Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3947 What is sincerity?

Chapter 3947 What is sincerity?

Countless people flocked to the gate of Tang Yi's mansion.

In the end, the position of the gate was won by two middle-aged people.

After grabbing the position at the gate, the two middle-aged men were very happy, as if they had won some kind of championship.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the second person to enter Tang Yi's mansion would be our Wuyun family."

The head of the Wuyun family laughed heartily.

The eldest elder of the Wuyun family also smiled and said: "Our Wuyun family is so lucky! I didn't expect that I couldn't do the first one, but I can actually do the second one! The second one is fine, I'm satisfied."

"They actually got it."

"Oh, what a pity!"

"I couldn't get the second one either."

"You guys are lucky."

"Knock on the door and go in. Hurry up, we have to do the third one."


The two Wuyun family members were so proud that they knocked on the door of Tang Yi's mansion with a smile.

"Dong dong dong."

The door opened quickly.

"You should also know that our husband said that if you want to attend the banquet, you must show your sincerity!"

This time it was Chu Nianwei who spoke. Unlike the gentle Pei Nianyao, Chu Nianwei was more cheerful, so she spoke more directly.

"Sincerity! We understand!"

The head of the Wuyun family said: "We also brought treasures this time and prepared to give them to Tang Yi. This is our sincerity."

The elder of the Wuyun family said: "Yes, yes, we have brought the treasure this time. Please let us in."

Originally, the two Wuyun family members thought that after saying this, Pei Nianyao and Chu Nianwei would let them in.

After all, that's how the white-haired old man and the man in black got in before.

But what the two of them didn't expect was.

Pei Nianyao and Chu Nianwei did not directly let the Wuyun family enter the mansion, but asked: "What treasure? Take it out and show it to me."

The two Wuyun family members were immediately stunned!
  When they came this time, they had gifts, but when it came to the ultimate treasure, they really weren’t prepared!

After all, who comes to the banquet to bring the treasure?

The reason why I just said that is because the old man and the man in black in front said so.

They also took out some kind of treasure. They just said they wanted to give it to them, and then it was put in.

But now, why should we take it out and take a look? Why can't it just be put in directly?
  "Didn't you say you wanted to give my husband a treasure? Why didn't you take it out? Or, you didn't prepare any treasure at all. You just saw the people before who said you could get in, so you guys also used this excuse to sneak in. ?”

Chu Nianwei said very directly.


The head of the Wuyun family hesitated and said: "Actually, we have prepared a gift. But... it is not a treasure."

"In other words, you just lied to us?"

Chu Nianwei's face became gloomy, and her beautiful face was covered with dark clouds.


Hearing Chu Nianwei's words, the head of the Wuyun family and the great elder Wuyun were stunned. They didn't know how to explain it for a while!

After all, how to explain this!
  They did cheat!

They really didn’t bring the treasure!

How to explain this!

However, just as they were stunned, Chu Nianwei said again: "Sorry, you are not welcome here. You should go back!"

With that said, Chu Nianwei and Pei Nianyao closed the door without waiting for them to say anything else.


The two senior executives of the Wuyun family were dumbfounded for a moment, looking at the closed door in front of them with disbelief. They never expected that Tang Yi's wife would act like this, nor would they expect such an attitude.

When they first squeezed to the gate, they thought they could get in second.

Unexpectedly, after knocking on the door, Tang Yi's wives would actually ask them to bring out the treasure!

Unexpectedly, they couldn't enter Tang Yi's mansion in the end!
  To be honest, the two senior executives of Wuyun family were shocked and felt gloomy.

They stood in front of the gate and stared at the closed door without saying a word for a long time, as if they had been struck by a talisman.

After a while, he left from the front door of Tang Yi's mansion in despair.

Then, he ran directly into the crowd and left without looking back.


"Why didn't you get in?"

"Didn't you say that you can get in if you come with sincerity? Why were these two Wuyun family members turned away?"

"This is too embarrassing. With so many people watching, I was rejected."

"I just saw clearly that the old man and the man in black went in without taking anything out! Why did the Wuyun family take any treasures? What's going on?"

"What is sincerity? Isn't it just giving gifts? It doesn't matter if it's a treasure or not, just give Tang Yi a gift, right?"

"I'm afraid the two Wuyun family members never dreamed that they would be rejected. They will definitely be depressed when they go back. The most important thing is that they can't be angry yet. Because the person they are facing is Tang Yi! Tang Yi is not easy to mess with. Yes! They will definitely suffer from this mute."

"They grabbed the position at the door before and thought they could advance to Tang Yi's mansion for the second time. Unexpectedly..."

"What should I do now? I don't even dare to knock on the door. If I am rejected, it will be humiliating."

"Why on earth can some people enter directly, while others want to display the so-called treasure? I really don't understand!"


After seeing the scene at Wu Yun's house, everyone started talking.

At the same time, no one dared to go forward and knock on the door.

Because they are also worried that if they knock on the door, they will be turned away.

The result of being shut out was actually not bad. The most important thing was that Taishe died and was watched by so many people. It was so humiliating.

Who among the people who came to Tang Yi's residence at this moment was not a hero? Which one is not a respectable person?

If such a shameful thing happened, how could they survive on the tenth floor of the Realm Palace?

So at this moment, everyone was very hesitant and did not dare to knock on the door again.

However, it was at this time.

I saw three middle-aged people passing through the crowd and slowly walking towards the gate of the mansion.

Since there was no competition, the process of the three of them heading to the mansion's gate was very smooth, and they quickly arrived at the mansion's gate.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes immediately focused on these three middle-aged men.

"Hey! I know them! Isn't this the palace master of our tenth floor?"

"It is indeed Ling Tianyang, one of the three palace masters! The two people in gray clothes next to him are his two guardians."

"The Palace Master actually knocked on the door."

"I'm really curious if they will also be turned away."

"Probably not. If even the Palace Master is turned away, who else can get in? Oh, not counting the two who got in before!"

"Let's just wait and see. Let's see if the palace owner can go in and see how he got in."


Everyone was talking about it, and at the same time they looked more attentively. Everyone wanted to know whether Ling Tianyang and the guardians could enter the mansion.

At the same time, I also want to know what the so-called sincerity is.

"Boom boom boom!"

Ling Tianyang and the guardians on the left and right came to the door of Tang Yi's mansion and knocked on the door of the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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