Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3698 Tianxuan Cloak, combat power breaks through again

Chapter 3698 Tianxuan Cloak, combat power breaks through again

The fierce lion said: "The most outrageous thing is that we also got the opportunity in the Tianxuan battlefield. We have also studied those ten altars, but we have not found a reason. I didn't expect Tang Yi to go there. Just crack it. It’s amazing.”

"Seniors, you are so ridiculous! I was just lucky and just discovered it."

Tang Yi said modestly.

"Hey, there are many people who are lucky, but you are the only one who can break through the fog of Tianxuan battlefield altar. Tang Yi, I know you are very humble, but sometimes there is no need to be so humble."

Tiger said.

After a pause, the tiger knew that if he continued talking, it would definitely be endless, so he immediately changed the subject and said: "Tang Yi, you have worked hard entering the battlefield this time. Now go back and rest. After a week's rest, we will take you to the Chaos battlefield. , you will meet new teammates."

"it is good!"

Tang Yi nodded, then left the main palace and returned to his home on the second floor of the Realm Palace.

Seeing Tang Yi return, the girls were very happy and excitedly said that they would serve Tang Yi together. Tang Yi was so frightened that he quickly found an excuse to escape.

After all, nine of them are going together, which is unbearable.

The helpless girls could only take turns to fight.

In this way, Tang Yi spent several days of leisurely and happy holidays at home.

On this day, Tang Yi sank into the system and began to look at the treasures obtained from the Tianxuan battlefield.

[Tianxuan Cloak]: The ultimate divine treasure
  Description: Legend has it that a treasure once used by the most powerful human beings was killed due to fighting against aliens. This treasure fell on the battlefield and was acquired by future generations. Since future generations could not afford this treasure, they hid this treasure in the Tianxuan battlefield and used an altar. Suppression is left to those who are destined.

Part: Cloak

Attributes: Star power points increased by 3000 points.

Attributes: A galactic power increase.

Attribute: Dark attribute increase.

Special attribute: Damage transferred by 30%.

Special effects: hiding, spreading wings.

Invisibility: Every once in a while, you will enter a state of invisibility, making the enemy unable to see clearly and unable to sense with your spiritual consciousness.

Spread wings: When using body skills, the speed can be doubled. If in the air, this effect is increased by five times.

Active skills: Black Clothes, Restraint, Guard.

Black Clothes: After use, the user will be shrouded in a cloak, and the whole person will be in shadow, unable to be seen by others, and unable to be discerned by others.

Restraint: After use, the cloak will turn into a bundle of fairy ropes to bind the enemy target. When restrained, the enemy target will lose 1% of its vitality every second. (Note: This skill cannot bind existences above the Fantasy God Realm. It will % bind existences below the Fantasy God Realm, including the Fantasy God Realm.)
  Guard: After use, the cloak will cover the user, forming an absolute defense. (Note: This skill can only withstand attacks including the Fantasy God Realm and below. If it exceeds the Fantasy God Realm, this defensive state will be invalid.)
  Duration: 30 seconds.

Strength index increase: the power of two galaxies.


"The best cloak!"

"In terms of attributes, the power of the galaxy is increased by 3000 points. At the same time, the power of the galaxy is increased by one!"

"There are two special effects. One can make oneself invisible, which is beneficial to combat. The other one can increase the speed."

"There are three active skills, one to hide your identity, one to control the enemy, and one to defend!"

"What's more important is that the increase in power index actually... increases the power of two galaxies! The Divine Bow of Dragon and Phoenix only increases by one galaxy!"

Tang Yi said in surprise.

There was no surprise. After being slightly surprised, Tang Yi happily equipped the Tianxuan Cloak on the equipment slot.

The original poisonous wings were replaced by Tang Yi.

[Poison Wings]: Shinto primary armor
  Part: Cloak

Attribute: Shinto power +10%
  Ability: Poisonous Burst.

Poison Burst: After use, each attack will add poison attribute damage. This poison has multiple effects such as paralysis, slowdown, defense reduction, attack reduction, and attribute reduction.

Duration: 30 minutes. Cooling time: 10 minutes.

Shinto power index increase: 4000

Although the Poison Wings are not bad, they are far inferior to the Tianxuan Cloak.

Just the strength index alone makes a world of difference.

So Tang Yi didn't hesitate at all when he made the substitution.

In this way, Tang Yi replaced his cloak part with the Tianxuan cloak.

In an instant, Tang Yi's galactic power surged.

Originally, his star power was 22 star power points of Samsung River.

After putting on the Tianxuan cloak, the Samsung River was suddenly increased, and at the same time, three thousand star power points were added.

Now, his power index has become Six Galaxy 3022 Star Power Points!
  More than doubled!

The moment Tang Yi put on the Tianxuan cloak, Tang Yi's whole aura exploded, sweeping across the second floor of the Realm Palace in an instant.

Feeling Tang Yi's momentum, the three palace masters were shocked.

The entire warriors on the second floor of the Realm Palace were also shocked.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"What a terrifying aura. Whose aura is this?"

"Is there such a terrifying person in our Realm Palace?"

"Who has made a breakthrough?"

"Is the breakthrough so powerful? It must be a strong person exuding momentum."


In the Palace Lord's Hall, the Tiger Palace Master felt the direction from which the momentum was coming, and said in shock: "This momentum is coming from Tang Yi's mansion. Could it be..."

"It must be him! Apart from him, no one has this momentum. It seems that he got another chance this time when he entered the Tianxuan battlefield and made a breakthrough again."

The lion said in shock.

The fierce tiger said: "In a short period of time, he actually broke through again. This is... too exaggerated."

Menghe looked complicated and said: "I have never seen a genius like Tang Yi before. It's too scary. Compared with the geniuses in the Realm Palace, they are completely different!"

The fierce lion nodded in agreement and said: "Indeed, the momentum Tang Yi exudes now is already comparable to the realm of gods! Who of the former geniuses in our Realm Palace can reach this level in the realm of gods? I really can't imagine what Tang Yi is like. How was it done?”

The tiger also said with emotion: "It seems that we humans are really going to rise this time because of Tang Yi. Originally, I was worried about Tang Yi going to the chaotic battlefield, but when I felt his momentum, I suddenly no longer had any worries. There is even a vague expectation for his performance on the chaotic battlefield!"

The fierce lion smiled and said: "I don't know what the expressions of those foreign race guys will be when they see Tang Yi killing everyone in the chaotic battlefield. I'm afraid their faces will be greener than grass!"

Menghe also smiled and said: "I can already imagine the frustrated expressions of those foreigners."


Tang Yi's mansion.

Tang Yi felt the feeling after increasing his strength.

He felt that he had become stronger and more powerful, and at the same time, his whole person seemed to be sublimated, losing all its sediment and becoming more pure.

"very good!"

Tang Yi is very satisfied with his current state.

Of course, Tang Yi will not be complacent because of this, because he knows that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

In such a big world, there must be existences stronger than him. He must move forward steadily and gradually surpass these existences and become the strongest in the world!
  In this way, he has the qualification to be complacent.

(End of this chapter)

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