Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3959 Terrifying Power, Reactions from All Parties

Chapter 3959 Terrifying Power, Reactions from All Parties
  "Indeed, the source of my feeling is also from that direction!"

Another protector said.

Ling Tianyang pondered and said uncertainly: "Is it really Tang Yi?"

"We'll find out later when we go there?"

Protector Road.


Ling Tianyang nodded and said, "Then we will go over and take a look later."


Somewhere in Dongling City.

"It seems to be Tang Yi's side. He seems to have made a breakthrough again."

Shadow said to Huan Qing.

Hearing this, Huan Qing looked startled and said in disbelief: "It's actually Tang Yi. Didn't Tang Yi just break through not long ago? I remember that when he fought with the ancestor of the Jiulong family, he broke through once, and that time, he had He has surpassed the ancestor’s strength. And now he has achieved a breakthrough... What level of strength should he reach?"

"It's really hard to imagine."

Shadow sighed.

"We don't need to worry too much. Let's go back and wait for the meeting."

Huan Qing said.


An inn in Dongling City.

"What a terrifying aura! Which strong person has made a breakthrough?"

Xu Yu said in shock while resisting the terrifying pressure.

After a period of resistance, he was already sweating profusely, and his clothes were completely soaked with sweat.

And his overall condition also declined rapidly, and his spirit became slightly depressed.

"This momentum... seems to be coming from Tang Yi's direction! Do you think it's because Tang Yi has made a breakthrough?"

Yuan Gong guessed.

"Tang Yi? It's impossible, right? I remember he just broke through once in Brawl City! Why did he break through again?"

Lu Sheng said in disbelief.

"Yeah, I don't believe he will break through again. But this aura is very similar to when he was in Brawl City. The other direction it came from is also the direction of Tang Yi's mansion."

Yutian said.

Long Suyu glanced in the direction of the breath and said, "It should be him. This breath is not similar to when he broke through in Brawl City, but exactly the same. So it must be him. But people didn't expect it. What's amazing is that in such a short period of time, he actually broke through again."

Yuan Qu thought for a while and said: "I saw before that the Lord Ling of the Realm Palace and a mysterious old man went to talk to Tang Yi. And he also gave Tang Yi something. Maybe...his strength increased because of Palace Master Ling and the mysterious old man gave him some items that could increase his strength, allowing him to complete his breakthrough."

"It's possible."

Yu Tian nodded and said: "Of course, no matter what the reason is, if Tang Yi really breaks through, it will be a good thing for us! Before the breakthrough, he was already comparable to the ancestor, and now he breaks through again... that strength It will definitely go to the next level.”

Xu Yu asked: "Should we visit again?"

Long Suyu directly refused: "No, we have already visited today, it would be a bit presumptuous to visit again. Let's ask about this tomorrow."

Yu Tian nodded and said: "Suyu is right. Let's visit again tomorrow. It's already very late tonight and it would be too presumptuous to visit again."

"Then tomorrow." Xu Yu said: "But how long will it take for Tang Yi to break through? This momentum is too terrifying. After a while, I may not be able to hold on."

Yuanwen also looked helpless and said: "Tang Yi is too reckless. Can't he make some preparations when he breaks through? At least prevent his momentum from leaking. It is estimated that many people will stay up all night tonight."

Lu Sheng also said: "Yes, even us at the peak of the True God Realm are feeling the huge pressure and can't stand it. Needless to say, there are others. Many people must be affected or even injured tonight. . In more serious cases, there may be casualties."

Long Suyu said: "Is Tang Yi reckless? I don't think so. Maybe he has made preparations? Maybe he has prepared, but he is not prepared enough, or he does not know that his breakthrough will cause such a big battle. .That’s why things like this happened now.”

Hearing this, Yu Tian laughed and said: "It seems that Xiao Yu'er really pays attention to Tang Yi, and actually knows him so well? Does he even know if he is a reckless person? Maybe the situation at this moment is just like what you said. He said that maybe Tang Yi didn't know that there would be such a big fuss, so he wasn't fully prepared, right? And if it was true what Xiao Yu'er said, then Tang Yi would definitely have a headache now. Because the City Lord's Mansion of Dongling City would definitely look for If you come to the door, you will inevitably have to explain yourself."

"No way! I just think that Tang Yi was so calm when he faced the enemy and grasped the details of the battle so well. How could such a careful person not prepare in advance before breaking through."

Long Suyu explained, and then said: "Tang Yi did it unintentionally. Even if the lord of Dongling City comes to visit, nothing will happen."

Yutian looked like he had seen through Long Suyu, but he just smiled and didn't say anything more. Instead, he said: "Okay, everyone, let's go back and rest. We will visit Tang Yi again tomorrow."

"it is good!"


Everyone nodded.


The main palace of Dongling City.

"What's going on? Who broke through in our Dongling City?"

Wei Wu, the lord of Dongling City, frowned and asked.

The subordinate replied: "I don't know! I haven't heard that any powerful people came to Dongling City. However, today the patriarchs and senior officials of various ancient families, as well as the leaders of some forces came to Dongling City and visited Dongling City. A certain resident of the house. And according to the information from my subordinates, this resident was recently brought in by the three palace masters on the second floor of the Realm Palace of Menghu. It seems that... his name is Tang Yi? "

"Tang Yi?"

Wei Wudao: "But Tang Yi, who just topped the rankings of the Night Demon Fighting Arena?"

"I'm not sure! But there is a certain probability!"

The subordinate responded.

"The same name is Tang Yi. Today, the patriarchs and senior leaders of various ancient families and the leaders of various forces came to visit. At the same time, they were also personally led by the lower-level palace masters. So it must be the same person!"

Wei Wu thought for a moment and asked: "Then do you know who is making a breakthrough at this moment? But this Tang Yi is making a breakthrough? I heard that this Tang Yi defeated one against twenty in the Night Demon Arena. He has defeated more than twenty Shintos, and also defeated an ancestor-level existence. He has such a powerful strength. If he breaks through, he will indeed have such power."

"Tang Yi is not sure, but this momentum is indeed coming from the direction of his mansion!"

The subordinate replied.

"That means it's probably him?"

Wei Wu said.

"It's possible!"

The subordinate replied.

But at this time.


A figure descended from the sky and came to Wei Wu's side.

When Wei Wu saw the figure, he immediately said respectfully: "I have met my father."

The subordinates also said: "I have met Mr. Wei."

(End of this chapter)

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