Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 4010 I told you everything

Chapter 4010 I told you everything

Under normal circumstances, this team of Ice Clan is fearless.


This is not the case in general.

Now their companions exploded and died next to them.

The bloody smell and the splashing blood all rushed towards his face.

The impact on them was huge!
  Let their mentality no longer be calm.

A feeling of fear surged into my heart uncontrollably.

In addition, Tang Yi showed an invincible posture, huge pressures came directly over him, and intense fear swept directly over him.

This intensified the fear in their hearts at this moment.

It even messed up their mentality and caused them to break their defenses one after another.

So at the moment when the three True God Realm Ice Tribes fell, all the Ice Tribes seemed to have seen some terrifying scene and stepped back, not daring to get any closer!

They even covered their noses one after another, as if the smell of blood at this moment was some kind of stench that they couldn't stand!

Several Ice Clan members finally couldn't bear it any longer and vomited out in utter embarrassment.

"Sir, I really didn't lie, I..."

Seeing this scene, the leader of the Ice Tribe wanted to say something else to save the lives of his people.

But before he finished speaking, Tang Yi couldn't help but take action immediately!


Tang Yi pointed at the three Ice Tribes again.

And this time!
  Among the Ice Tribe pointed by Tang Yi, there is also an Ice Tribe who is above the Shinto level!
  At this moment, Tang Yi obviously wanted to take action against the Ice Tribe who were above the Shinto level!

Facing Tang Yi's methods, even the Ice Tribe who are above the level of Shinto are powerless to resist!
  "Puff puff!"

As before, the three Ice Tribes targeted by Tang Yi all exploded and no one was spared.

Even if it is above Shinto, there is no difference.

It's nothing more than a less piecemeal death.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Ice Clan, the peak level of the True God Realm, and earning 9999 billion God Points and 999 million God Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Ice Clan, the peak level of the True God Realm, and earning 9999 billion God Points and 999 million God Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Ice Tribe, which is above the Shinto level, and earning 99999 billion God Points and 9999 million God Coins."


Seeing this scene, the Ice Tribe was even more frightened!
  They kept retreating, wanting to stay away from the place where their companions exploded, but they did not dare to go too far for fear that Tang Yi would treat them as fugitives and hunt them down.

In short, they were very embarrassed at the moment, and they were afraid to stay away but didn't dare to stay away.

After Tang Yi's action this time, they became even more afraid of Tang Yi.

The mentality also became more exciting.

Some of the Ice Tribe even whispered to the Ice Tribe leader: "Sir, save us, we don't want to die."

There is more than one such Ice Tribe!
  Everyone's mentality was completely shattered.

After all, you must know that among the Ice Clan that Tang Yi killed this time, there were existences above the divine way!

Tang Yi's killing of an Ice Tribe who was above the divine way had a greater impact and shock on the Ice Tribe team than his previous killing of several ordinary Ice Tribes at the peak of the True God Realm.

The fear given to them must also be stronger.

After all, even those in the divine realm can't withstand it, so how can they, ordinary people at the peak of the true god realm, be able to withstand it?

If the other party can kill someone above Shinto, then killing them isn't a piece of cake?
  Who can not panic after seeing such a scene? Who can not be afraid?
  "Sir, save us. We don't want to die."

Another ordinary Ice Tribe asked the leader of the Ice Tribe for help.

But how to save the leader of the Ice Tribe?

What can he do to save him?
  Looking at the pitiful expressions of the tribesmen, the leader of the Ice Tribe would be lying if he said he wasn't heartbroken, but what could he do if he was heartbroken?

Can heartache bring back the clan members who died before? Can heartache save all the clan members?
  Obviously that's not possible.

Let alone rescuing people at this moment, the leader of the Ice Clan can't even save himself.

"My lord, what I just said is really..."

The leader of the Ice Tribe is still insisting.

But Tang Yi didn't talk nonsense to him at all. Seeing that the leader of the Ice Tribe didn't want to talk, he immediately took action again.

Still the same target, two ordinary Ice Tribes at the peak of the True God Realm and one Ice Tribe above the Divine Dao!

"Puff puff!"

The three bodies shattered into pieces, smashed into pieces, and turned into flesh and blood all over the sky. The smell of blood filled the air instantly.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Ice Clan, the peak level of the True God Realm, and earning 9999 billion God Points and 999 million God Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Ice Clan, the peak level of the True God Realm, and earning 9999 billion God Points and 999 million God Coins."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Ice Tribe, which is above the Shinto level, and earning 99999 billion God Points and 9999 million God Coins."


With three less companions in the team, the Ice Tribe suddenly became even more panicked, and their uneasiness became even stronger. Fear and panic filled their minds.

The Ice Tribe was completely out of control at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi asked coldly: "Are you telling the truth? If you still don't tell the truth, I don't mind killing you all!"

"If we tell the truth, won't you kill us?"

The leader of the Ice Tribe asked rhetorically.

"Then it depends on whether you are telling the truth and whether it has any effect on me." Tang Yi said.

Hearing this, the leader of the Ice Tribe did not answer immediately, but began to ponder.

He seemed to be thinking about something.

But Tang Yi couldn't wait for him to think.

I saw him saying to all the Ice Tribes in the Ice Tribe team: "Who among you can tell you what exactly you want to get in Tianmen, then I will let him live, otherwise... I will give you three seconds now." Time! If none of you tell me within three seconds, then I will kill you all."

After saying that, Tang Yi started counting down: "3!"

On the count of three, Tang Yi took action immediately and killed three Ice Tribes again.

And with Tang Yi's killing this time, the number of Ice Tribes has been reduced to less than ten!
  There are only two members of the Ice Tribe left above Shinto.

One of them includes the leader.


On the count of two, Tang Yi took action again, with three Ice Tribes again.

At this moment, only the last five people of the Ice Clan are left, including the leader of the Ice Clan.

Besides the leader, the last Shinto was also killed by Tang Yi this time.

"Save me! Chief, save me, I really don't want to die!"

"I don't know, we don't know anything, I don't want to die!"

"Sir, this human master, we don't know anything. What exactly do we want to get from Tianmen? Only our master knows this. If you want to ask, just ask him. We really don't know anything. Please forgive us. "

"Let us go, please."


The remaining Ice Tribe began to beg for mercy, and everyone was trembling.

Some of them knelt down directly because of fear, kowtowed to Tang Yi, and begged Tang Yi to spare their lives.

But Tang Yi was unmoved and kept counting on his own.

However, just when Tang Yi was about to count down and was about to say '1', he was about to take action to kill the Ice Clan.

The leader of the Ice Tribe suddenly raised his head and said to Tang Yi: "I say! I say everything! Don't do anything!"

(End of this chapter)

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