Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3740 Choice

Chapter 3740 Choice
  "If the demon that did it came to attack our Kaio Castle, our Kaio Castle would probably be hard-pressed to resist it. Not even a place as powerful as the alien garrison can stop it, let alone our Kaio Castle."

"It's difficult. It seems that we have to take huge risks if we want to participate in the birth of the treasure."


All the captains said one after another.

Captain Tianmu said: "Do you think we have to go to this muddy water? Or should we hide in Kaiou City and wait for things to calm down? If nothing unexpected happens, the 'devil' who destroyed several alien forces will definitely go there. In the center of the chaotic battlefield, wait for the treasure to be born. If we go there, there is a high probability that we will run into him."

"I think it's dangerous to go. Where is there no danger? There must be many forces going to the center of the chaotic battlefield this time. Even if the 'devil' wants to do something, he will never dare to mess around. What can I say? Come on, seek wealth in danger, how can you gain huge gains without risk?"

"I also think I should go. Although the foreign camp was indeed massacred by the 'demon'. But so what? Is he really that strong? Maybe he just used a certain method to do it. That’s all. Such a method must not be used often. So, we don’t need to be afraid of him.”

"I also think that we should go. The treasure that was released this time is said to be very rare and of the best quality. If we miss it, it will be a huge loss for us humans. And if this treasure falls into the hands of a foreign race, it will be a big loss for us." It’s even more of a disaster.”

"I think it's better not to go. It's too dangerous. Isn't it just a treasure? There is no need to lose your life for a treasure! All the teams here are elites. If you lose your life because of a treasure, Don’t you feel it’s a pity here?”

"Indeed, I also think it's better not to go. Compared to the treasure, the team captains and members of our team present are more precious. As long as they can grow up, they will be even more powerful than a treasure. There is no need to do it for A treasure was lost here. What's more, a 'demon', a terrifying existence that can wipe out alien settlements, has emerged at this moment. With this kind of existential threat, if we rashly participate in the fight for the treasure, we will plunge ourselves into a situation that is beyond redemption. "

"I think I should go! I have three reasons why I think I should go..."

"I think it's better not to go. There are four reasons why I think it's better not to go..."

"I think going."

"I don't think we can go!"

"go with!"

"Don't go!"


The team captains at the scene were divided into two camps. Some of them felt that they must go. Fighting for the treasure was not a trivial matter. If you get one more treasure, the strength of mankind will increase by one point. On the other hand, if it is acquired by a foreign race, their human strength will be weakened by one point.

What's more, the demons are just rumors, and they may not exist, and they may not take action against their human camp.

The other part thinks it's too dangerous, and thinks that even if they go there, they won't be able to get the treasure, and they think they won't be able to come back.

They felt that the 'devil' must have also gone to the center of the chaotic battlefield and participated in this matter. They went there rashly to have a bad relationship with this 'devil', and thus were attacked by the 'devil'.

In short, the scene was divided into two camps.

The camp that chooses to go and the camp that chooses not to go are almost evenly split, and no one can convince the other.

Seeing the commotion at the scene, the captain of Tianmu frowned, and then looked at the captain of the Demon Team who had not expressed his opinion: "What do you think?" "I think we should go."

The captain of the demon team said seriously: "To be honest, I am also afraid of death, but I still think I want to go! After all, when we are walking on the battlefield, when is there no danger? When is there no need to take risks? The battlefield is not a place of cultivation. Let's come in It’s not here to cultivate. What’s wrong with being a little dangerous? What’s wrong with the enemy being stronger? What’s wrong with a terrifying existence like a demon? Are you scared now? If you’re really scared, then stop practicing and get out of the battlefield as soon as possible. Go back and be a flower in the greenhouse!"

"In addition, according to the information I have received, the treasure that was born this time is extremely extraordinary. Whoever obtains this treasure will definitely have a greatly improved strength! If we humans obtain such a treasure, this will be a huge problem for our human camp. A great thing!"

"Of course, everyone here is an elite. As long as you are given a certain amount of time, you will definitely grow into a hero in the future. But! How many heroes are there in the Realm Palace? Is one of you missing? If you are gone, we can train and practice again. And the ultimate treasure There’s only one thing, if it’s gone, it’s gone!”

"So I think that we must go on this trip to the muddy water! We must go, it is best if we all go! Finally, we will fight for the treasure! No matter how much the price is paid! No matter whether we encounter the 'devil' or not, No matter whether we provoke the other party or not! We must get the treasure at all costs! This is an opportunity for us humans! An opportunity to turn the tide of the war!"

After hearing such impassioned words from the captain of the Demon Squad, many captains who did not agree to fight for the treasure changed their attitudes.

But there are still some captains who still do not agree to go to fight for the treasure.

Seeing that the captain of the Demon Team had convinced some captains, but some of the captains who were afraid of death were not persuaded, Captain Tianmu thought for a while, and then said: "Let's do this, I won't force everyone, those who are willing to fight for the treasure should stand on the left , those who are not willing to fight for the treasure stand on the right side, let’s make a choice! After all, it is impossible for everyone to have a unified opinion. We can only follow the principle of voluntariness, stand up if you want to go, and step aside if you don’t want to go. "

Hearing this, everyone began to make their choices.

The captain of the Demon Team took the lead and stood directly on the left.

Immediately afterwards, many captains followed the captain of the Demon Team to the left.

Some of the captains also stood on the right, standing opposite the captain of the Demon Team.

Soon, all captains on the scene made their selections, and those with different opinions were sorted out.

At this moment, there were a total of sixty-five people standing on the left and twenty-eight people standing on the right.

In other words, sixty-five captains decided to go to the center of the chaotic battlefield to fight for the treasure.

Twenty-eight captains chose to give up.

"Okay, now that we have made our choice, we don't need to discuss too much. Captains on the left, get ready, we are about to go to the center of the chaotic battlefield. Captains on the right, you can go back now! Of course, going back doesn't mean anything. If we don’t do anything, our large force will set off, which will leave Kaio Castle empty. Your captains who are not going will have to do a good job in the security of Kaio Castle! We can only relax after we return safely!"

Captain Tianmu said.

Hearing this, the twenty-eight captains on the right nodded and then left the conference room!

The remaining sixty-five captains looked at Captain Tianmu, waiting for the next instruction.

Looking at the sixty-five captains who stayed, Captain Tianmu said: "This is of your own free will, I did not force you! Now that you have made your choice, go and gather the team members to prepare well! The treasure is about to be born, we We must set off as soon as possible! Only in this way can we have a chance to fight for the treasure!"

(End of this chapter)

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