Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 4004 Ice Clan Mysterious Cave

Chapter 4004 Ice Clan Mysterious Cave
  After Tang Yi's reminder, Long Suyu and others came to their senses and hurried to pick evergreen fruits.

What is unexpected is that there are actually fifteen evergreen fruits in total!
  Originally, only a few could be seen from a distance, and everyone thought there were only a few Evergreen Fruits.

Unexpectedly, it reached double digits and there were actually fifteen pieces.

This was really beyond everyone's expectation.

And Long Suyu and others picked them all.

Since this time they relied entirely on Tang Yi to obtain such a treasure, Long Suyu and others did not dare to ask for too much. They just took one piece each and gave the rest to Tang Yi.

Even if Tang Yi asked them to ask for more, they would definitely not want it.

In this way, the fifteen evergreen fruits were distributed. Long Suyu and others each received one, while Tang Yi received ten.

Ten crystal-clear evergreen fruits blooming with emerald green light were put into the system backpack by Tang Yi.

The Evergreen Fruit can improve various attributes and at the same time improve the talent of cultivation. It is the best divine fruit, but it has no great effect on Tang Yi.

So he was not going to eat these fruits himself, but took them out to Mu Xianling and others.

This is one of the gifts he prepared for the daughters of Mu Xianling.

As for the evergreens…

The water flows slowly, Tang Yi and others are not prepared to touch the evergreen tree, and decide to let the evergreen tree continue to grow in the place of conflict.

Although the evergreen tree itself is also a treasure and can be used for forging or making some things, and its leaves have medicinal effects, it is still inferior to the evergreen fruit.

Tang Yi and others did not want to stop the growth of Evergreen Fruit just because they were greedy for some materials.

In this way, Tang Yi and his party picked the evergreen fruits, distributed them, and continued on their journey.

The rest of the trip went very smoothly. They didn't encounter any natural treasures or any monsters.

The group of people kept moving quickly in the direction Tang Yi sensed.

Two hours later, everyone was halfway through the journey, and at this moment, they encountered a foreign race in the land of conflict.

I saw a group of aliens wearing white robes moving quickly in the snow. They seemed to have some special mission and were moving in a hurry.

There are about thirty members of the Ice Tribe in this team. Except for the few at the front, their auras are almost at the peak of the True God Realm.

The auras of the people at the front were even more powerful than those at the peak of the True God Realm, and they must be above the level of Shinto.

"Tang Yi, it's the Ice Clan! The Ice Clan is indeed in a place of conflict. I didn't expect the Cambrian to be able to stop them."

Long Suyu said.

Yu Tian smiled and said: "The Cambrian naturally cannot stop their pace. Because the coldness of the Cambrian is just right for them. They are a race living in a cold land! This is their world, and in this Only in this environment can they operate with ease. The Cambrian is just right for them."

Xu Yu glanced at the Ice Clan and said seriously: "This is a medium-sized team! There are about thirty of them, and the leaders among them should have cultivation levels above the divine way, and their aura is very powerful!"

Lu Sheng said: "They seem to be going on some mission. They act in a flashy manner and appear cautious at the same time!"

Yuanwen said: "Their direction is north, which is different from ours."

Long Suyu asked Yutian: "What should we do now?"

"This team's actions are so strange. They must have some agenda. They just don't know what kind of mission they want to perform."

Yu Tian thought for a moment and said: "The foreign races are absolute enemies of us, and they are also the target of our mission. We have no reason to let them go. If we are the only ones, of course there is no way, but since Tang Yi is also here , we naturally want to play a big game."

After a pause, Yutian asked Tang Yi: "Tang Yi, are you okay with facing several Ice Tribes who are above the Shinto?" Tang Yi nodded and said, "No problem!"

"Okay, Tang Yi said no problem, those are the lines."

Yu Tian said: "We don't need to attack them directly. We can follow them first to see what they are going to do, and then attack them. As for the direction problem, we can deal with them first, and then move forward in the original direction. What do you think?"

"That's fine with me."

Lu Sheng nodded.

Xu Yu also nodded and said, "No problem."

Yuan Qu said: "I think it's okay."

Long Suyu nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

Then, the five people looked at Tang Yi, wanting to hear Tang Yi's opinion.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Tang Yi nodded immediately and said: "Okay! Just follow them. I also want to see what they are going to do. It's okay to wait until they are dealt with and then continue to return to the original direction."

"Okay! That's what we'll do."

Yutian Dao.

In this way, Tang Yi and others changed direction and followed the medium-sized team of the Ice Tribe, hanging far behind the opponent.

The distance between the two sides was about two thousand meters. If there were only Long Suyu's team of five at this moment, they might have been discovered at such a distance.

After all, the distance of about two thousand meters can be easily detected with the power of divine thought above Shinto.

Such a distance, under the influence of a strong person above Shinto, there is no way to hide.

Therefore, if the five members of the Longsuyu team come close to such a distance, they will definitely be discovered.

But at this moment, due to the presence of Tang Yi, because Tang Yi cast a layer of protective shield on Mu Xianling and others, even at such a close distance, the Shinto of the Ice Tribe could not detect them.

Under Tang Yi's actions, let alone the Shinto of the Ice Clan, even the ancestors of the Ice Clan, as long as they were not the ancestors of the Holy Son, would not be able to discover it.

Therefore, the Long Suyu team followed the Ice Tribe team from a distance of two thousand meters without being discovered from the beginning to the end. They followed the Ice Tribe team from a distance and kept moving forward for more than half an hour.

More than half an hour later, the Ice Tribe team came to a cave and stopped.

Due to the wind and snow, the cave has been half buried. If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to tell that there is a cave in the snow.

And with the other half, it is difficult to tell that this is a cave.

The reason why Long Suyu and others knew this was a cave was because Tang Yi told them.

After all, Tang Yi's spiritual thoughts are extremely powerful now, and he can know what's nearby with just a thought.

The place of conflict is different from other places in that there is no restriction on spiritual consciousness, so Tang Yi can use his spiritual consciousness at will.

Under Tang Yi's exploration, the cave in front of the Ice Tribe was naturally invisible.

In front of the cave, after the Ice Tribe team stopped, they took out their weapons one after another, as if they were facing a powerful enemy and were ready for battle.

Two of the Ice Tribes took out shovels and began to remove the snow in front of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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