble. When you return to the Realm Palace, your reward will be increased! If you really get the treasure, you have the right to compete first."

Tang Yi didn't show any pretense and said directly: "Thank you very much, captain!"

While the group was talking, they found the fourth altar under Tang Yi's guidance!

In the next few days, everything went smoothly for the Shenniu team.

The fourth altar.

The fifth altar.

The sixth altar.

The seventh altar!
  The eighth altar!
  The ninth altar!
  Until they found the ninth altar and obtained eight tokens, everything went smoothly for the group.

No danger or difficulty was encountered.

"That's great. We have already found eight tokens. As long as we find two more tokens, we will know what treasures are hidden in the Tianxuan battlefield."

"It went so smoothly. Originally, I thought it would be very difficult to find ten altars, and I would encounter many difficulties and obstacles. But I didn't expect it to go so smoothly."

"That's right. Not only did I not encounter any aliens, I didn't even encounter any danger."

"I hope the last altar can go as smoothly. In this way, we can complete the task perfectly and return to the Realm Palace!"

"This experience was really bizarre. Not only did we encounter four large alien armies, we even survived the siege by the alien armies! Now we have found nine altars and obtained eight never-before-seen tokens! ” ˆ ˆ “Yes, it’s as if it’s God’s will. Not only can’t you die, but you’re also blessed with great blessings.”

"Hey, do you think our luck this time has something to do with Tang Yi? He took us to find the altar, and we were surrounded and survived. This happened only after he came. I have never encountered this before!”

"Maybe it has something to do with him! But if it's all because of him, then I don't agree."

"Yes, being so lucky this time may have something to do with Tang Yi. After all, he is also a member of the team, but it would be wrong to say that it is all because of him."

"Tang Yi should join our team in the future, right? Now our team is missing one person, just one person. Tang Yi can fill this vacancy."

"If Tang Yi wanted to join before, I would definitely disagree, but now, he has experienced life and death with us, and he has some qualifications to join. Although he is still a newcomer and has no strength. But he will be cultivated slowly and soon. I can catch up.”


On the way to find the tenth altar, everyone was talking about it.

Listening to the discussion of the team members, Niu Haobo smiled slightly, came to Tang Yi, and asked Tang Yi: "Tang Yi, you heard their conversation, right? It seems that the team members have almost accepted you, Have you ever considered joining our Divine Bull team?”

"Join the Divine Bull Team?"

Tang Yi thought for a while and said: "It's not that I don't give face to the captain, nor that I don't want to join the Divine Bull Team. It's just that I can't make decisions for myself. After this experience, I still have to go to several palace masters. Report. How to arrange it after that will depend on the decisions of the palace masters. So..."

Tang Yi didn't lie either.

Even if he is willing to join the Divine Bull Team, it is impossible for the palace masters to agree.

Because several palace owners know that he is not limited to the small team.

He has a broader stage.

Entering the Tianxuan battlefield this time was just an adaptive action.

After that, he will enter a chaotic battlefield with more alien races and more dangers.

Afterwards, you will embark on a higher level palace.

Therefore, the palace owner would not agree to let him join the team.


Niu Haobo asked doubtfully: "Does the Palace Master even care about what you do in the Realm Palace? Even if you join the team?"


Tang Yi nodded and said, "Yes, Captain! The palace masters really care about everything. And after this time, they have made some arrangements for me. Therefore, I cannot join the Divine Bull Team."

"Okay! It seems that the palace masters think highly of you. Since everything is arranged by them, I won't force you. But if you need it in the future, you can come to me at any time. We sacred cows The team also welcomes you to join us at any time.”

Niu Haobo promised.

"it is good!"

Tang Yi nodded.

After a brief conversation, the team moved on.

Following Tang Yi's guidance, the tenth altar soon came into view!


What they didn't expect was.

The tenth altar was not as quiet as they imagined.

The Shenniu team's good luck has ended here!

What awaits them next will be a very severe test.

The tenth altar came into view, and besides the altar, there were also densely packed figures.

At first glance, there are no less than a hundred.

And these figures...


Forest tribe.

The forest tribe took the tenth altar as their own.

And it seems that the altar has been opened.

Golden clouds have lit up above the altar, and mysterious forces are hovering over the altar.

(End of this chapter)

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